Sunday, September 30, 2007

Birthday Weekend!!


It was one of those weekends where come Sunday evening you sit back and sigh with great relief that it is all over. I really need another weekend just to get over the one I just had.

The cake

Friday night was spent getting reading for the big party on Saturday morning. I eagerly (it’s my new found hobby) prepared the cake. I was so in the spirit of cake making that I made some matching baby cupcakes as well. I was really quite happy with how the cake turned out...or at least as happy as you can be when you have nothing to copy off. I was hoping the limited sum of artistic flair I possess would shine. I was happy it had the desired effect of construction…

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Once my cake making was completed, there were party bags to pack and things to sort out. After I was satisfied I had done all I could, I headed to bed excited about my little man’s big day.

Party day

We woke to a beautiful glorious spring day; just magnificent for a party in the park. Trevor left nice and early to ensure the best spot at the park was ours. He was successful, which was a load off my mind. That’s the thing about having events in the park, which we so often do, is that you aren’t guaranteed the spot – it’s first in best dressed – which creates a rather stressful build up in preparations. I am just thankful things have worked out in our favour so far. We managed to snag the nice big undercover area with lots of tables, in close proximity to the BBQ and the toilet and of course the big play area.

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There is nothing more adorable then watching children in play, and as expected, that is exactly what all the kids did. They had so much fun playing in the wide open spaces of the park; *sigh* what I wouldn’t give for that innocence once more...

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If you haven't already guessed, the theme for the party was construction. There were traffic signs around the place, mini traffic cones, truck plates and napkins. The kids loved it but most importantly, Byron was wrapped with how it all turned out. He took note of all the detail…well as much as a four year old could.

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Only one party game was played because I just thought kids would want to be kids and make the most of the huge play area (hence the reason I chose the location). I chose pass the parcel. Now, it wasn't any normal pass the parcel; it was an electronic pass the parcel, with remote and all. It was perfect for the out door setting - no need for paper and best of all, no need for music. It was definitely a hit and that was with the parents…the children loved it.

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I made a point of not revealing the cake to Byron until it was party time. The sheer expression on his face when he first saw it was worth the effort a million times over. He thought it was "cool". I knew he would love it. He especially loved the 4 little digger candles. As mum was cutting the cake and handing it out to all the eager children she was greeted with "can I have some dirt?", "I want some grass", "I want the crumble". At least I know it had the affect I had desired! It's just a shame I never got to try any of the dirt! Maybe next year...

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Byron had mentioned in passing on many occasions that he wanted a Piñata for his birthday. He just loved the idea of bashing something up and not getting into trouble for it. He was very excited when he arrived at the party to see a piñata - and a truck one at that. Straight up, he wanted to grab the stick and start the attack. His patience was running thin during the course of the party, when I kept denying him the pleasure… "can we do the piñata now"…we had to wait until the time was right – after the cake! It was just adorable to see all the kids (20 of them) lined up in a line waiting with anticipation at their turn to whack the piñata. 20 minutes later, hundred's of knife incisions to aid in the 'breaking', it was wrecked. The poor stick looked a bit worse for wear at the end!

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Byron was a very lucky boy indeed. He received some gorgeous presents - trucks, cars and games to name a few.

It was a celebrated day. Byron and all his little friends had heaps of fun. I tell you what though, I was glad when it was over. I’m glad that’s it for another year *sigh*. No more parks!!!! It will be the new house next year.

If the party wasn’t enough for a Saturday, we had to head out in the late afternoon to a friend's place for a BBQ. We made it home by 9.00pm at which point I crawled into my PJs and straight into bed.

Speaking of bed, I'm buggered. Sunday will have to wait until Monday...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dearest Byron...

To my dearest Byron,

So, little man…it is good bye three and hello four. WOW…four already! Time is whizzing by at a rate of knots.

During the course of the past year any last grimace of toddler hood has all but gone. You are a boy now….a boy well and truly. The minute you became obsessed with ‘construction’ it sealed the deal. Speaking of ‘construction’, I would have to say you’re fanatical. Cement trucks, diggers, traffic cones – any thing for that matter that resembles and/or is relating to building or assembly (especially that relating to dirt), your into it. You love watching the diggers working on the estate directly across from kindy. You watch with gusto every morning. With out fail you will comment “the diggers are working today” or “the workmen aren’t working” if it is raining or a weekend. It seems you have your own little construction site at the moment. You have of late taken to digging up the back yard, so much so that you left a pot hole which Nanna nearly broke her ankle in! In short, buddy, ‘construction’ is your niche.

This past year has seen your very first as a big brother. You are the best big brother around. The love you have for your sister is evident. ‘Lil’ as you call her is your little buddy. You greet her with gusto and glee in the mornings, standing at the side of the cot, laughing and playing with her, chucking every stuffed toy in there with her, including her massive big bear, while you wait for me to struggle out of bed. Lil follows you around like a sick puppy. She loves to wrestle with you, play cars with you and just be in your presence whenever she can and you are more then accommodating most (95%) of the time. You watch out for your sister; you protect her from dangers even at such an early age. I have no doubt that this protection instinct will get stronger as the years pass and that is one of the blessings I can’t wait to observe.

I love that you can dress yourself now. You have learnt to take off your clothes before bath time. It took a while to learn how to get the t-shirt off but with much frustration you finally got there – singlets still pose a little bit of a problem though, but you’re getting there. Over the past few months you now get yourself up and dressed for kindy, albeit leaving a lot to be desired in the fashion stakes. Your take on fashion is ‘serious’. You won’t wear it unless it’s ‘cool’. Yep, you read right…“I’m not wearing that, it’s not cool!” or “this is cool”. I just resort to trying to tell you that everything is cool and hope to god you believe me - although sometimes you just don’t, know matter how hard I try to convince you otherwise.

You have done well at kindy this year. You have learnt a lot. Sometimes though, you do lack concentration which can be frustrating for those on the other end. You don’t like to draw and colour for periods longer then 5 minutes. If you can’t do something straight away you get frustrated and tend to give up. You’re a competitive little thing. You seem to have the ‘if I can’t win I don’t want to play’ mentality of late but I’m sure that will pass with time.

You make me laugh often, everyday in fact with your off the cuff comments and simple innocence…like the other day when you said in a dramatic fashion grasping your forehead, “my temperature is sick”. It’s not just about the things you say so much but the expression that goes with it. Your favourite of late is “what the heck is this” (who knows where you picked that up). You often say it with a tilt of the head and hands held in the air or on the hips – which ever takes your fancy at the time. You are very expressive. .

I often find myself watching the little junior high school boys on the bus in the morning on the way to work thinking that one day, in the not to distant future, that will be you. I try to picture you in your school uniform but the thought just seems too foreign – I can not fathom that one day you will be gone; all grown up. No sooner were you three, you are now four. Next year you will be 5 and close to starting school. For now though, you are my little boy; my precious little boy, the light of my life – my cherub! This past year has been a delight. I have loved watching you develop into a young boy.

I love you more then words can say or if you need an analogy “up to the stars and back”.

Much love and many kisses…
Mummy xxx

Happy Birthday Byron!

This is just a quick message for my little man...there are so many things I want to say but alas they will have to wait until tonight. So, in the meantime...

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4 Already!!!
Now the fun begins…
Love Mummy, Daddy and Lily xxx

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Cake Reveal Pt 2

I am still shaking my head that it’s Byron’s birthday tomorrow. His 4th!!! I said to him this afternoon in a sad whiney voice *pouting* “my little baby is all grown up”. He responded with “I can still be your big baby".

He will always be my big baby.

I just finished making him his kindy cake...I am so impressed with myself.He likes bugs (remember his pet beetles)...and smarties.

I hope he likes it...

Monday, September 24, 2007

"Keeping it real with the ladies..."

I picked up the phone this evening and there was a delay; the delay that usually leads me to hang up because delay often means Western Australian, *cough* international, telemarketer. Anyway, before I could hang up the phone I heard a softly spoken female voice on the other end asking “can I speak to Byron”. I responded with whom may I ask is calling. “K...” she said. I knew instantly who it was. It was one of Byron’s little girl friends from kindy. I presumed she was ringing to RSVP to his party this Saturday.

Whilst Byron had just gone to bed, he was not yet asleep – Trevor was about to read him a story. So I took up the phone and told him it was for him; it was K. He was so excited when he got on the phone. He started chatting away. Trevor and I thought it hilarious the discussion they were having, something to do with “Michael butt butt”. It was “butt” this and “butt” that. It really was a silly conversation but delightful to listen to none the less. They were talking for a good few minutes but I didn’t think I heard any mention about his party so Trevor took the phone and asked K if she was coming to the party to which she confirmed she was. Trevor then said “see you later” and handed the phone back to Byron. Byron started talking again but he then realised K was no longer there – it would seem she hung up. He was shattered. He wanted to call her back. Alas, we didn’t have her number so that was not going to happen. We presume she thought Trevor had said good bye so she hung up. Probably good anyway, because, how do you get two 4 year olds off the phone?

Anyway, Trevor was all smitten thinking “Byron’s my son…keeping it real with the ladies”. Seriously *rolls eyes* men!

I’ll be honest, I got all gooey…his first phone call from a girl and he’s barely 4 *sigh*.

I asked Byron what he talked about on the phone and this is what he said:

“Michael poo poo, wee wee, penis, Greg butt but – toilet butt”...what the???

I have noticed of late that he and his little friends think it’s hilarious to talk about all things bodily. “poo poo head”, “bum bum”. The other day at kindy, one of his teachers told me that all the little boys “compare themselves” when they go to the bathroom. God help me, it has started already!!!!

My little man is growing older!

Friday, September 21, 2007

5 Years Gone…

It’s hard to believe that this time 5 years ago Trevor and I were in the grip of our wedding reception; only a few hours earlier having got married. I recall the beautiful church, Trevor’s tearful expression, my pounding heart as though it were yesterday. It was truly a magical day – spectacular in all its glory. My wedding was all that one could dream theirs to be. In hindsight, there is nothing I would do differently. From the quaint church, to the splendid spring afternoon to the ice sculpture at the reception (yes there was an ice sculpture – unexpected I might add) – It was all perfect. Alas, over too soon…*sigh*.

Today, 5 years on, we find ourselves plodding along in life, 2 kids in tow. We lead a pretty happy existence. Like most couples we have struggles and issues but we work through them and for the most part, we are content. Sometimes though, I wonder if we are too content; too set in the mundane ritual of life that we have lost the spark. We work hard, we look after the kids but when it comes to us, well to be blatantly honest, there isn’t much time for that. You might say we neglect each other a little. Not deliberately, but just through the act of living. We are conscious of this fact but it’s hard to try and break away and not worry about the kids, or money, or other trivial things which at the end of the day don’t really matter. I particularly find it hard to focus on the ‘relationship’. If truth be told, I probably don’t try hard enough (mental note – try harder!).

My darling husband was such a sweetie today and it seems the spark found him. We both agreed no gifts – just dinner when ever we had the chance to get away on a child free night (Trevor has to work early tomorrow so we didn’t think tonight would be worth baby sitting tickets). Anyway, I got in my car at the bus station this afternoon to head home after work. Low and behold, sitting on the drivers seat was one single red rose and a packet of Freckles chocolates (my favourite). It seems the cheeky blighter had driven to the bus station, located my car and popped the little surprise in there just for me. As soon as I saw it my memory flashed back to a time well before we were married; a time when the spark was at its brightest. I was working a semi graveyard shift at McDonalds (back in the day). During my shift Trevor had popped a packed of M&Ms (my then favourite) under my windshield wipers as a cheeky little surprise for no apparent reason other then to say he was thinking of me. That $1 present was one of the most memorable gifs he has ever given me which goes to show that expense is not always necessary.

Back to 21 September 2007….I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face the whole drive home. When I did arrive home to the onslaught of the children I saw Trevor sitting on the lounge 19 red roses obvious behind him. The darling husband had come up trumps!

So at the 5 year point, the spark still shines albeit probably not as bright as it once did...but nothing a bit of bluster can’t fix.

In closing, I read that as a married couple’s relationship ages to the five year anniversary it strengthens like a strong wood, and just like a mature oak tree has the wisdom not to be too rigid and to bend and give a little in stormy weathers. So its no big surprise that wood is the traditional symbol for 5 years of marriage; wood symbolising the strength of marriage. It’s fitting really – if you stop and think about it. The longer marriage goes the more flexible and tolerant you become...tolerant of the intricacies that urk and I guess flexible in unsettled times. Most importantly though, I think your love fortifies with each passing year.

Happy Anniversary Trevor!
xxx Nic

Thursday, September 20, 2007

One step...two step...

One step…two step – well not quite but almost! My little Lily is nearly walking. I can hardly contain my excitement. She can stand by herself for small periods now, although she is unable to obtain that position on her own. She has taken one step that I have seen. She could have even taken another but I wasn’t completely sure because before I knew it she was crash tackling Byron (her new favourite past time).

I am simply so proud at how far she has come...

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As I mentioned above, Lily has taken a liking to rough play with Byron, which they both seem to enjoy. However, she doesn’t quite know when ‘rough’ is too ‘rough’ if you know what I mean; that nice play doesn’t include pulling hair, bitting and slapping! The other day she bit him on the back and tonight she pulled his hair – naughty little sausage!

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dinner and a Beetle!

I am pleased to advise that the beetle is free; free and alive! According to Byron, “he is off to find his mummy” What a relief, no tears plus I feel like I have done my bit for nature.

Moving on, I just returned from a night out for dinner with my besty. I know its Tuesday but at the moment I am finding that weeknights are the only time I get to really just hang out, no strings attached, without kids. Trevor is home so no babysitter required which allows me an opportunity to just pop out and see some friends if only for a few hours.

Anyway, dinner was nice but the purpose, aside from just catching up, was to give her her very belated (yes I am extremely slack *bows head in disgrace*) wedding gift – only 1 year late. I wanted to do something special (not just money) and had a lot in mind but never got around to actually doing it. I had a brand new baby at the time of the wedding - that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it. Lucky for me, she loved the beautiful photo book I made her, full of pre wedding photos and stuff. She said it was worth the long year wait but just not to take that long with her 30th birthday.

Speaking of weddings and stuff, it is Trevor and my 5th year anniversary on Friday. I can’t believe it has been 5 years already. We were going to go out for dinner but alas Trevor has to work on Saturday morning which doesn’t make for a good night out so we have decided to give it a miss. Plus, there is also the issue of babysitting! So, until such times as we can go out and let loose i.e. get the kids baby sat, the celebrations won't be terribly exciting. My sister’s bathroom is getting ripped out starting Saturday so she can’t really do it and there really isn’t anyone else to ask (mum won’t ‘do’ Saturdays and the IL’s watch the kids a bit so it isn’t right to ask them again). Oh well...the joys of having children!

The Lady Beetle

Byron has befriended a lady beetle. Apparently it is his ‘new pet’. He wants to keep it. However, it is worth mentioning that keeping the beetle consists of making a home for her in Bryon’s lunch box without air, food, water and what ever else lady beetles need to survive.

He had talked about it last night - this infamous lady beetle but I thought she was something he had seen at kindy. It wasn’t until I went to make his lunch and then put it in his lunch box, that I discovered Miss Beetle.

Upon discovery I asked Trevor if it was dead but then the beetle moved and I could clearly see she was alive. At that moment, I headed to the back door ready to let her go free but Trevor hastily put an end to that, explaining, with a sad pout on his face for effect, that Byron would be devastated and there was no way I could do it without him. OK, OK he had a point – a point that I should have probably picked up on myself (the terrible mother that I am). I decided that if she was staying there was no way I was keeping her in Byron’s lunch box – she would die and not to mention the lunch; where was I supposed to put that? So, I made a little home for the lady beetle in a bowl with some grass (I thought it would make it more like home) and trusty gladwrap over the top with lots and lots (I think I went a little overboard) of tiny little tooth pick air holes so she could breathe.

As soon as Byron came down stairs this morning he made a run to the table to check on his beetle (not before I checked to make sure she had survived the night!). He was delighted when he saw her new little home. I tried to explain to him that he would have to let the lady beetle go; that if he didn’t she would die! He wouldn’t have a bar of it, so it was decided that he could take her to kindy for show and tell, after which he would have to let her go. I explained this to his teacher who advised him as well that the beetle will need to go and find her mummy because she will be sad without her.

It’s hard to tell how it’s all going to go...I guess I will have to wait for the update from Trev when he picks the kids up this afternoon. Fingers crossed it wasn’t too traumatic for all involved – but mainly for the beetle who I dare say will have been mobbed by a group of 3 and 4 year olds!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sleeping Children

I was talking to another kindy mum this morning when she asked me out of the blue “how did Lily sleep last night?”. I responded with “good”. I mean, what else was I supposed to respond with? She didn’t wake up, she didn’t cry – she slept all night which, to be perfectly honest, has been the norm for her since she was around 12 weeks old. Byron was even better – he wasn’t waking up at night from around the age of 8 weeks. The question got me thinking how absolutely lucky (for want of a better word) I am that my children sleep well at night because by the sounds of it, it could be a whole lot worse.

We started talking about sleep and kids. This other mum has a little girl a little older then Byron and a son 5 months younger then Lily. It seems her lovely children don’t sleep very well at night. Her daughter only just stopped waking up at night at the age of 3 and half - as for her baby…well, he wakes nearly every hour or two! I have done the whole sleep discussion thing with my mother’s group as well and it seems there are quite a few of the bubs (in fact most of them) that still wake at night or very early in the morning. When ever we get into discussions about sleeping children I always get gasps when I explain that my children sleep all night without waking and have done so from an early age – like I am some talk it up mum bragging about how good her kids are. Well I’m not…that’s honest to god just how they are.

I have no idea how I would cope if it were any different. I have absolutely no idea how I would function if my kids didn’t sleep like they do. On the days the kids have woken up at night due to illness and the like, I haven’t functioned at all the next day – I’m a mess! Thankfully, I don’t have to deal with that often.

If truth be told I am not quite sure where I am going with this entry. It is really kind of a pointless entry. I guess I just wanted to pen how grateful I am that my kids are good sleepers *touch wood*.

Friday, September 14, 2007

My little lady!

Lily is developing many of those little girl or feminine traits. She likes to brush her hair, pat her baby, kiss the baby, pop her shoes on and off and so forth.

Lily simply adores having her hair brushed. We don’t brush it often because, lets face it, there really isn’t a whole lot to brush. I usually brush it with my brush after I have done mine (if she is around) all the while saying “we’re brushing Lily’s hair”. She beams with delight, with a smile from ear to ear.

We usually brush Lily’s teeth while she is in the bath. I give her the toothbrush and she chews away. I say to her “brush your teeth Lily” at which point, without fail, she removes the toothbrush from her mouth and tries to brush her hair with it. She hasn’t yet mastered the concept that you can brush both your teeth and your hair – however, you need to use a different brush to do so. It really is priceless.

She is developing a keen understanding of clothes and shoes. The other day she had a pair of pants on her lap whilst sitting on her change table. I turned around to grab the shirt to find her holding the pants on her head as if she was trying to put them on. When I grab her shoes, ready to put on her feet, she lifts her foot in anticipation or if she can, she grabs a shoe and puts it up to her feet.

Speaking of shoes, I just love my havaianas thongs…I can’t be without them. So, when I found these absolutely adorable little tiny baby havaianas, I had to have them (whilst some would say I didn’t HAVE to have them, I would say stop me!). They are simply the cutest *sigh*

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Just changing pitches away from gilry things, I have to mention how much Lily loves birds. She points away and says ‘bir” whenever she sees them flying around. They transfix is truly amazing. They told me at kindy today that they get a lot of birds hanging around and all the littlies love to toddle to the windows and stand there watching the birds.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Six months on...

It has been six months since I started working full time. I have now been in my job for six months. I can’t say they have been six long months because it doesn’t really feel like six months; more like three.

I really do like my job but I would rather be home with my kids or at least spending more time at home then I do at work. In an ideal world I would work three days a week but I guess we can’t all live by our ‘ideals’ so I hope to cut back to four days when the time is right. I hope the time is right within the next six months.

It’s funny how things work out for the best (or better). I remember hoping, after the interview, that I wouldn’t get the job. I was honestly really worried that it was out of my league. It seems however, that I have misconstrued my abilities because things have worked out swimmingly. I really do feel ok about the work I am doing. I enjoy the people and the environment. Working fulltime at another job, or even the job I had before, would have been completely different to working fulltime in the job I am in now – completely different and for the worse.

I come and go as I please (so to speak of course) and the hours are ‘good’. I have an autonomy that I really enjoy and the work is interesting. The people are friendly and nice which makes for a ‘happier’ working environment.

Having to work full time sucks; really it does but I guess I am thankful for the job I have landed in. Gosh, I dread to think how things could have worked out.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

“Flush the toilet!”

I don’t know what it is about men or boys for that matter but why the hell can’t they flush the toilet after they use it??? I just don’t get it. Is their attention span that small that they just forget what they have been doing?

I hate finding a little surprise in the toilet when I visit…I hate it!

Byron’s habit of doing his business and not flushing the loo after he goes is driving me absolutely bonkers. I never taught him ‘not’ to flush…on the contrary, he used to flush every time when he was ‘little’ which I suspect had something to do with the joy of watching the water. In any event, I did teach him to flush and he used to do it every time but now…now he just doesn’t.

The last few months I have to make a point of asking him every time I know that he has been, as to whether he has flushed the toilet or not. Without delay, I am usually confronted with the either “Opps…I forgot”, “nothing came out” (that clearly he must not have seen because when I go look there is something there), “It wasn’t much” or wait for it “it wasn’t yellow” – What the!!! I don’t know where he is learning such absurd things, but in my house we flush – and we flush every time.

Trevor has been known not to flush which just leads me to believe it is a male trait. Maybe they just don’t have the capacity to recall…maybe their brains aren’t big enough. Who knows! I just hope Byron develops the recall to remember to flush soon as my patience is running thin in that department.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

*cluck* *cluck*

I am so unbelievably clucky at the moment it is ridiculous. My desire to have another child was never this strong when Byron was around Lily’s age – it just wasn’t! Whenever I see a pregnant women or a new baby I stop, take notice and then dream – dream about my next bub. It seems everyone around me is getting pregnant again and most of those have a baby the same age or younger then Lily. I guess when I had Byron, I didn’t really know any other people with a baby except for the few in my mother’s group and even so all but one of them waited even longer then I did to have a second child. Being around other pregnant mums is fuelling my desire (as is EB). I also think (although I hate to admit it) that the sooner I have another bub the sooner I can be a stay at home mum again if even for 6 months, following which I will be able to return to work on a part time basis (so long as the budget allows).

I know that we will have another baby when the time is right. It just sucks that timing has everything to do with money and nothing to do with desire if that makes sense. We have to get established in our new house with the big mortgage. Trevor has to get himself established with another job – one that doesn’t have him leaving home before dawn. I have to establish myself for at least a year in this job. Plus, there is the 30th next May which I so want to celebrate in a big way.

Maybe when the new house is finished (or even started), the focus will move from having another baby to the new house and entertaining! Ideally, I would love to start trying for baby no. 3 (gee that sounds absurd) in June next year (just after my 30th) but like I said, that will depend solely on money. I think Trevor is keen, but like me, he is worried about finances and my ability to work during pregnancy.

It seems my desire will have to wait until the so-called right time. I hope that the right time is June 2008. If all goes to plan I will be looking at a new edition in early to mid 2009, when Lily will be at least 2 and half and Byron going on 6 (oh my how scary)! As for me, fingers crossed I’ll still be 30!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Father's Day!

I know I know it’s a tad late. It’s just that I have been a little busy.

In cutting straight to the chase...

Sunday was a lovely day. Trevor got to sleep in but only until 8am because I decided it was time to go out for breakfast. We didn’t venture too far – just to Sizzlers. I like it there for breakfast because Byron eats for free and there is more variety for him to eat (read – more of a chance to get him to eat something) plus there are loads of ‘other’ children there so it doesn’t matter if they are a little bit louder and prouder if you know what I mean. On Sunday, we introduced him to the world of Cocco Pops (yes I’m terrible – he is nearly 4 and yet to taste the delectable breakfast that is Cocco Pops). It goes without saying that he was impressed. According to him it was “a treat breakfast”. Needless to say he went right back to porridge for breakfast on Monday.

Anyway, back to Father’s day. On my recent trip to Melbourne I found a shirt that is exactly the same as a shirt Trevor has so I couldn’t resist the purchase. Byron has been itching to wear ‘daddy’s shirt’ since I got back. Sunday seemed like the perfect day for Byron and Trevor to don the shirt together, which is exactly what they did.

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Don’t they just look smashingly handsome??

After breakfast, we came home and just hung out. Trevor and I lay on the trampoline while Byron played construction and Lily slept. Silly me forgot to give Trevor his kindy present Byron made so it was a case of better late then never. I love the kindy gifts as does Trevor. Lily made him a mug with her priceless scribbles and Byron made him a wooden door hanging which says ‘dad’s shed’ – too cute!

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In the afternoon I headed around to my sister’s place to have a little BBQ with my dad.

All in all it was a wonderful day.

Hmmm I think it's time Trev gets himself a haircut. He is beginning to look a little like Elvis!