Sunday, June 18, 2006

A Nice Weekend!

I must say, I was pleasantly surprised at the nice weekend that Trevor and I had. Not a lot happened really (well I guess it did compared to other weekends, which is probably why it was so nice), but it was a nice weekend all the same.

Saturday, 17 June 2006

It was my dad’s birthday on Friday so we (Byron, myself, my sister and dad) celebrated with lunch at the Lone Star. Dad enjoyed himself which was great. I was so shocked at Byron and his manners – they were excellent (no prompting required). Even the hostess commented they were the best kids’ manners she had heard in a long while. Needless to say I was chuffed!

In the afternoon and evening, I went to my friend’s hen’s night. I wasn’t too enthused about going; but that was largely due to money (it cost $55 – money Trevor and I just don’t have at the moment). I could not though, and would never use that as an excuse. We 'found' the money because it was important – I guess that is what friends do! It was a good night in the end. We went out for dinner and a show at a place called the Brazilian Bar. It wasn’t ‘naughty’ like mine was, but fun all the same (it would have been more fun if I could drink LOL).

Byron was such a funny character yesterday. Out of the blue he says to me "I’m just going out to watch the clouds" Huh...I look at Trevor with this dazed look on my face. Next thing you know, Byron has opened the front door and is lying on the cement looking at the clouds!!! WTF...Trevor said that sometimes they look at the clouds when they are out the back. Needless to say, I was a little bemused by the whole thing. I took some photos for prosperity. Whilst taking them, Byron was pointing at the clouds and talking about a story he likes by Mem Fox (called "Whoever You Are") which has a lot of clouds in the illustrations.

I know I have mentioned this before, but yesterday I was stuck by the simplicity of life through the eyes of children. You know, how the simple things matter??? This was reinforced when we got out of the car to go to the shops and Byron says, with so much passion and excitement, "what a beautiful day it is!". Amazing!

Sunday, 18 June 2006

We took Byron to his second ‘real’ birthday party today. You might recall I mentioned the first ‘real’ party he went to a few months back (at McDonalds). Well, it’s amazing what a few months do to a child (or the children).

This party, apart from being at Hungry Jacks, was completely different to the last. The kids actually participated in the games and played with each other. Trevor and I were able to sit down (inside – away from Byron) and eat some food without Byron once coming to see us! Naturally, Trevor and I were wrapped!

On the way to the party, Byron requests his mood for music. Today, it happened to be Wolfmother! Yesterday, it was Banana’s in Pyjamas. It seems, Byron has picked up Trevor’s taste in music (for those reading - Trevor would clarify which music is his; i.e. not Banana’s in Pyjamas!). Particularly he loves the song, "Minds Eye" (or according to him "the keyboard song"). I hear "turn it up daddy" and then his little voice wafting out the chorus (well his version anyway) followed by his rendition of ‘air keyboard’.

That was our weekend...

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