Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fixture Sport

Byron started fixture sport - Kindy Futsal (or indoor soccer).

My besty, his godmother, organised for him to join. I actually didn’t realise there was organised sport out there for littlies under 5. There is though and she found it. She swung by our place on Saturday morning and we headed out to the centre (after I packed all the stuff we would require for swimming lessons which just so happened to be half an hour after soccer finished ).

Can I just say at the outset that his cuteness factor was beyond words...especially when the teeny tiny little shin pads and big socks were added to the outfit.

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The program was developed for children 3-5. There are no big soccer games just drills and activities geared towards developing ball skills and coordination. They even played ‘what’s the time Mr Wolf’ and ‘duck, duck, goose’, There was so much running around that it got to the point, towards the end of the hour, when Byron just sat on the floor and said “I can’t…I have no more energy” – bless him. There was also the time Byron picked up the ball with is hands *gasp*. Shortly after realising what he did *gasp* he started crying because, Trevor had grilled him many times the night before that he couldn't pick up the ball (and no he won't be one of 'those' parents). He got over it about 20 seconds later.

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In typical Byron style his focus was a little off. He was off with the pixies a few times during the hour. I am actually hoping this will help a little with his attention span. Time will tell.

There are 8 more sessions this season (we joined mid season) which should provide sufficient time for Byron to decide if he likes it. He said he had fun and he seemed to enjoy the novelty of it all but hey when you're 4 you're bound to change your mind weekly.

Next week he should get his ‘strip’ which will have his name on the back. I can’t wait to see how he looks.

In other news…

I just wanted to say a big congratulations to a special friend Andee (and Logan). Congratulations on the birth of their very special and long awaited princess, Tasmin Alana. I am over the moon with delight that their star is finally here – and after a home birth too. Words can not express how proud I am of the way she got through it! I can’t wait to share the next part of her journey with her.

1 comment:

Peta said...

How gorgeous is Byron???? Looks like he had a great time. Do you realise, that now, it is official? YOU ARE A SOCCER MUM .....