Monday, June 16, 2008

Good Fun!

Just me and thirty odd of my closest friends and family.

A fair amount of alcohol (a touch too much).

One very late night.

One bad hang over the next day (I’m getting too old for it all).

But gee…It was so bloody worth it! I had the best time.

PS. Thanks Jo (my sister in law) for taking all my birthday snaps.

(my brother who flew up from Sydney for the night...just for me! He he he...somehow I think he had a 'rocky' plane ride home the next morning!)

(Us kids with Mum)

(Pretty much the only shot of Trevor from the night. Can you believe we didn't get one happy snap together?!)

(My sister and brother)

(My brother - gee he's fairing well in the happy snap department...wonder why? - and my sister in law)

(My good ol' besty!)

(My sis and soon to be brother in law)

One more thing...

Happy Birthday Dad!!!


MacPhee Family said...

Glad you enjoyed your night Nic, and so you bloody should have too! Hope you got some 1/2 decent photos to cherish, I'm no where near as creative and talented in that department! Nathan and I had a great night and yes, the flight back to Sydney was very rocky to say the least!! As was the 2 1/2 hour drive home!!!

MrsPfeiff said...

Awwww Nic I wish I was there!!!!!! Though at least you know I was thinking of you...even if I can't remember it...sorry about that message *insert blushing face* but it looks like it was an ACE night!!

You look beautiful, as always xxx

Becca said...

Happy belated 30th Nic! Welcome to the club. Keep reciting this to yourself...."You're only as old as you feel" over and over. I do!