Sunday, June 11, 2006

Off to the movies we go - with Byron!!!!

Trevor and I were always the couple that tried to avoid the ‘kids’ movies. Not so much because they weren’t good movies, because lets face it they are these days, but because sitting in a cinema full of boisterous, restless and ‘talkative’ kids was not our cup of tea; not something we would want to pay $14 each to watch!

Today was a whole different ball game. We decided to take Byron to see his first ever movie...Cars

I had told Byron a few days ago that we might take him to the adult movies. He seemed to understand what I was referring to and got so excited and would bring it up whenever he saw any ‘Cars’ merchandise around the place. Given today was somewhat crappy weather we decided today was the day!

To be honest, I hadn’t considered talking him to the movies until he was about 3 – 3 and half. However, after having spoken to a friend with 2 boys (just turned 4 and 2) who said that he would be fine (so long as you kept him eating), we decided to give it a shot. What could we lose? Hmmm I had thought about this a lot before taking him and this is what I came up with:

  • Worst case scenario – we sit in chairs, movie starts and we get to watch 5 minutes before he wants to leave and starts carrying on. We would have been better flushing $30 down the toilet!
  • Not so worst case scenario – we sit in chairs – but Byron doesn’t want to sit - he prefers to wonder up and down the isle; jump up all over the seats and make lots of noise, whilst watching the movie (come to think of it – this is probably on par with the worst case scenario).
  • Best case scenario – we sit in chairs; Byron sitting too. We watch the movie with only a few toilet breaks (hey I’m being realistic here – he’s 2; if he needs to go, he needs to go!). At least we get to watch all, if not most of the movie.

We had to line up for a little while to get the tickets (that will teach us to go on a wet, windy Sunday!). I was expecting to pay for Byron, but was pleased when they said he was free – Yippee!! Disney Pixar are not ones to discount tickets; hence adults are never at children’s prices. The fact he was free (and not $9.00) made up for the $13.40 each Trevor and I had to pay. I will honest and say I was a little bit disappointed that I wouldn’t have a movie ticket to keep for prosperity – but hey I could probably make one for less than nine bucks!!!

Whilst I lined up to get some popcorn, Trevor took Byron into get seats. He was all excited (according to Trevor) about how dark it was. I remember thinking how little he looked in those big seats when I arrived with the popcorn – he just looked so teeny. His little feet barely went off the edge of the seat and I was a little concerned whether he could see over the seat in front of him (thankfully there wasn't anyone sitting there) - he wasn't too worried. It was a site to see - kinda how he looks when he sits in the front seat of the car, when Trevor parks it in the garage; adorable!

I am pleased to announce that the best case scenario eventuated. I took my friends advice on hand and packed some tiny teddies, a popper and some sultanas (plus the popcorn) just so I could keep him eating LOL. He seemed to enjoy the whole experience – especially the food, and only required 2 toilet breaks (albeit he needed to go within 5 minutes of returning the first time!).

Yes he moved around in his seat, was talking in a normal loud voice, got side tracked and maybe didn't take the whole movie in, but hey, that was the story for most of the parents in the cinema today.

All in all, we enjoyed ourself. The movie was great and I am sure we will watch it over and over in the years to come, much like we do Toy Story and Nemo. I must admit, as he gets older, taking him out and about to experience the world and what it has to offer is so much fun (yes, I know the world has more ‘wholesome’ experiences to offer then going to the movies and stuffing yourself full of food, but for now, on this cold, windy Sunday, the movies will do just fine!).

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