Sunday, April 27, 2008 more of Lily!

You would never think Lily was difficult to photograph given the amount of photos I have taken the last few days. Alas, don't be deceived! She is the most difficult of all subjects. I figure I always get such good ones of Byron it was about time I put some real effort in to trying to get some of Lily. I think I've done ok. I'm pretty happy with the stuff I have captured of her this weekend.

We went to the Coast today to pick up the lights for the house - less thing to worry about. While we were down there, we took the kids to the park for a bit of a play. I captured some more of Lily...I promise I'll give it a rest for a while - you're probably getting so sick of seeing them. You can't deny how cute she is though...totally gorgeous and worth all the 'screen time'.

Ok. Ok. I promise I'll lighten up for the week with my Lily pictures.

(Vintage Lily by the water)


Peta said...

We could never see too much of the gorgeous princess. Keep them coming!
BTW I haer you on the tantrum thing, too ....

Penelope said...

Oh she is just heavenly. I could never get sick of seeing photos of that gorgeous little girl!!