Friday, September 19, 2008

“Not Nice!”

Lily has a new catch phrase. It comes in many tones.

There is the “Not Nice” version said in a somewhat normal tone, sometimes slightly elevated. It usually occurrs when she is eaggravated by something you may have done and/or not done.

Then, there is the “Not NICE!” version usually expressed in an aggravated, elevated tone when something doesn’t go her way.

Finally, we have the “NOT N-I-C-E!!!!!” version commonly bellowed at the top of her lungs with some accompanying finger pointing action whenever she is felt hard done by. Now generally, she feels hard done by when she doesn’t get her own way or gets in trouble.

Miss Lily, my placid little pie, is getting a little attitude me thinks. Anyone would think she was 7 not 2.

She’s not always as pretty as a picture…

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