Saturday, June 14, 2008

So I’m 30…

I still can’t believe that I’m no longer in my twenties. It’s really surreal.

I find myself stopping mid thought (with something else) when the sudden realisation I’m thirty hits. It’s rather odd. I feel like my twenties just slipped away. My next ‘big’ birthday is forty. What the? How can I be heading to forty? What happened to twenty?

Ok. Ok. So it’s another ten years until I’m forty – Byron will be 15 then – but as if, when I was twenty, I would have thought that thirty was just around the corner and here I am…thirty!

My twenties literally flew by. Graduation from law school, admission as a lawyer, buying a place, getting married, building a place and having two kids along the way sure did take its toll on my twenties. I’m not sure my thirties will be so hectic. Aside from one more child, there is nothing else on the radar, compared to my twenties. If truth be told, that’s a good thing. My twenties were a blur, no doubt on account of its busy schedule. I’m hoping my thirties are a more laid back, carefree era in my life.

From those in the know (i.e. those in their thirties) I’ve heard life’s great. It’s a good time. I hope their right. I’m looking forward to the good life.

Let the journey begin.

The journey began on an interesting note. On the day of my birthday we moved house. There was no nice dinner or lunch. No pampering. It was all hard work and no play. I suppose I can’t complain. Moving into a nice new home on your birthday is what most dream of, even if it is 80% owned by the bank.

I’ve mentioned my mum before. She’s so sweet; the sweetest mum in the world. She always tries her very hardest to make my birthday so special. This year was no different. After having a big fight with Trevor in the morning over him not having replaced his licence (after his wallet got stolen last Christmas) and hence therefore not being able to hire the truck (which I could not drive) I returned home in tears to be greeted by my mum. She had come around to deliver me some birthday cheer with presents included. Trevor was carrying on like a right idiot because, after six months, and under duress, he had to head off to get his licence replaced, something he didn’t think he needed to do (I could write a whole blog on his behaviour that day but I won’t waste the space or my precious time). After he was gone and to cheer me up mum gave me a present, which, cheered me up no end but didn’t dry the tears.

It was a little box, the present. I suspected jewellery, given the size of the box but I had no idea what it could be. When I opened the box I was speechless. When I studied the gift, I cried more tears – happy tears – for mum had given me the most wonderful gift I had ever received. It was a solid gold bangle with 8 diamonds measuring a total of .8ct. The most wonderful part of the gift wasn’t the vast amount of gold or the diamonds but the inscription it held. It read…

“Forever my daughter, now my friend.”

Even as I type this it makes me emotional. I’m thankful everyday to have the mother I do. She truly is my special friend.

A little more about the bangle…Dad had given mum a bangle many moons ago (they haven’t been married for over 15 years) which had 15 diamonds in it. Mum had put 8 of those diamonds in my bangle and kept the other 7 diamonds for my sister (he he he I’m older so I got one more). She had the gold melted from the bangle and other pieces of her jewellery and had it custom made; custom made just for me.

Sigh. I’m so lucky.

Trevor and the kids gave me a half day at a spa. Four hours of treatment including massages, manicures and all those fun things. I’ve decided to use it come September/October when spring is in the air.

My sister gave me the most gorgeous diamond ‘N’ pendant. She knew that I’ve always wanted one and well, she got me one. It's perfect.

Sigh. I’m so lucky.

I had a party one week later. I’ll report on that tomorrow, photos and all. I’m tired now. Off to bed I think. I'm having way to many late nights at the moment.


MrsPfeiff said...

Did they forget to give you the memo that said that the 30's are fab? I wouldn't know (hehe) but I hear they are awesome. Welcome to the dirty thirties...or the flirty thirties!!

Your Mum's a keeper. What a doll.

Love ya xxx

Jessika said...

wow nic that bracelet is awesome, i love it, your a very lucky mummy,, i still have 8 yrs to get to the thirties, so good luck with it.

Andrea said...

What a beatuiful and extremely thoughtful gift from your Mum. Something to be cherished for many many years to come as you enjoy all the 30's has to offer you ~ may it be extra special and filled with love, health and happiness. I love the necklace from your sister as well.

happy birthday again xx

Melza said...

30 rocks!!! Actually 37 rocks as well.... man I am so much closer to 40 than you...... *sigh*

Absolutely LOVE that bracelet and yes you are very spoilt!

Mel x