Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yellow. Red. Orange.

In a matter of days Lily has literally learnt her colours. It’s like someone swiped those colour goggles of her eyes that were making her ‘colour blind’ and away she went. Every thing has a colour – like the pink plate; the purple singlet; the blue one; the yellow one. She just loves her colours.

She has many toys but one of her favourites is a Fisher Price pig money box. She sits on the lounge, opens the flap, takes the money out and proceeds to resight the colour of each coin over and over and over again – “The blue one. The Green one. Yellow. Red. Orange.” She pops them all back in the money box to start all over.

At the moment pink seems to be the flavour of the month. I’m not sure if that will change but if she’s anything like my niece, who will only wear pink, I suspect not.

I can already see the typical girl traits coming through – like her favourite colours and what she likes to wear. I suppose it will only get worse in the coming years. Eeekkk!

So there you have it…Lily can sing a rainbow now – she knows all the colours!


MacPhee Family said...

Nope, she wont grow out of pink being her favourite colour. Ashlie will only wear pink clothes, have pink sheets on her bed, have pink shoes on, have a pink bath towel pink, pink, bloody pink! She's a big girl now mummy and the next 12 months are going to FLY by with all her little 'girly' things. Ohh she's just so yummy I want to smooch her all over.

Rachael said...

The FP Piggy Money Box is a HUGE hit here also. I actually had it in the cupboard ready to give as a gift...but Liam found it and fell in LOVE. The only problem is that he can't get the door open so it is thrust at me 100 times a day to get the coins out!