Monday, July 16, 2007

"Uh Oh"

It's all coming back to me now. I remember when Byron was around Lily's age (10-11 months) I used to say "uh oh" when ever he dropped something or the like. He took to the words, or the sound they make when you say it, almost instantly and started saying it all day long. Well, Lily is the same.

Yesterday when she chucked her water off her highchair (as she does) I went "uh oh" which was met with a just as quick reply "uh oh". It became a game. Every time I said it, she would repeat it - she even took to saying it for the sake of it. It just goes to show she is getting older; moving closer to toddler hood .

The other day, I swear she said "tar" when I handed her something.

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