Friday, May 09, 2008

Clown Boy

I swear every time Byron comes home from kindy he looks like a kid that has swiped his mum’s lipstick and despite trying really hard to apply it correctly completely misses the mark.

Seriously, the kid looks like a clown!

(Excuse the dodgy photo - just a quick snapshot for evidentiary purposes)

Ever since he was a toddler Byron has tended to lick his lips in the cooler/winter months. It used to be a case of him licking when he had a runny nose (gross I know) but now it seems to be more to do with wind burn then a snotty nose although that is sometimes how it begins. It’s got to the point where we are constantly telling him every five minutes to get his tongue back into his mouth. The more he licks with his acidic spit, the worse it becomes. So, by the time he has gotten home from kindy, after a million repeat licks of his lips, he literally looks like a clown.

Vaseline just doesn’t do the job – too thin and way too water soluble. If I try to put a blistex type ointment on he screams – he doesn’t like the cooling sensation. The only thing that seems to really curb a lot of the wind burn is Lansinoh (yes the nipple cream). I used that a lot last winter season. The thickness works wonders. It creates a nice barrier between his lips and his bloody tongue!

My breastfeeding days are long over so I think I might have to head to the chemist and get myself some more Lansinoh. Anything to prevent him from looking like a clown.


MacPhee Family said...

Hey Nic, get some Paw Paw ointment. It comes in a red tube or red container, you can get it from a chemist and most supermarkets these days. It works a treat, that's what I use on Ashlie when she gets wind burn. I also use to use it on Ashlie's bum when she got really bad nappy rash when she was a bub. It works wonders. Trust me. Go get some.

Andrea said...

I second the Paw Paw ointment - my stepson used too do the same thing under his bottle lip - it worked wonders.

Melza said...

LOL he is such a cutie! Christie used to do that and I too used the paw paw ointment..... hope this helps him!

Mel xxx