Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Slow news day...

It’s a bit of a slow news day in my neck of the woods. Not much to report really.

In a nutshell...

1. This bloody head cold of mine won’t seem to go away. I cooked lovely lamb cutlets tonight and garlic and bacon potato bake and could hardly taste a thing! In the circumstances, I guess it was pretty pointless eating those bag of freckles...should have probably left them for a day when I actually could taste the goodness.

2. Byron, just fell asleep at 9.40pm (some 2 + hours after he went to bed). I even let him stay up with me while I flicked between Big Brother and Home and Away – probably not the best viewing for under 3s (hmmm will rethink that for next time). Not sure what is happening in the sleep department with the boy. I am really considering scrapping that day sleep...but don’t have a say on kindy days.

3. The State of Origin was on tonight and Queensland won - the score was 30 – 6. Needless to say, Trevor was happy!

4. The waddle I have talked about previously was very prominent today. Someone, who I hadn’t seen in a while, commented as such. This leaves me to wonder what I will be like in 10 weeks time!

5. Byron is getting very good with his colours now. At one stage – approx 6 months ago – I thought for sure he was colour blind; everything he saw was red. Tonight, in the bath, he was pointing out all the colours. My favourite for the evening was "lello". I repeated "lello" back to him and he said "no mummy, YYYELLO".

So much for a slow news day...

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