Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's been a while...

Gosh. It feels like ages since I picked up my camera with the intent of doing a mini shoot. I hardly picked up my camera whilst I was on leave.

I consciously thought that this weekend I 'should' pick it up and take some shots. The two birthday parties we had to attend were the perfect opportunity. The first one, on Saturday, did result in me taking the camera but not in me actually taking any shots. Durr. On Sunday Lily went to a little party in the park. I thought it was the best opportunity to get her all dressed up and take some snaps.

I didn't really get any of Byron whilst at the park so I thought I would take him outside and get some whilst Lily was sleeping. We ended up exploring the houses being built around us (he he he I love being a sticky beak). I tell you...some people just have no taste in electrical fitting. Blur!!!

Anyway, I only got a couple of Byron but I was pretty happy with them none the less. Speaking of happy, Byron has a little electric car that he's had since he was about two. Mum got it for him for Christmas (when he was way too young to use it). The thing is he has never used it. We didn't have the space at home to park the car so it was put into storage. Since we've moved the car has come out and can I just say...it is a huge hit! He loves it. Lily loves it. He takes her for rides. It's so cute!

The car is the coolest...It even has a real radio that tunes into 'normal' stations. He was listening to the 'football' the other day whilst driving along. The things kids have today.

And some of the car...


MrsPfeiff said...

He's too cool for school :)

Car said...

I always drop by to check out your photos & latest news, but just couldn't go past not commenting on that last shot of Byron driving up the road - it is an awesome photo!

Melza said...

Byron is too cute! Oh and Lily as well!!!

Man I wish I could get Pips to keep clips in her hair like that LOL