Thursday, May 01, 2008

So the countdown begins...

It has been confirmed. The builder has advised that handover is coming...

Three weeks today!

Only three weeks until hand over. It could have been 2 weeks and 6 days but alas I will be so busy on the 21st at work that I can’t possibly attend any ‘hand over’ so we moved it to the 22nd.

So, it looks like the 22nd and the 23rd, my 30th birthday, will be spent moving. Oh the joys.

I can’t complain though – moving into a brand new house on your birthday is a pretty good present even if you (*cough cough* the bank) are paying for it and doing the moving yourself.

1 comment:

Kylie said...

Whoo Hoo Mate! I'm so excited that you have a date. Can't wait to come over and check it out! xox