Monday, August 21, 2006

37 Weeks Today!!!

As expected the pain from the SPD is not getting much better – I don’t suppose it will get any better until the baby is born. It seems today, as an added bonus, there is some back pain chucked in for good measure. Look I can’t complain really, at least I can waddle along and function and it’s not always ‘painful’. Night time seems to be my biggest quandary.

Last night was a terrible night again. I must have woken about 4 or 5 times with period like pain in my lower back (in addition to the SPD problems). It was a little unusual because I hadn’t experienced any pain like that so far. It even got so bad as to require a heat pack this morning.

I had a doctor’s (GP) appointment today. When I walked in she said that I looked "haggard". To be honest that is exactly how I felt – haggard!

She took my vital statistics:

• Weight (all important of course) – 81kgs
• No abnormality detected in urine
• Blood Pressure – 125/80
• Fetal Heart rate – 160 beats per minute
• Oedema – present
• Presentation – cephalic (head down) 1/5th engaged (yippee)

When she said the baby was engaged (even though only 1/5th) I can tell you I was excited. Byron never fully engaged and from memory was 2/5th when my waters broke – although I was 1/5th engaged with him at 36 weeks and nothing happened until 39+ weeks, so I guess it might not mean anything at all (I can still cling to hope though). It does however confirm the reason the SPD pain has gotten worse over the last week (ie. there is more pressure) – the baby has dropped so to speak.

In relation to the back pain the doctor said it is either a symptom of the SPD or early labour – bet you can guess which one I am hoping it is? After the doctor’s visit, for about 2 hours, I experienced period like cramping in my tummy and back. I am presuming they were Braxton hicks – I am not too sure as I haven’t had them before, or never noticed them at least. They just disappeared...not to return again today.

On a final note my doctor said that she thought I would go earlier then I did with early she wasn’t sure or didn’t really elaborate. I came away from the appointment today happy and content that my Little Miss Lily Pie might make her entrance in the not to distant future (here’s hoping anyway).

I have an OB appointment on Wednesday (how exciting NOT! – can’t you tell I’m a big fan of them at the moment). I will see what he has to say, although probably nothing I want to here.

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