Saturday 29 April 2006
Dear baby girl,
Daddy got to feel you properly for the first time today. You landed two big kicks in a row. Your brother can’t wait to feel you now; although you will have to land some big kicks for him to feel - and on command. See, his attention span is not too long. He puts his hand on my tummy for a few seconds and that’s it, so you have to be ready ok!
Lots of love
Mummy (Daddy & Byron) xxx
Sunday 30 April 2006
I have been a busy little bee today. I managed to clean Byron’s room and put everything in its place. I moved all his ‘baby things’ from the baby’s room – like money boxes, teddies etc (all those things he got as christening gifts etc) and put them in his room. It only took 3 hours!!! I am officially pleased as punch.
My darling boy has been a bit of a wild child today . He has been a tad hyperactive. On the best of days we would be hard pressed to get 10 seconds of silence with Byron around. Today, we were lucky to get 1 second!!! By the time he feel asleep at around 9.15pm (after he was put to bed at 7.00pm) I was exhausted. I suppose it could have something to do with his swollen right eye. His eye was a little red on Friday. Yesterday it was fine. However, today, when he woke up from his sleep it looked funny. It progressively got worse over a few hours and is now swollen. Hopefully, it is nothing serious. We will see tomorrow.
On a lighter note, he said the cutest thing to me today. I found his little pretend wallet which has 3 pretend coins in it. He proceeded to tell me that he was going to the shops to buy me some sausage, milk, chocolate milk and bread. He packed up his baby Sam in his stroller, opened the front door and off he went. Not to worry, he was back with the groceries about 1 min later. He also had a sweet surprise for me; ”mummy here is $500,000 for you” (yes $500K) and he handed me one of his pretend coins. What a cherub!!!
Well it’s onto the baby’s room tomorrow – although I did start that today.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
What a weekend!
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10:12:00 PM
Friday, April 28, 2006
Things that go unnoticed.
I was amazed today at just how we let the little things pass us by unnoticed.
You see, I was walking my mother out to her car this evening, with Byron, when I noticed that his beautiful white blonde hair was getting darker. It was no longer the white hair I was so used to, but a sandier blonde. I know to others it still looks very blonde, but to me, it had changed. How had I not noticed this?
Everyday he gets bigger, gains more character, becomes much cheekier; yet many of these changes, albeit subtle, go unnoticed.
We measured him the other day and he has grown to 94cms (such a tall boy). When he was 2 he was 89cms. So, he has grown 5cms in 7 months. Trevor put a t-shirt on him the other day, which oddly looked smaller then it had the last time he wore it. Maybe it just shrunk in the dryer. I suspect not - he had grown, and we had only just noticed.
I guess what I realised today, is that I need to pay attention to the little things – take more ‘notice’. I am not saying I don’t notice him, because I do. It’s more like, observing. That is, once in a while, take a step back and just look – become aware of the changes occurring before me.
Posted by
10:55:00 PM
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Movement in the house...
I have movement in the house. I thought I could feel it, but now I know I can. They are just little movements; just a poke here and there, and tap to say hello. But they are there...
I am pleasantly reminded that I am not alone.
Little tiny hands a precious rounded knee
pushing and twisting that no one can see.
Oh sweet child kicking up your heels,
it is our little secret that only I can feel.
I look forward to your birth,
when I can kiss your skin,
but for now I will just smile,
As I feel you play within.
Posted by
10:33:00 PM
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
The first 20 weeks...
Dear Diary (oh that sounds so cliché),
Well, here I am. I have been meaning to put pen to paper for a while now but have just never got around to it.
This week marks the halfway mark of my pregnancy. I must say, compared to my pregnancy with Byron, time has flown by, and I still can’t believe I am 20 weeks.
The first 20 weeks in a nutshell
My experience with pregnancy to date has not always been a pleasant one. With Byron, I was consumed with horrible sickness (Hyperemesis Gravidarum) which was something you don’t envisage when you want to get pregnant. As a result of this sickness work was not an option, finances dwindled and life was a tad stressful. So when it came time to have bub no. 2, I was prepared – well I thought I was.
As with Bryon, this pregnancy has been plagued with sickness, inability to work and dwindling finances. In the first 10 weeks of this pregnancy, I trekked off to the hospital on 3 separate occasions, thinking I was practically dieing…hey it really feels like that! Just think food poisoning cross with bad hang over and chronic fatigue (I think that sums it up nicely). That was until; I begged the doctor at the hospital to give me a drug called Zofran to help numb the pain LOL.
Oh Zofran, oh how I dream about you so - you are my saviour, my get out of jail free card (well not so free at $106.50 for 10!!!). Honestly, without Zofran I would be 10kgs lighter and having a miserable time. At least now, I am getting fatter, eating when I can and enjoying being pregnant somewhat.
Apart form the hyperemeses, the first part of the pregnancy was uneventful. But there was fear (that I never had with Byron) on account of the miscarriage I suffered previously at 10 weeks. However, upon the hearing of the heartbeat my mind was eased a little. When I could find it myself, with the Fetal Doppler I purchased, I was easily reassured.
The highlight of the pregnancy so far was the Ultrasound on 12 April 2006 at 18.2 weeks. I was convinced bubby was a boy…well at least I told myself that to avoid any disappointment.
The ultrasound was over an hour, and it took the better part of the hour to find out what we were having. To my delight it was a girl…we were told by the sonogapher that she was 99% sure she did not see any boy bits - LOL I wanted a photo of "its bits" for proof, but she reasurred that there were 'no bits' to take a photo of.
Trevor was happy to have a little princess. Although deep down I think he is relieved that I got my girl. It is more ammunition for the 2 children argument. See I want 3 – but we will leave that for another day.
Well that brings me to now – 20 weeks!!! Half way, well over halfway I hope; the countdown has begun.
Posted by
10:35:00 PM