Friday, October 24, 2008


Trevor and the kids picked me up at the bus station after work this afternoon. I’m really loving my ‘bus time’ at the moment – I’m currently engrossed in the Stephenie Meyer ‘Twighlight’ series books – I only have 60 odd pages to go of the final book (which is over 700 pages long) and I’m wishing it to never end. Of course I can’t stop reading so it’s bound to end by tomorrow. Sigh. Next to Harry Potter they’re my new favourites. Fantastic and I’d totally recommend them!!!

Anyway, my new favourite books are not the crux of this entry. It’s about my totally talented son! He’s a genius for sure – ok probably not Mensa material but he’s pretty damn smart. We were driving home and Trevor told me that Byron learnt some new things at kindy today and that he had something to tell me. Byron pipes up with “nouns are things”! To my shock, Byron’s discovered nouns – oh my gosh that boy is clever. I thought he was clever reading those little readers all by himself then he goes and discovers the foundations of grammar, and all before he’s even come close to hitting grade one (which does concern me a little but I’ll adopt the wait and see approach for prep).

He continued on with his discussion...

“A cup is a noun”
“A car is a noun”
“A clock is a noun”

Trevor turned to him and said “You’re such a clever boy Byron!” to which Lily turned around and said “No....he’s not a clever boy – he’s just a boy!”.

Byron even has his very own ‘Well Done’ certificate from kindy which says...

“Byron has started to learn about grammar. Today he learnt that nouns are the names of things”

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