Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Painting complete

They finished painting our house today. It’s all done…both the outside and in.


The front door has been painted the same colour (or it was supposed to be the same colour) as the garage door – Jasper – but it's a little dark for my liking. Oh well. It’s just a door I suppose – I can paint it if I don’t learn to love it!

Speaking of love…the kids feature walls came up a treat as did the feature in the media room. I’m pretty happy with the colour of the walls.

In fact, aside from how dark the front door is, I’m pretty happy with all *my* ( I say ‘my’ because lets face it, Trevor had no real input despite my requests for his opinion) choices.

I took Byron to check out his green wall tonight. He loved it. I sneakly have a plan to take the kids down there for a few photos on the wall (i.e backdrops) this weekend. Stay tuned for those.

(Front door jasper)

(Lily's purple mystery)

(Byron's garden party)

(Media's gohanna)

(The rest - ibis white)


Melza said...

Looks beautiful Nic! Can't wait to come for a visit and check out those walls in person!

Mel xxx

Kylie said...

The painting has come up a treat! Love the colours and can't wait to see the kids rooms all set up! xox