Friday, January 04, 2008

I can't keep it in...

Ok, so it was going to be a surprise. I was trying to keep it in…but I just can’t!

I’m getting my new camera!!!!

My very first digital SLR, a Canon 30D, should arrive home from Hong Kong on Sunday (mum lovingly ‘lent’ me the money and purchased it for me whilst she was over there – she got a super deal too).

I’m totally beside myself with eagerness to try it out. My enthusiasm and excitement is sickening really. It’s just a camera…right?! Trevor reckons I don’t do enough house work as it is and that I will do even less now. Pfft!!!

Seriously though, he has a point. I mean how will I ever get a chance to keep abreast of housework with my new found hobby?


I can’t wait for it to arrive. The only downer being I won’t be able to use it straight away. You can’t use a camera without a lens! I have to wait for my 50mm 1.4 USM lens to arrive from the USA. It will be perfect for my little Gem.

I’m sure 3-5 business days will take an eternity.

…Waiting patiently *taps feet*


MrsPfeiff said...

Yeaaaaahh baby!! *happy dance* here we go!!!!!!!

Pffft to the cleaning. Who gives? Not me!!

Looking forward to many-a-long distance photo shoot with you!!

Love Karen xxx

MrsPfeiff said...

*taps foot*

Is it theeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrre yet? I know it's not...just wish it was!!!!!

Ciao babe xxx