Friday, June 30, 2006

Stage 2: Nursery Completed

Today was de-day for Trevor who had promised he would:

1. Attend the Parents' Children's and Babies Expo with me.

2. Put the wall frieze up in the baby’s room.

I am proud to say that he lived up to his promises (albeit it was accompanied by a fair amount of winging, which I tried my dandiest to ignore) and the jobs were completed.

If you knew Trevor, you would understand how difficult it was for him to come to the Parents' Children's and Babies Expo (which he reckons should have been called the Mothers' and Babies Expo) as he hates doing anything I might find exciting (like shopping or looking at baby stuff).

This morning we went along to the Expo. I have been to the Expo for the last 3 years, but have never been when I was pregnant (much harder to dodge people and prams). I really enjoy going as you can pick up some great bargains and lots of free samples (which come in very handy at times). Plus I just love to look at baby stuff, and the expo has everything in the one spot (so you can understand Trevor’s pain!).

Today’s Expo was no different to the others I have been too – just newer products. I picked up a few great bargains along the way, like an Avent "Welcome to the World" gift set for $10, which are normally $35. By the time we were leaving, there were only about 3 left. That’s the beauty with going on the first day – you get the pick of all the bargains!

Trevor and I left, sample bags and purchases in hand (well mostly in Trevor’s hand – lets face it that is the main reason for my taking him!) after approximately 2 hours of dodging people and prams – hundreds of prams!

When we got home I ducked out again to do some ‘baby shopping’ (you are thinking...what more could she need to look at!). I had to pick up Byron’s new Maxi Rider car seat and a cot mattress for the baby. I knew where I was getting them from so it was just a matter of going to pay and pick them up.

We took the convertible car seat out of the car and put the new Maxi Rider in for Byron. We had discussed it with him previously and had taken him to test out his new seat. He was extremely happy with the arm rests, but the cup holders took first prize. We also let him know that he would be changing positions in the car; with his new position now ‘behind mummy’. When I picked him up from kindy he was super excited about the new seat, for which I made sure I took along a drink bottle so he could test drive his new and exciting cup holders; unsurprisingly that went down a treat.

Now to promise #2...the infamous wall frieze which had waited so long to meet the wall.

When we unwrapped the rolls we were a little disappointed to see they weren’t self adhesive as first thought. They were the old school rolls that had to be cut into strips and dipped in warm water for 20 seconds. Both Trevor and I weren’t at all happy with this scenario, so off to Bunnings Trevor went to see if there was a better option. 20 minutes later he retuned with border glue that you could just paint on the back. This would have to do; and that it did.

After approximately 2 hours the frieze and wall were fused for eternity (or until we take it down). If I do say so myself, it looks great! Its stark contrast to what Byron had in his room reinforces the reality that Lily will be arriving soon. This reality was especially so when I set up the cot with all the bedding.

I had planned to complete the whole nursery today but after the big day I had, I just didn’t have the energy. Stage 2 is complete though. All that’s left is some rearranging, and some attention to the finer details (stage 3) which I plan to complete this weekend. For now, I have completed at least one corner of the room…

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Morning madness with a child’s best friends!

Meet Leap and Mankie (blue blankie), Byron’s ‘friends’...

These aren’t just any ordinary friends...they are his new best friends (well Leap is anyway. Mankie has been around the traps for a good few years now).

A little bit of history...

Mankie (called this by Byron who could never quite get a grip of the term blankie) was purchased by my mother for Byron when he was first born. When he was old enough, he would grab the bunnies little ears and just rub them. Eventually, I attached his dummy to Mankie (with one of the dummy chains) and he became the crux for sleep time. I couldn’t leave the house without him. As a safety net I purchased two more, so he had three exactly the same. This was great when they needed washing and enabled us to have a couple on hand at all times.

For 2 years, Mankie went everywhere and then one day around his second birthday, it all stopped. Mankie was no longer treasured! He (all three of them) just lay on his bed, unloved and gathering dust for about 3 months. Then one day, without warning, he was cherished again (I’m not really sure what caused the falling out – guess I will never know). However, the relationship was a little different. There became a stand out favourite of the three Mankie’s...the "real Mankie". The real Mankie (To this day, Trevor and I can’t work out how he knows the touch is all it takes...there’s no fooling Byron!) travels in the car – but stays there when we go out. He sleeps in bed with Byron and watches TV with him too. There are days more the others, where Mankie is more appreciated; when he needs to come in the car, must watch TV and sit with him at the dinner table. However, at the end of the day (what ever the day), without fail, Mankie must be tucked in to bed with Byron; he is truly loved.

Next there is Leap (My Own Learning Leap by LeapFrog). For 12 months Leap was just sitting on his book shelf; I guess waiting for the day when Byron would show him some interest. That day came about a month ago. Byron just picked him up pressed his on button and that was it.

I think that Leap is an absolutely adorable toy (he is definitely one of my favourites). I was excited when I purchased him from the USA some 12 months ago, in anticipation for the day he would be played with (as a parent though you often get excited over a toy that your child will never show any interest in). He teaches valuable lessons about sharing, manners and friendship through songs, stories and games. He has a microphone attached that enables us to record our own voices, Byron’s name and his interests, which Leap then uses in his stories.

Whilst Leap doesn’t generally leave the house, he is always present with Byron, whether that be on the floor watching TV, in his room playing – where there's Byron there's Leap! Byron has developed a special relationship with him that is just so cute to see.

Last night...

Last night was no different then most nights. When Byron went to sleep, the following had to be tucked in too...

Leap Mankie (all three of them)
Sam (his Little Mommy doll)
Eddie (his Little People learn to dress friend)
Elmo x 2 (potty elmo and baby elmo)
Baby Pooh (glows in the dark)

(You think that’s a lot...some days Buzz joins the slumber party and his ‘Cars’ McDonalds toys too).

Byron sleeps in a toddler bed, so after all ‘his friends’ are tucked in there is barely enough room for him. The suggestion to take a few out doesn’t exactly go down to well if you know what I mean. So, when Byron falls asleep we take everything out of his bed leaving just Mankie, and put them on the floor next to him.

Normally, he never really notices but last night was different. Byron woke up crying (really quite distressed) at some ungodly hour because he could not find Leap (which we had taken out of his bed earlier that night and put on the floor; hence the reason he could not find him). So at 2.45am I found myself re-tucking him and Leap back into bed (I had to make sure that Leap was tucked in tight so he didn’t go away again!).

Needless to say we won't be taking Leap out of bed again (especially if it means a 2.45am wake up call!)

Byronism of the day...

My sister and I were in the car with Byron today after we had picked him up from kindy. He was getting excited by something he had seen. When we asked what it was he was looking at he said... "look over there where my finger is pointing!". LOL my sister and I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Stage 1: Nursery Completed

I started preparing the nursery 8 weeks ago. By that I mean, cleaning out Byron’s old room, rearranging the furniture and well, that’s about it. I have been asking Trevor for ages to help me do the frieze on the wall, but each time he comes up with some sort of excuse not to do it . Well, he has assured me that Friday is the day (no winging or complaining permitted).

Tonight, I managed to get Trevor to take 20 minutes out of his busy schedule to help me adjust the cot and put the side back on. So, finally that is done. However, along the way, we have managed to loose this bolt thingy for one of the sides. Hopefully we will find it or more importantly if we can’t, Bunnings or someone will sell the same piece . Now I just have to pick up the mattress on the weekend!

I was happy with my contribution to the nursery today . I put together a white toy storage chest, with seat (quite proud of myself). It wasn’t that difficult, except for the fact that one of the bits wouldn’t fit where it was supposed to go (there’s always one bit!). After some fiddling and 30 minutes later it was all sorted and the chest completed.

I guess you could say that stage 1 of the nursery is complete, with stage 2 due for completion in approximately 5 working days (Trevor and finances permitting).

Byronisms of the Day:

Byron’s favourite show at the moment is "Little Einsteins" (which I am sure I have previously mentioned). Anyway after this show finishes at about 5.45pm he knows that "we have to flick to mummy’s show" (deal or deal if your interested! ). Before we can flick the channel though, Byron has to watch the whole show, including the "creckits" (credits in our language)!

Maybe TMI...

When Byron fluffs (for the better word) he always says "pardon me". Its quite funny when you are at the shops and all off a sudden he says in a loud projecting voice "pardon me". You can’t help but laugh and think..."Byron, if you can’t hear it don’t acknowledge it". Sometimes, if he can smell it he says with his nose screwed up "that’s isgusting".

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

World Cup Pt3

The final chapter!

I wanted to write this entry this morning, but as you can appreciate I was just too tired for that. I set my alarm and woke up at 1.20am to start watching the game. My eyes wouldn’t open at first; everything was a bit of a blur. Eventually though, I sat up in bed, cushions behind my head, and watched with baited breath – the Socceroos vs Italy!

Trevor had wanted to ‘go out’ to see at least one of the games. He claims I had ‘vetoed’ his attempts to go out to see other games (of course this is crap!). So, I guess last night was as good a night as any (although I was a little worried that he might not be able to go to work today). He went with a mate to Milton, where there were big screens and thousands of other Socceroos’ fans. So I stayed home and watched alone – really not as bad as it sounds!

The first half went by, followed by most of the second half. I thought Australia was playing really well (speaking from my limited experience). Once an Italian player was red carded and sent off (leaving them with a man down) I thought for sure we were in with a good chance. Whilst Australia had a lot of possession (significantly more then the Italians) in the second half, they just couldn’t put the ball in the net (something that would prove costly!).

In the final 8 seconds Australia conceded a penalty (what penalty – the ref’s eyes must have been painted on!) and Italy scored, thereby shattering Australia’s hopes of making it to the quarter finals. Like most Australians, I felt completely robbed; that it was just the cruellest of blows to lose like that (especially when you were clearly the better side). In my rage, as soon as the whistle blew and it was all over I grabbed that remote and turned the TV off faster then you can say "Italy sucks" (there may have been a few expletives muttered along the way).

After sending Trevor an SMS (the contents of which I can’t really repeat here) I tried in vain to go back to sleep (it was 3am). 3.30am arrived and there I was still wide awake when Trevor arrived home. I must admit, I was kind of glad to be watching it alone. I couldn’t bear to be around Trevor watching a game end like that. I wondered how he was taking it (if you hadn’t realised he is a passionate Socceroos supporter). I thought he would be carrying on, swearing and the like. To my surprise he was quite sombre; solemn in fact. He didn’t have much to say, just that he was "sad for the players" and "proud of the guys".

Like most Australians, I am extremely proud of the boys and the way they played in all their games. It was just a remarkable effort to make it to the second round. I really enjoyed watching them play and it has created an interest in Soccer that honestly wasn’t there before. Its funny though, how Australians are ‘over achievers’; the fact that we made it to the second round wasn’t good enough. We really thought we were in with a chance of making it further and clearly we were right. If it wasn’t for the fr*ckin dramatics of the Italian players, Australia might have conquered all – I guess we will have to wait and see what the future holds for the Socceroos. I can tell you though; they have a new fan in me!

Byronism of the day:

I said to Byron when I picked him up that the Socceroos had lost. In a sad little voice he replied "We can’t watch the Socceroos anymore" and "I don’t know why they lost?"

Monday, June 26, 2006

29 weeks pregnant!

Well not much to report on the pregnancy front. I don’t have an antenatal appointment until 30 weeks, so it’s kind of a nothing week really.

For the record, here are some of the things I have noticed over the previous week:

My belly just keeps on growing and growing. Everyday I wake up and it seems a little bigger, which is scaring the bejesus out of me! I was a lot smaller at this stage when I was pregnant with Byron and he was still 7lb 10oz! I guess this gives a lot of credence to the notion that you get bigger second time around. However, I have to say the rate of growth seems to be much different this time around. With Byron it was very slow up until the last 5 weeks, when my tummy just kept expanding (I always looked 'less' far along then I really was). I am hoping things will slow down a little...I guess I will be able to make further comment when I get towards the end of this pregnancy.
I think I might need a little bit of Metamucil. Again, something I never needed when pregnant with Byron.
My feet are fatter (i.e. there is noticeable fluid)! At stages they are a little swollen. Not a lot, but noticeable enough. There is also some fluid present on my lower legs as well. At this stage, my hands seem to be ok. I don't recall having much fluid (if any) with Byron until the very end (again another differing factor!).
The waddle walk is making more regular appearances. As one would expect, this goes hand in hand with size (and maybe has something to do with the slight problem I have with my Pubis Symphysis injury - arising from a slip when pregnant with Byron)!

I guess that’s all there is to report at the moment. Til next week...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

OMG my child’s a TV addict!!!

I was one of these parents who thought their child wouldn’t watch much television; that if he did it would only be for an hour max. I guess I was naive when I thought this was a possibility. It occurred to me over the weekend that my child is now in fact a TV aficionado. I can’t pinpoint when his fascination with TV took hold (it’s a recent phenomenon) and nor can I envisage it leaving any time soon.

The first television experience he had was when he was about 18 months old and we put on the Baby Einstein DVDs. He wouldn’t really sit and watch them as such (just stop in front of the TV every now and then), but nevertheless they were on in the background and he seemed to enjoy them.

I would say though, that his first 'real' television experience came when we put on the DVD, "Finding Nemo" (just before he turned 2 from memory). He actually sat there and watched half of it (his attention span at the time wasn’t long). Next came the Wiggles ("Wiggle Bay") , with "Toy Story" (both 1 and 2) arriving soon after. One day, for variety (lets face it, watching these movies over and over again is enough for any parent to lose their wit), we turned on the children’s channels’ on pay TV and that was it.

Generally, his tastes don’t vary; you could count on your hands what he likes to watch, much to the dismay of Trevor who is the one more likely to be sitting in the lounge room (especially in the morning). He likes to watch the SAME shows over and over again (courtesy of the Playhouse Disney Channel and DVDs) and when you try to suggest he watch something else – forget it! Similarly, when his shows are over and we try to commandeer the television back, there are often tantrums and wayward behaviour (although sometimes, if he is in an obliging mood – i.e. we have forewarned him – there are no troubles).

I never thought it possible that Byron would sit still for an hour or two at a time. Even more impossible to consider was that he would be quiet doing it. Of late, when he is watching his shows he sits motionless, not a word spoken (unless it is a theme song or a scripted part of the show). To elicit a response to a question for example, you have to ask him 2 or 3 times.

For the record, I would rate the following shows and DVDs to be his favourite:

1. Little Einsteins (Disney) (by far the flavour of the month, especially since I purchased some DVD movie episodes from the USA)
2. Stanley
3. Pingu
4. Rolly Polly Ollie
5. The Bear in the Big Blue House (but only in the morning – for some reason he doesn’t like to watch it if it is on in the afternoon)
6. Toy Story 1 & 2
7. Finding Nemo
8. Wiggles

I would be lying if I didn’t enjoy the ‘quiet’ time; the freedom to get stuff done (like cook dinner and check emails). Whilst I never envisaged my child watching as much television as he does, the fact remains that he does. All I can do now is monitor the quality of television he watches and to a lesser extent the amount he watches. At the moment he watches approx 2 hours a day (his shows) and these are limited to pre-schooler children's shows.

Byronisms of the day:

"Mummy, I am getting really good at counting my letters"

My sister asked Byron to say the alphabet. In response he said "OK, Alphabet"

Friday, June 23, 2006

World Cup Pt2

I was one of the millions of Australians today who lumbered out of bed at an ungodly hour (well for me anyway) to watch Australia take on Croatia in the World Cup . For the record, there was no way I was staying up til 2am to watch the game against Brazil the other day.

Last night I told Trevor to wake me up at 5.30am (mid way through the first half). So there I am in bed this morning, when I hear some cheering and carrying on coming from downstairs. I roll over and check my phone – its 5.40am! Huh, I said wake me up at 5.30am! I saunter on downstairs to find Trevor out the back (having a cigarette); it still dark and freezing. I hop on the lounge with my blanket and watch the game.

When Trevor comes back inside he is shocked to see me (lets face it I don’t get up early these days – I just can’t function - so the house is his domain at this time). I asked him why he didn’t wake me up. He responded with "you said to wake you up at 6.00am for the second half". As usual he heard wrong!

To cut a long story short...the game was great . Although, I thought it would be enough to send me into labour I was that stressed. If I chewed finger nails, I reckon I would be lucky to have any left. That being said, I guess the stress and anxiety makes for a more enjoyable game (OK I’m just saying that because Australia won; if they lost it would have been a different story).

It wouldn’t be a complete entry without mentioning Trevor’s antics. Well to be honest he seemed to be a lot calmer this time around. I think I was more stressed. There was the usual banter and cheering but none of the angst (especially towards me) that was present in the game against Japan (which according to him was more imperative to win).

Byron got up towards the end of the second half – when Croatia was winning. He was disappointed because he wanted to watch "The Bear in the Big Blue House", which is what he normally watches when he gets ready to go to kindy. After a while though, he started yelling "Socceroos, go Socceroos" and "good shot!" at the TV.

Trevor informs me that he will be going out to watch the game against Italy (a game that starts at 1am). I queried his position on working. He informs me that he will still be going to work...OK I guess I will have to wait and see.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Clumsy Klutz

So far today, I have kicked my little toe whilst going to the toilet this morning (which is bruised and painful – I think it might be broken); banged and scratched my knuckle (which was bleeding and weepy); and I have a tooth ache (I think it is time for the dentist) – Yes, yes I hear the violins playing!

Today, I noticed that I am more clumsy then usual; not clearing doorways, walkways and just objects around – struggling to get up and struggle to get down. I suspect it is pregnancy related, in fact I know it is pregnancy related (I did a little bit of GOOGLE research). Here is what I came up with...

Is it normal to feel clumsy during pregnancy?

Yes. Unfortunately, feeling graceful and dextrous aren't part of the pregnancy package (you say?). You'll probably feel clumsiest in the last trimester ( huh, I just started the 3rd trimester this week - gee I didn't miss a beat - right on schedule!), but this feeling subsides after delivery. (I should hope it subsides...imagine living like this for the rest of your life! Although Trevor might say I am still suffering the affects from my pregnancy with Byron.)

This clumsiness should come as no surprise if you consider what your body's going through: You're carrying more weight, your centre of gravity has changed with your growing uterus, and your fingers, toes, and other joints are all loosening due to pregnancy hormones (I wonder if the loosening in my toe joint accounts for its contact with the duchess this morning?)

Can I do anything to overcome this awkwardness?

Not really. Simply knowing that you're not as co-ordinated as usual helps (duh!). Watch out for wet, icy, or uneven surfaces when walking, and don't carry anything that you can't safely drop (guess that means I can’t carry my kid?). And remember, clumsiness is only a temporary, pregnancy-related condition. Apparently, if you still feel clumsy after pregnancy, you can blame it on new baby fatigue, but after that, well, you're on your own!

So as you can see above, apparently my clumsiness is completely normal. I just hope today isn’t an indication of what tomorrow will bring (I really need my toes to walk!).

By way of an update on my insurance claim, I was advised this afternoon that payment (up until 30 June 2006) will be processed as soon as possible. Needless to say, Trevor and I are feeling over the moon that something has finally gone our way (financially) .

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A burden is lifted!

Three cheers for the insurance company...

Hip Hip Hooray!!! appears they are capable of reaching decisions.

Drum roll....after nearly 5 weeks (whilst not yet official) I was advised tonight (at 5.40pm) that it looks like my income protection claim will be approved tomorrow. However, the lady did mention there is a little issue about the salary – apparently the underwriter (insurer) has my old salary details (which are quite a bit lower then my current salary) and therefore can only approve the lower salary claim. She assured me though; this will be fixed when they provide the underwriter with the correct salary details.

So, fingers crossed everything will be approved and sorted ‘officially’ by tomorrow.

I cannot begin to explain the weight that has lifted from my shoulders. I can breathe a little easier and sleep a little better! I can actually enjoy the rest of my pregnancy without the burden of financial survival lingering above. Naturally, Trevor is over the moon (commenting that he can finally go to the pub and have a beer!).

For now, I gleefully write this entry, comfortable with the fact that I may now be able to have an extra month or two off with my baby instead of rushing back to work.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

In the Puddles...

It was a very dismal day in Brisbane today. It was cold and rainy. I guess I can’t complain given we really need the water. I heard on the news that if things don’t get better (i.e. more rain) we will be faced with level 4 water restrictions (not being allowed to water outdoors at all). At the moment, we are on level 3 water restrictions meaning hoses are banned. You can still water your garden, wash your car etc – it just means you have to use a watering can or bucket (no problems here seeing as our cars never get washed and our garden is pathetic!).

Byron loves the rain, but what kid doesn’t? I recently got him some new gum boots (seeing as he out grew the last pair) and a Buzz umbrella. When I picked him up from kindy he wanted to go out in the rain and play – a bit to cold and dark for that. The other day though, it was sprinkling. He put on his gum boots grabbed his umbrella and out he went into the ‘drizzle’. He was a little disappointed there weren’t any puddles to jump in.

Speaking of puddles, I have to steer him clear of water pockets what ever the weather. What is it with kids and puddles? If he sees water on the ground there is an immediate inclination to jump or at least stand in it. Come to think of it, if I had the energy to jump I wouldn’t mind giving it a go – just maybe on a warmer day!

In The Puddles
(Ernestine Northover)

Rain bashing, rain crashing,
In the puddles, children splashing,
Mother's tongue has started lashing,
Everyone is wet!

Rain slopping, rain stopping,
In the puddles, children hopping,
Mother's hands have started mopping,
Everyone, I bet!

Sun waking, sun breaking,
In the puddles, children quaking,
Mother's arms have started shaking,
Everyone, she'll net!

Sun applying, sun drying,
In the puddles, children crying,
Mother's breath is now a sighing,
Everyone's upset!

Sun gleaming, sun scheming,
In the puddles, children steaming!
Mother's smile, now is beaming,
Everyone's her pet!

Monday, June 19, 2006

The 3rd trimester has arrived!

Yippee the countdown has begun...I have hit the third trimester (really though the proper countdown begins at 30 weeks). I am wishfully thinking my baby will come in 10 weeks time (wouldn’t that be nice?).

Byron and I had some ‘professional’ photos taken at home today by a lovely lady who used us as her ‘test subjects’ before she takes on the ‘professional paying client’. I can’t wait to see the finished products, especially the ones of Byron kissing my belly.

I had my 28 week check up at the hospital today; a bit more about that later.

When I made the appointments at the hospital, I didn’t realise they were made on a Monday (my day with Byron). In the end though, I couldn’t have been happier.

Every time we drive past a bus, Byron says to me "have you been on that bus mummy". How am I supposed to know which buses I have been on? He then continues on with the story of how Aunty Natalie, mummy and him (as a tiny baby) went on a bus – I took him to work when he was a few months old on the bus; easier then driving in the city – which is the only time he has been on a bus.

When I told him we were going on the bus he was super excited. I drove to the shops and we caught the bus from there as it was only about 8 minutes and express to the Hospital (plus cheaper seeing as I wouldn’t have to pay $8 for parking!). We sat in the front seat so he could see out the front windows. Every time another bus came in the opposite direction he got excited. Every time we stoped at a stop he would say "not this stop mummy". The bus driver was talking to him and reminded him that he would have to press the bell so that he would know which stop was ours. Of course the bell button was a hit! In fact, the whole bus trip was a hit; evidence again that it is the simple things that matter.

When we got off the bus we had to walk up the hill to the mother’s hospital (not that far but gee in my condition it sure felt like it!). He commented on whether we were going to the "river hospital" (long story behind that one which I have mentioned previously). I explained that it was the hospital I was going to have Lily at. When we arrived, I explained that the nurse midwife was going to check on the baby and I.

Now to the check-up...

Everything is great and the vital statistics are:

• My blood pressure was 116/58
• The baby’s heartbeat was 142 beats per minute
• The baby is lying head down in the uterus – again for those technically minded "cephalic presentation".
• There were no abnormalities detected in my urine sample.
• I wasn’t weighed at the hospital (which is fine by me) so I am not too sure how things are looking in that department (which is probably for the best).

The only thing that concerns me a little is that the fundal height only measures 27 weeks. I hope this doesn't mean that Lily wants to stay in another week .

Anyway, here I am at 28 weeks:

Sunday, June 18, 2006

A Nice Weekend!

I must say, I was pleasantly surprised at the nice weekend that Trevor and I had. Not a lot happened really (well I guess it did compared to other weekends, which is probably why it was so nice), but it was a nice weekend all the same.

Saturday, 17 June 2006

It was my dad’s birthday on Friday so we (Byron, myself, my sister and dad) celebrated with lunch at the Lone Star. Dad enjoyed himself which was great. I was so shocked at Byron and his manners – they were excellent (no prompting required). Even the hostess commented they were the best kids’ manners she had heard in a long while. Needless to say I was chuffed!

In the afternoon and evening, I went to my friend’s hen’s night. I wasn’t too enthused about going; but that was largely due to money (it cost $55 – money Trevor and I just don’t have at the moment). I could not though, and would never use that as an excuse. We 'found' the money because it was important – I guess that is what friends do! It was a good night in the end. We went out for dinner and a show at a place called the Brazilian Bar. It wasn’t ‘naughty’ like mine was, but fun all the same (it would have been more fun if I could drink LOL).

Byron was such a funny character yesterday. Out of the blue he says to me "I’m just going out to watch the clouds" Huh...I look at Trevor with this dazed look on my face. Next thing you know, Byron has opened the front door and is lying on the cement looking at the clouds!!! WTF...Trevor said that sometimes they look at the clouds when they are out the back. Needless to say, I was a little bemused by the whole thing. I took some photos for prosperity. Whilst taking them, Byron was pointing at the clouds and talking about a story he likes by Mem Fox (called "Whoever You Are") which has a lot of clouds in the illustrations.

I know I have mentioned this before, but yesterday I was stuck by the simplicity of life through the eyes of children. You know, how the simple things matter??? This was reinforced when we got out of the car to go to the shops and Byron says, with so much passion and excitement, "what a beautiful day it is!". Amazing!

Sunday, 18 June 2006

We took Byron to his second ‘real’ birthday party today. You might recall I mentioned the first ‘real’ party he went to a few months back (at McDonalds). Well, it’s amazing what a few months do to a child (or the children).

This party, apart from being at Hungry Jacks, was completely different to the last. The kids actually participated in the games and played with each other. Trevor and I were able to sit down (inside – away from Byron) and eat some food without Byron once coming to see us! Naturally, Trevor and I were wrapped!

On the way to the party, Byron requests his mood for music. Today, it happened to be Wolfmother! Yesterday, it was Banana’s in Pyjamas. It seems, Byron has picked up Trevor’s taste in music (for those reading - Trevor would clarify which music is his; i.e. not Banana’s in Pyjamas!). Particularly he loves the song, "Minds Eye" (or according to him "the keyboard song"). I hear "turn it up daddy" and then his little voice wafting out the chorus (well his version anyway) followed by his rendition of ‘air keyboard’.

That was our weekend...

Friday, June 16, 2006

As expected the wait continues...

This is absolute bull sh*t! I can’t believe the wait continues. Well they rang me today, a Friday, at 3.30pm (after I had rung them at 3.00pm) indicating they need more information. MORE INFORMATION! WTF! What more could they want? (Can't you tell how angry I am???)

Firstly, they tried to advise me they hadn’t received my further doctor’s report even though I was advised, via telephone, on Tuesday that the report had indeed been received the previous week and that they should be able to provide me with a decision BY FRIDAY! So I argued, they said they would check again and ring me back. What do you know; they rang me back to tell me they had received the report...Dur!

Secondly, they want me to fill in another form, which is standard practice apparently. If that’s the case, why did it take 4 weeks to receive the form???? Thirdly, they want details about my previous pregnancy with Byron. Particularly, they want to know if I made a previous insurance claim with regards to this condition (which I didn't) and they also want me to confirm the period I had off work during that time. Being the insurance lawyer I am, this does concern me a little...but I will try not to worry about this too much until I have to.

I consider myself a ‘pleasurable’ person to deal with on the phone. I had decided not to be too pushy, but this is no longer!!! They can get stuffed...there will be no more Ms Nice Nicole...she has gone by the wayside, never to return again...they’ll see!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Waiting Game

I hate this waiting game. It has been over 4 weeks since I put in my income protection claim and still I await an answer. I was assured on Tuesday that they should be able to give me an answer by Friday. It’s called ‘salary continuance claim’ for a reason...its supposed to ‘continue’ your salary without interruption (lets assume that you are covered under the policy, oh and lets not forget about the 90 days you have to have off before they will make payment - 90 days income free, never to be reimbursed).

I know today is only Thursday and not Friday, so I will give them the benefit of doubt and wait it out another day. Today I found myself cringing when the phone rings, thinking it will be them; thinking they will decline my claim. Over and over in my head I have gone over ‘what if’ scenarios. I am trying to be optimistic but in the back of my mind I have many doubts – that Trevor and I won’t be so lucky (even though I pay all this money a year for premiums).

At the moment we are just trying to keep our head above water, just trying to survive out the end of financial year until tax refund time comes around. Life would just be so much easier if they approved my claim or at least gave me a decision.

I hate this waiting game!!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Slow news day...

It’s a bit of a slow news day in my neck of the woods. Not much to report really.

In a nutshell...

1. This bloody head cold of mine won’t seem to go away. I cooked lovely lamb cutlets tonight and garlic and bacon potato bake and could hardly taste a thing! In the circumstances, I guess it was pretty pointless eating those bag of freckles...should have probably left them for a day when I actually could taste the goodness.

2. Byron, just fell asleep at 9.40pm (some 2 + hours after he went to bed). I even let him stay up with me while I flicked between Big Brother and Home and Away – probably not the best viewing for under 3s (hmmm will rethink that for next time). Not sure what is happening in the sleep department with the boy. I am really considering scrapping that day sleep...but don’t have a say on kindy days.

3. The State of Origin was on tonight and Queensland won - the score was 30 – 6. Needless to say, Trevor was happy!

4. The waddle I have talked about previously was very prominent today. Someone, who I hadn’t seen in a while, commented as such. This leaves me to wonder what I will be like in 10 weeks time!

5. Byron is getting very good with his colours now. At one stage – approx 6 months ago – I thought for sure he was colour blind; everything he saw was red. Tonight, in the bath, he was pointing out all the colours. My favourite for the evening was "lello". I repeated "lello" back to him and he said "no mummy, YYYELLO".

So much for a slow news day...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Men AND Sport

Oh My God, I woke up today feeling like I had taken 10 rounds with a boxer! I stayed up with Trevor late last night (early morning) to watch Australia play Japan in the first game of the World Cup, resulting in a bed time after 2.00am. It was either that, or he would go out. Nonetheless, for the record, he still went out and didn’t make it home until 10 minutes into the first half of the game.

I consider myself a very patriotic Australian who loves to watch Australia play in any important sporting event. Admittedly, I am the first to acknowledge that I am not too crash hot when it comes to the rules of soccer (or football according to Trevor). But hey – that doesn’t matter – all that matters is your spirit, right? I think Trevor would beg to differ a little in this department.

The first half was particularly painful. Trevor was swearing incessantly at the TV screen or in particular the referee and Japanese players (this is really not the forum to repeat anything he said!). I just couldn’t get over the emotion he had. I made the grave error of laughing at his behaviour thereby causing the swearing and carry on to be directed at my face; "what do you know", "I should have gone out", "I hate watching sport with you" etc etc etc!

It just amazes me the passion that ‘men’ feel for sport. Like I said, I love sport and in particular watching Australia play, but it is not the ‘be all or end all’. For Trevor, this game was. Thankfully, the Socceroos scored towards the end of the second half. When they did, Trevor went wild. By that I mean, he was running around the lounge room with his shirt over his head, jumping on the lounge, rolling around on the floor - it was a site to see. Unsurprisingly, when Australia scored two more times within a few minutes, sealing their victory, his celebrations escalated. I thought for sure he would wake up Byron – he woke up Lily. Maybe she will be a sport lover like her dad. She was jumping around inside like there was no tomorrow.

In all his excitement, Trevor ran up stairs saying he had "to kiss his future striker!". Not sure what that is all about - well to be honest that’s a lie. I suspect it has something to do with Trevor dreaming that one day Byron will be a famous soccer (oops: football) player! I wonder what Byron will have to say about that? Maybe Trevor can ask him when the next world cup is on.

In the meantime; men and sport...what is with that???? If you can provide an explanation I am all ears.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Week 27 & Restless Leg Syndrome...grrrrrr

On Saturday night I decided to go to bed at a decent hour (9.00pm) thinking that I might be able to function before 10.00am the next morning. Three hours later still not asleep; functionability in the morning - out the window!!! The longer I laid there and tossed and turned the angrier I got and so the cycle began.

When I was pregnant with Byron I went through a period of suffering from Insomnia for which I was prescribed sleeping pills. In addition to Insomnia I also suffered from restless leg syndrome (RLS), which seems to have made a return this time around. For those who don’t know, RLS is an uncontrollable urge to move around in bed to relieve crawling, tingling, or burning sensations deep inside your legs. I can tell you now, I have thought about chopping of my left leg below the knee!

Now I don’t suffer from these symptoms every night. But of late i.e. the last few days, they have been there, lingering just below the surface. This makes it incredibly hard to get to bed (or sleep) at a half decent hour – well it helps if I actually go to bed before 11pm (naughty me chatting on msn!!). I think the insomnia this time, is in part due to financial struggles so I am hopeful (but not optimistic) that it will pass in due time. It’s the restless leg that drives me up the wall (no pun intended!). Aside from ‘knocking myself out’ with 25mgs of Phenergan and rubbing essential oils on my leg, there is nothing I can really do – except, as I mentioned earlier, chopping my leg off at the knee!

Today marks week 27 of my pregnancy. Leaving aside the sleep issues, things seem to be going along ok. I am excited to be heading into the third trimester – the long road home!

I noticed today, whilst out shopping with my mum, that I was waddling along. Yep, it appears the waddle walk has arrived! Its ‘early’ presence might have something to do with my pelvic muscle being a little weak (that reminds me, I must do those pelvic floor exercises more regularly).

Lily seems to be moving a lot more now – or at least, her movements are much more defined. I can feel when she rolls for example. Last night, I swear I felt her little foot! I guess time will tell. She seems to be responding to noises and often moves when Byron is screaming or being loud – which is quite regular LOL.

Before I sign off, I just had to make a note of something funny Byron did today. The last few nights, we have been having a nice hot bath together. The other night I suggested we have candles and turn off the light so we could ‘relax’ in the bath. We had candles last night too. He loved them. Well tonight, he wanted me to have a bath with him, but I was busy. He then said to me that he wanted to have candles and "belax" in the bath. So I lite 6 candles and turned off the light. Next thing you know, he is asking me to put on some music - his request, "Goodbye My Lover". He was singing in the bath and telling me how beautiful it was. Such a priceless moment! Needless to say, I won’t be making that little 'indulgence' a regular occurrence. Next thing you know, he will want breakfast in bed!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Off to the movies we go - with Byron!!!!

Trevor and I were always the couple that tried to avoid the ‘kids’ movies. Not so much because they weren’t good movies, because lets face it they are these days, but because sitting in a cinema full of boisterous, restless and ‘talkative’ kids was not our cup of tea; not something we would want to pay $14 each to watch!

Today was a whole different ball game. We decided to take Byron to see his first ever movie...Cars

I had told Byron a few days ago that we might take him to the adult movies. He seemed to understand what I was referring to and got so excited and would bring it up whenever he saw any ‘Cars’ merchandise around the place. Given today was somewhat crappy weather we decided today was the day!

To be honest, I hadn’t considered talking him to the movies until he was about 3 – 3 and half. However, after having spoken to a friend with 2 boys (just turned 4 and 2) who said that he would be fine (so long as you kept him eating), we decided to give it a shot. What could we lose? Hmmm I had thought about this a lot before taking him and this is what I came up with:

  • Worst case scenario – we sit in chairs, movie starts and we get to watch 5 minutes before he wants to leave and starts carrying on. We would have been better flushing $30 down the toilet!
  • Not so worst case scenario – we sit in chairs – but Byron doesn’t want to sit - he prefers to wonder up and down the isle; jump up all over the seats and make lots of noise, whilst watching the movie (come to think of it – this is probably on par with the worst case scenario).
  • Best case scenario – we sit in chairs; Byron sitting too. We watch the movie with only a few toilet breaks (hey I’m being realistic here – he’s 2; if he needs to go, he needs to go!). At least we get to watch all, if not most of the movie.

We had to line up for a little while to get the tickets (that will teach us to go on a wet, windy Sunday!). I was expecting to pay for Byron, but was pleased when they said he was free – Yippee!! Disney Pixar are not ones to discount tickets; hence adults are never at children’s prices. The fact he was free (and not $9.00) made up for the $13.40 each Trevor and I had to pay. I will honest and say I was a little bit disappointed that I wouldn’t have a movie ticket to keep for prosperity – but hey I could probably make one for less than nine bucks!!!

Whilst I lined up to get some popcorn, Trevor took Byron into get seats. He was all excited (according to Trevor) about how dark it was. I remember thinking how little he looked in those big seats when I arrived with the popcorn – he just looked so teeny. His little feet barely went off the edge of the seat and I was a little concerned whether he could see over the seat in front of him (thankfully there wasn't anyone sitting there) - he wasn't too worried. It was a site to see - kinda how he looks when he sits in the front seat of the car, when Trevor parks it in the garage; adorable!

I am pleased to announce that the best case scenario eventuated. I took my friends advice on hand and packed some tiny teddies, a popper and some sultanas (plus the popcorn) just so I could keep him eating LOL. He seemed to enjoy the whole experience – especially the food, and only required 2 toilet breaks (albeit he needed to go within 5 minutes of returning the first time!).

Yes he moved around in his seat, was talking in a normal loud voice, got side tracked and maybe didn't take the whole movie in, but hey, that was the story for most of the parents in the cinema today.

All in all, we enjoyed ourself. The movie was great and I am sure we will watch it over and over in the years to come, much like we do Toy Story and Nemo. I must admit, as he gets older, taking him out and about to experience the world and what it has to offer is so much fun (yes, I know the world has more ‘wholesome’ experiences to offer then going to the movies and stuffing yourself full of food, but for now, on this cold, windy Sunday, the movies will do just fine!).

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Living on Air!

Why are toddlers, or should I say little people, such fussy eaters? Now Byron is pretty good when it comes to breakfast (for which he loves Sultana Bran and Porridge – not together) and lunch too (he has sandwiches, yoghurt and some fruit). He gets his calcium stables from Kraft singles, milk, plus the yoghurt, so there is no trouble there.

However, mention the word M.E.A.T and there lies the problem. He has the occasional fish finger, hardly eats red meat of any kind (except maybe mince – does that count?) and just forget about chicken. This makes dinner somewhat of a nightmare.

Tonight, I cooked chicken enchiladas and served it with salad. He just refused to even put them in his mouth. All he wanted were the "crunchies" (croutons) from the top of the salad. Now the enchiladas weren’t hot so there was no excuse there. He just wouldn’t even try it! This is the story with most of the dinners I cook – I serve up my dinner along with Trevor’s and then a mini version for Byron. 15 minutes later, Trevor and my dinners are gone but what a surprise - Byron’s looks nearly the same as it did when I served it up.

I recently read that children are naturally slow to accept new tastes and textures, and that parents may have to present a food 10 to 15 times before they'll finally give it a try. OMG 10 – 15 times!!! I could nearly feed Ethiopia by the time his taste buds come around.

I try not to worry about it too much because I know he is eating a decent amount of food. He may be lacking a bit in iron but hey what can I do about it, short of forcing it down his throat.

I have come to realise that the old age adage that toddlers and young children can live on air to be so very true. If I look on the bright side, air is cheap, easy to maintain and there is hardly any cooking involved. What’s not to love about that?


Re update on insurance claim...

My doctor rang me yesterday and informed me that she had received the request from the insurance company for further information. I am fairly confident that she completed the report (given she was attending to their request when she rang me) and returned it today. I guess now I just have to wait for an answer; hopefully I will get a positive one by the end of next week.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Afternoon Fun!

I know I have said this many times, Byron is such a gem. I love...

...the ways he can make me smile inside for no real apparent reason; he makes me take note of the simple things;
...his big blue eyes;
...his tight cuddles;
...his cute little bottom;
...the way he holds a crayon;

I picked him up from kindy today, as always. Before I like him to see me, I like to watch him. He might be playing on the play gym, in the sand pit or running around after his little friends. Strange as it may sound, I love watching him carrying on with his own devices. I find it so interesting...the innocence of a child.

When we get in the car, Byron usually asks without fail, "watch you been up to?". My response is usually consistent with what I have been up to (in layman’s terms of course ). He will then usually respond with, "what else you been up to?". "Not much" is usually my response! I will of course then ask him what he has been up to. Today he responded with "I didn’t do some painting today". Huh??? I think the question was what you did do today, not what you didn’t do. I should point out, that Byron’s new thing is to ask everyone that he meets what they have been up to today, with this serious concerted look on his face – it really is priceless!

His routine when he gets home from kindy is a glass of milk – sometimes he gets chocolate or Milo but only when he has been a good boy. There is no hope in hell of getting him to do anything until he gets the glass of milk. He likes to sit down and watch "Stanley", "The Bear in the Big Blue House", and his favourite, "Little Einstein" (all of which premiere on the Playhouse Disney Channel and aid in the preparation of dinner ), and drink the milk. In addition to his favourite shows I often give him his crayons and paper to do some colouring in.

I purchased for him yesterday, his first real colouring in book – "My Bumper Animal Colouring Book". It is so exciting to venture into the creative side of parenthood, beyond plain paper and poster paints. Previously his colouring has consisted of a mass of scribbles on a plain piece of paper. To his excitement, he recently learnt how to hold a crayon properly ("like mummy"). Now that he has a little more control, the next step is to get him to colour ‘within the lines’. Today’s effort was an improvement which included an orange chicken, orange flower and orange butterfly. Whilst the colouring was scribble, I am pleased to say the majority of the colour was centred over the designated object in question (albeit not completely within the lines) and not all over the page. A great effort!

Before ending today’s entry I thought I might add a few words that Byron has difficulty in pronouncing...

"Hokeanger" – Coat Hanger
"Kimpooter" – Computer
"Bob the Booder" – Bob the Builder

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Vital Statistics

Off I went to the doctor today to check out those vital statistics I was referring to yesterday. Well, everything seems to be coming along nicely . For the record...

• My blood pressure was 120/70 (now that means nothing to me, but according to my doctor things are great in that department).
• The baby’s heartbeat is 140 beats per minute (no change since last time – she is resting easy).
• The baby is lying head down in the uterus - for those technically minded "cephalic presentation" (again, no change since last time).
• There were no abnormalities detected in my urine sample (i.e. I’m normal).
• According to the doctors scales (remember how much I love these? ) I weigh 73.5kgs (that is a 2kg weight gain in 3 weeks) .

The weight thing doesn’t bother me to much (can you detect a lying tone?) except to say that when I was pregnant with Byron I only weighed 63.5kgs - measured on those same doctors’ scales - at 23 weeks. At 30 weeks I weighed 67kgs. I weighed 73kgs when I was 36 weeks pregnant with him.

I know that things didn’t really start off on an even playing field. In that regard, I refer to the extra 5kgs (I might be a little modest here) I started with, compared to my stating weight with Byron. Then there is the Zofran, which enables me to eat – I didn’t have that with Bryon (which really wasn't a good thing!).

It's no big deal really, I will just have to make a much more concerted effort to watch what I eat in the remaining months of my pregnancy. Hopefully, I will have a much more determined attitude when it comes to exercising this time around.

On the tummy front, I would say that things have really popped in the last few weeks - hopefully that accounts for that 2kg weight gain...

On a final note, I made the rest of my antenatal appointments today. It was very strange making an appointment for 11 September 2006 (NB: if your listening Lily that will be a post baby check up - your 2 week examination).

Monday, June 05, 2006

26 weeks today!

Today was a bit of shocker for me . I don’t think I have felt this sick in a long time. I woke up feeling like always...sick (with my daily vomit); but of late it has been getting much better during the course of the day (often with the help of Zofran). Today, I had one sip of orange juice, went to make some crackers (ate one) and then I thought – I feel really ill . OK I will take a Zofran now and hopefully it will kick in ASAP...nothing happened! Meanwhile, I started to feel green, and my face was turning white – there goes my OJ and cracker. From then on, it was like the good old days – that I long to forget.

It also happens that today being a Monday, Byron was home with me. We had made some plans today; nothing special but plans all the same. There was no way I was going anywhere. I ended up having to go and lie down in bed. Byron was a good little cherub and sat in bed with me for 2 hours watching the Playhouse Disney channel.

Trevor offered to come home, but in then end he rang his mum who took Byron to her place for a few hours this afternoon – hopefully he could run off some much needed energy. Meanwhile, I decided I wasn’t going to feel this crap for much longer and decided to pop another Zofran (there goes another $12!). This one seemed to do what it was supposed to and I started to feel a little bit better – enough to cook Trevor and Byron some dinner – enough to eat something myself.

Fingers crossed, things won’t start again on that down hill slide; a slide I thought I may have been slowly conquering!


I have finally reached that point in my pregnancy where I feel somewhat safe; that the baby, if born now, would have a good chance of survival. Although, fingers crossed she doesn’t want to make an entrance anytime soon (NB: if your listening Lily – 10 weeks from now is fine!).

At the moment, she is weighing in at a little less than 2 pounds (907 grams). Measuring her from top to toe (with her legs extended), she is about 35 centimetres. Apparently she still looks wrinkly but will continue to gain weight steadily until birth. She was a real wriggly worm today – I guess I noticed it more spending so much time in bed!

As for me, I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and I will get my ‘vital statistics’ – ie weight – then. Lets, just say I am feeling quite frumpy at the moment.


OMG as I write this entry, Byron is quiet (yes quiet) and possibly asleep in bed - already. I say this in excitement because the last few days have been quite difficult on the sleep front.

On a funny note, his new thing to say when he is getting into trouble is "your not my friend anymore" . Oh one last thing...Trevor informed me that Byron had told Poppy (FIL) that he was the adult and poppy had to do what he was told . Lets just say Poppy wasn't impressed.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

A Helping Hand!

As Byron is getting older, I find him so much more intriguing to talk to. The way he voices his opinions, wants and desires amazes me.

We were having a nice warm bath together tonight. It was my attempt to calm him down somewhat as he was quite out of sorts today. Nothing would really entertain him; he wouldn’t sleep; wet his pants no less then 5 times; and just had his cranky daks on.

So there we were talking...I said to him that my tummy was getting really big now to which he agreed . I asked if he wanted to chat to Lily and he proceeded to put his head really close to my belly and had the following to say...

"Daddy got mad at me today because I was naughty and cranky" (I would say this was a correct observation)
"Don’t get up early before the sun gets up or you will get in trouble" (Byron gets this lecture a few times a week and often doesn't heed the advice, much to our (or should I say Trevor's) dismay)
"Are you sleeping?"

After he finished his little conversation I asked whether he will help me out with Lily when she comes along. With his little hand on his head and his elbow on my leg he proceeded to tell me...

"I will help her eat her sultana bread" (He loves fruit loaf and got to have some after dinner). I explained that Lily will be too little to eat and that she will be drinking milk. "I will help her eat her bottle". At this point I proceeded to explain that she will drink milk from mummy’s boobies and that when he was a little baby he drank milk that way too. He responded with this strange look on his face, which was followed with "can I have some". Ok I thought... I explained that only tiny little babies get to have some milk from my boobies and that there was no milk there yet; milk arriving when the baby comes.

Moving on from this part of the conversation (which couldn't have happened sooner ), I asked him what else he will help with. He said "I will help her eat her dummy" and "I will help her play". I responded by telling him Lily will be the luckiest little girl to have a big brother like him! His smile said it all .

Friday, June 02, 2006


I did hear back from the insurance company today and it appears they need further medical evidence. It only took them nearly 3 weeks to figure that out! Accordingly, they will request a detailed report from my doctor early next week. I expected they would do as much as there are policy wording considerations that need to be addressed. I just hope that they fax their request to my doctor ASAP and that she responds just as quick. And then, I guess it is just a matter of waiting another few weeks to hear back – during which time I will try to restrain the number of calls I make requesting information.

So, the position as outlined yesterday remains in many respects unchanged but hopefully not for long!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

A financial struggle...

I wasn’t going to write about this, but seeing as it is such a significant issue at the moment, I thought I should. It being, a struggle that I would like to look back on and think ‘we conquered’!

It has been 125 days (that is: 10,800,000 seconds or 180,000 minutes or 3000 hours or approx 17 weeks) since I worked last. That is 125 days – give or take a few - since I got paid; and I haven’t even had the baby yet!

To say that things are tuff would be an understatement. Things are bloody hard at the moment and that is putting it mildly. Trevor got paid today, and with the mortgage, insurance, phone bills and everything else that was due, there isn’t much to keep us going til Thursday week. Over the last 17 weeks, we have eaten into our savings, but now most of it has gone and things are becoming a little scary.

There have been many sleepless nights wondering how we will survive. There have been many teary moments at the thought of what might be. If it wasn’t for the help of my mother (who I love so dearly) I wonder how much harder it would be. She is my shoulder, my support, someone I can talk to (other then Trevor) when the financial strain becomes just too much to bare. Her generous offers of help (which I try to refuse) are often begrudgingly accepted for fear that there is no where else to go – slipping $50 in my hand when I visit or bringing around something yummy for lunch.

It is somewhat unfortunate for us that I am the major bread winner. It is also very unfortunate for us that I have very difficult pregnancies that make it near impossible to productively work (i.e. Earn a living). However, I consider the most unfortunate thing of all to be the fact that I spend more time at home during pregnancy (without a baby) then I get to spend with my baby once it has arrived ; a decision purely based on monetary responsibilities.

I am currently awaiting a decision with regards to my income protection claim; a decision which ultimately has the potential to make or break us. I am not expecting too much from the insurance company as ‘complicated pregnancies’ are something insurance companies don’t look to favourably upon. I have my fingers and toes crossed that a positive decision will come through, hopefully in the next few days.

It is amazing what a strain financial stress can put on a relationship. Little issues become so much more then they should, which is very much the case in our relationship. To think that money can make or break a marriage is a really scary thing. In our case, today we decided that there is nothing much we could do and so we are looking at the bright side of life.

My best friend said to me yesterday that ‘they’ don’t want kids until they ‘can afford’ it. I know there are people in our lives who look at us and think "they should have waited", "they should have set themselves up first". The truth is though, that waiting would have made no real difference in our case. Especially given I will always be the main bread winner and the one that has to have the babies; the one who has terrible pregnancies!

I look at my little Byron and I am so thankful that we didn’t wait until we ‘could afford it’, because lets face it, he still wouldn’t be here...there is no right time financially to have a baby because there is no way to forecast what your situation will bring! That is an important lesson we have learned along the way - everyone's situation is different; pregnancy and children can't be scripted!