Monday, October 30, 2006

Do it!

I know I said don’t do it...but now I think I have changed my mind!

The carpet is laid (stairs were finished today) and it looks and smells wonderful. So far I have unpacked most of the boxes etc but there are still a few more to go (my target is for Wednesday - fingers crossed)! It feels great to have a nice clean, de cluttered house! I just hope it stays that way.

For the record, I have this incessant cough at the know the one that just lingers and won’t go away. It is driving me absolutely nuts. I just can’t stop coughing and its getting to the point where it hurts (I think that means it is time to see a doctor). Poor Byron; I was reading his bedtime story tonight and I think it took 4 times longer to finish it. I am surprised the poor thing could understand the story with the constant pausing for breath while I coughed.

That’s it for me...nothing much else to report.

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