Monday, June 26, 2006

29 weeks pregnant!

Well not much to report on the pregnancy front. I don’t have an antenatal appointment until 30 weeks, so it’s kind of a nothing week really.

For the record, here are some of the things I have noticed over the previous week:

My belly just keeps on growing and growing. Everyday I wake up and it seems a little bigger, which is scaring the bejesus out of me! I was a lot smaller at this stage when I was pregnant with Byron and he was still 7lb 10oz! I guess this gives a lot of credence to the notion that you get bigger second time around. However, I have to say the rate of growth seems to be much different this time around. With Byron it was very slow up until the last 5 weeks, when my tummy just kept expanding (I always looked 'less' far along then I really was). I am hoping things will slow down a little...I guess I will be able to make further comment when I get towards the end of this pregnancy.
I think I might need a little bit of Metamucil. Again, something I never needed when pregnant with Byron.
My feet are fatter (i.e. there is noticeable fluid)! At stages they are a little swollen. Not a lot, but noticeable enough. There is also some fluid present on my lower legs as well. At this stage, my hands seem to be ok. I don't recall having much fluid (if any) with Byron until the very end (again another differing factor!).
The waddle walk is making more regular appearances. As one would expect, this goes hand in hand with size (and maybe has something to do with the slight problem I have with my Pubis Symphysis injury - arising from a slip when pregnant with Byron)!

I guess that’s all there is to report at the moment. Til next week...

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