Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Vital Statistics

Off I went to the doctor today to check out those vital statistics I was referring to yesterday. Well, everything seems to be coming along nicely . For the record...

• My blood pressure was 120/70 (now that means nothing to me, but according to my doctor things are great in that department).
• The baby’s heartbeat is 140 beats per minute (no change since last time – she is resting easy).
• The baby is lying head down in the uterus - for those technically minded "cephalic presentation" (again, no change since last time).
• There were no abnormalities detected in my urine sample (i.e. I’m normal).
• According to the doctors scales (remember how much I love these? ) I weigh 73.5kgs (that is a 2kg weight gain in 3 weeks) .

The weight thing doesn’t bother me to much (can you detect a lying tone?) except to say that when I was pregnant with Byron I only weighed 63.5kgs - measured on those same doctors’ scales - at 23 weeks. At 30 weeks I weighed 67kgs. I weighed 73kgs when I was 36 weeks pregnant with him.

I know that things didn’t really start off on an even playing field. In that regard, I refer to the extra 5kgs (I might be a little modest here) I started with, compared to my stating weight with Byron. Then there is the Zofran, which enables me to eat – I didn’t have that with Bryon (which really wasn't a good thing!).

It's no big deal really, I will just have to make a much more concerted effort to watch what I eat in the remaining months of my pregnancy. Hopefully, I will have a much more determined attitude when it comes to exercising this time around.

On the tummy front, I would say that things have really popped in the last few weeks - hopefully that accounts for that 2kg weight gain...

On a final note, I made the rest of my antenatal appointments today. It was very strange making an appointment for 11 September 2006 (NB: if your listening Lily that will be a post baby check up - your 2 week examination).

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