Wednesday, November 22, 2006

12 weeks old...

My little chubba guts is 12 weeks old today...

The smiles keep on coming (although not always on demand) as does the goohing and garring. I can’t say enough how much I am in love with her language; the way she chats to the little bears on her mobile makes my heart melt. Not to mention the little birdie on her play gym for which she seems to have developed a close bond to. The way she puckers her little lips when talking and moves her little fists about - I am in love with it - could watch and listen to it all day long.


She has just found her fists the last couple of days. She loves to suck on them. I'll be driving when I suddenly hear loud ‘slurps’ synonymous with the fists in mouth.

She had her first shower last night with daddy and she loved it. She loves to have baths with Mummy - but probably not as much as I love to have them with her. I love the closeness it brings.

She is sleeping much better at night, although not always through the night. She keeps teasing me…giving me the taste of a good long (well long in baby world) sleep and taking it back (Indian giver!). The longest she has slept is from 7.30pm until 5.45am - so far she hasn’t delivered on that again. I can only dream!

She is feeding better although we are not in any routine at all. Sometimes she feeds 2 hourly, 3 hourly, 4 hourly and so on (you get the picture?).

Byron loves her head. I would have to say it is his favourite part of her body. He loves to touch it, kiss it, bang it, pat it, hug it - you name it, he's done it. No matter how many times we try to tell him not to, he always finds a way to do it. He refers to her as 'Lil' which is rather cute.

We have such a busy life at the moment, what with the Gym, mother’s group, baby massage and shopping; it's no wonder time is just flying by .

I can’t imagine what changes will happen over the next 12 weeks. To be honest I am happy for her to stay 12 weeks for a little while longer.

I don’t want her to keep growing up this fast!

Before leaving I must say a big congratulations to my dear BDer friend Ness who gave birth to beautiful Harrison James today exactly 11 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours and 55 minutes after I did. Good work babe.

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