Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fun in the sun!

In keeping with my new year’s resolution to do more fun, outdoor things on the weekend, we headed out for a Sunday drive. It was touch and go as to whether we would actually get to go out because I slept in to 10.30am – Yes I know 10.30am….I so needed it!

We headed to Wynnum for some fun. It was a great afternoon. The kids and Trevor went for a swim (I was too busy taking pictures LOL), we had some lunch in the park and played in the playground after which we headed home.

Doesn't she have the cutest little bum...I could eat her up!

...and on the sideline watching Byron and Daddy swimming.

She is such a doll!

I promised Byron he could have an ice-cream from one of those ice-cream vans (that was before I knew it would cost $4 for ONE ice-cream). The ice-cream melted every where in about 1 minute flat, but he seemed to enjoy it.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

So cute! Love the one of Lily watching trev and Byron!