Friday, November 30, 2007

My yearning…

You know when you have a yearning to do something different? The type of yearning that consumes your thoughts? Well I do. I’ve had the hunger to learn photography for ages, ever since I discovered natural light photography.

The main reason I’m so keen to learn is that I want to take those striking shots of my children - the ones that capture their spirit. I want to take them myself. I want to capture the moment when I see it, as I see it.

At the moment I have just your normal point and shoot digital camera, although it is a good one and does have manual settings. However, I’m not too sure exactly how it all works. So, I want to learn. I have ordered some books form and hope to receive them in the next couple of weeks; nothing spectacular, just beginner stuff. It’s a start though.

Ideally I would love to get my own Digital SLR but alas the finances don’t quite allow for that just yet. If only Santa could afford one! I also hope to do a course sometime soon – sooner rather then latter – but that will have to fit in with fulltime work, kids and domestic duties. *sigh*

I think it’s important to have a hobby; something of interest other then your children and for me – work! I want to accomplish something; see the final results and be proud of what I have done. Generally speaking, I think I have some artistic talent, although not enough to make me a great painter, sculptor or anything like that; just enough to compliment any photographic techniques I learn along the way.

I was out in the garden this afternoon, playing around with my point and shoot, trying to figure out manual settings, (all while looking at the stuff I printed on the web that I thought might get me through until my books arrive). I shot some photos – they're ok. I did cheat though; I think most of them were shot with the camera’s auto function on close-up mode. If only I had a DSLR – I’m sure I would figure it out faster. Oh well…

We have Lily...

Ok, they aren’t at professional standards but they’re ok. Good enough for the album.

PS. Don’t you love her chub – rolls everywhere (just like her mum! he he he).

. Photoshop or some sort of editing program wouldn't go astray either. *sigh*

Thursday, November 29, 2007

When does land become a house?

As it stands today, our land has plumbing and electricity *happy dance*. The footings haven been done ready for the form work on Monday and slab pouring on Tuesday. We've had some sunny days the last couple (emphasis on couple) of days, so they have been able to get a little bit done.

It's so very exciting to see progress. As expected though, it looks small; really small! Gawd I hope we picked the right type of design for us. It's really hard to tell on paper. Oh well, it's too late now!

Typically, whenever I intend to go and check out the progress of our building project, I generally say “I’m just going to check out the land” or “let’s go to the land”. I was thinking today that soon it won’t just be a block of will be a house.

But when does it become a house? When the frame is up, roof on, bricked and rendered? Is it a house now, merely footings and plumbing? I’m not too sure. You be the judge...

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(We have electricity!)

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(And an ensuite...)

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Fifteen whole months!

I shudder at the thought of the next 15 months going as fast as the past 15 months have gone. The thought of my baby girl (yes baby…I can’t deal with her being a toddler just yet – give me a few more months) growing up before my eyes is surreal.

I see newborns around the place and think Lily was that small once but alas, that was many, many months ago now – all but a distant memory.

She is definitely developing her own little intricacies. She loves to walk and wander around the place. She is getting really good at it too. Crawling kind of died once she realised she could stand up unaided. It’s been about 3 weeks since then and she hasn’t looked back. She still walks with her hands in the air for balance but slowly they are becoming less obvious. She can’t quite run or anything yet but she is getting faster and more confident every day.

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She is my buddha baby; a solid little thing. I haven’t had her weighed for a while but she would be up there around 11kgs I think. She has the cutest little pot belly and round chubby face. Yesterday Trev commented that she isn’t losing any of her weight and should we be worried. Typical male comment! Umm hellooooo she’s only been walking 3 weeks! I couldn’t care less about her chub…in fact I love it.

Her hair is getting thicker but not longer. I’m looking forward to putting it up in pigtails and clips but for now I’ll just make the most of manageable hair that requires no maintenance. I’m sure I’ll be wishing for that in a year or two.

I know I have mentioned before that Byron was never really a ‘toy’ kid. He had heaps of toys but wasn’t and still to a certain degree, is not overly fussed by them. Lily on the other hand loves them. She loves to roam from toy to toy and she plays with everything. She takes an interest in almost every toy she happens to find around the place, including Byron’s toy cars and his wooden blocks. It’s a new thing for me…the way it’s supposed to be with kids. I really love playing with her.

On reading, she is getting much better. I have taken to reading her 3 to 4 books a night whilst she drinks her bottle and we sit together on the rocking chair. I think she’s enjoying it much more then she did – or at least she sits through books which is much more then she was doing a few weeks ago!

I know she is growing up fast and the baby years are slowly drifting into the abyss. I know she is nearly there in toddlerville. I know it. I just can’t quite accept it yet. I was reading that when children learn to walk, they are called toddlers. It is the time between infancy and childhood when a child learns and grows in many ways. She has only been walking a few weeks so I need just a little more time before I can employ that term.

I need more time with my whittle baby…my whittle buddha baby.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

When I grow up...

"...I want to be a police man. When I catch berguulers I will take them to jail. After I be a policeman I’m going to be a road worker and then an ambulance man and fire man. When I get big I will come and visit but I will change my name because Byron is not an adult name..."

Oh the joys. He is such a treasure. That was a snippet of his conversation with me this morning.

I have been somewhat neglectful of my Byronisms of late. He doesn’t come out with the one liners so much any more. Rather, it is stories – full blown narratives about life in his little mind.

He loves bugs. Byron is a bug lover from way back. He can not stand it when he finds a dead bug on the ground being eaten by ants. He hates it. The gentle soul within compels him to move them away from the ants. There is a down side to Byron being a lover of all things bugs and that is, he considers the dreadful cockroach falls within that realm of loveable beetle! Agghh! No matter how many times we tell him they are pests, he still insists on feeling sorry for a dead cockroach he might see around the place. The other morning when I was dropping Byron off to kindy he found a little dead beetle in his kindy room that must have found his way in there and died. Anyway, he saw the bug and said, whilst picking the beetle up and putting it just outside the door, "I’ll just have to take him outside to Heaven".

Speaking of Heaven...this morning on the way to kindy we were listening to the radio when there was mention that someone had died. The following conversation ensued:

Byron: "He will be in Heaven. He will be alive in Heaven"
Me: "Yes, but he won’t be able to come back"
Byron: "Yes he will...he can just catch a helicopter back"

Who am I to shatter his allusion? Theoretically, I should probably correct these things but I don’t want to. I want him to live in hope; sheltered from the cruelty or pain that can come with growing up and living life. There will be plenty of that when he's older.

My day is filled with conversations that are innocent and splendid. I love them. I am blessed to hear them; to listen to his wonderful discussions about the simple things. My son.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sore Heart

Hearts are a funny thing aren’t they? Rather strange but in a good way. They are the core to your soul in more ways then one. They keep you alive and they keep you living – by living, I mean living in the sense of love, fulfilment and joy.

Yesterday afternoon my father in law had a heart attack. He came home from voting complaining of chest pains. They (my mother and father in law) went straight to hospital – apparently the cheeky bugger had had chest pains for a little while! At hospital they wasted no time in hooking him up to the machines wherein it was noted he was in the grip of a heart attack and it wasn’t a mild heart attack either. Apparently it was a major one. He is 56 years old!!!

Trevor was in a bit of a state as one could imagine and rushed to the hospital to see his dad. Byron didn’t quite understand what was going on. He wanted to go and see Poppy but sadly that was not appropriate. I stayed home with the kids.

Currently, ‘Poppy’ is doing ok. He is in the ICU hooked up to machines but doing well. He has to stay in for another week for monitoring and tests. Fingers crossed all goes well and he will be home and well within the week.

I pray that things will be ok with Trevor’s dad. He has been through a few health issues this past year – prostate cancer being number one. He got through that, so no doubt he can fight this too. I hope for a speedy recover and that his heart gives him no more trouble.

The one thing I have noticed about getting older is that I worry more about my parents and their mortality. As you get older so do your parents. The thought of something happening to them frightens the bejesus out of me, really it does. I simply prefer not to think such things.

Friday, November 23, 2007

No Such Luck!

There was the threat of a storm last night and the threat of rain today. The darn sky never delivered on either threat which just plain sucks. It sucks because, despite the hope something might have been done, the builder’s stayed away. I hate the thought that two perfect days were wasted; wasted for nothing. At least if it had of rained it wouldn’t seem as bad – at least I could curse the weather and not the builder. At the moment I feel like every sunny day has to be made the most of, especially when rain is forecast for the coming days and months.

Disclaimer: You’ve probably noticed a lot of focus of late on my lovely patch of dirt. You see, I’m desperate for things to get cracking. Please ignore my ramblings. My only excuse being I'm completely and utterly over the whole process...I want it to start and my patience has long since gone.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hand, Foot and Mouth

On Tuesday kindy rang to tell me I would have to come and get Lily because she had a few little blisters on her feet and one on her hand. They thought she might have hand, foot and mouth (not the cow version – the children’s version). They had sent another baby home that day whom they were positive had it. It wasn’t looking good! I jumped straight on the phone and made an urgent doctor’s appointment. Luckily for me they were accommodating.

Being unable to get a hold of Trevor (close to his finishing time – but that’s a whole other story) I had to pack up, yet again, and go and get my baby. Lucky for me I have a reasonable employer who is happy (for want of a better word) to let me leave and work from home when I need to. I know that is neither here no there when talking sick kids but it does make things a little less stressful and easier to manage for me.

When I picked her up she was sleeping soundly. Meanwhile, the carers in the babies’ room were busily disinfecting and cleaning madly in the hope they could curb some outbreak. They showed me Lily’s feet – there was a grand old total of 3 blisters on her feet, nothing in her mouth and I could not see anything on her hands. Nevertheless, they thought she had it and who was I to argue.

My visit to the doctor shed no light. The doctor could not confirm whether she was infected at all, so we had to make another appointment for Wednesday and watch over night to see if she had developed any more blisters.

So we watched...and we watched...and NOTHING!

Not a single new blister – nothing. We thought for sure she would get the all clear. To our surprise, a different doctor on Wednesday thought she might have a mild case and therefore she would have to stay at home until the blisters dried up.

The blisters are minute – that is the two she has (one on each heel) are barely noticeable. It's amazing how two doctors can make completely separate diagnosis’. We have made another appointment for her on Saturday to get the all clear. Finger’s crossed for then.

In the meantime, we have been lucky and managed to juggle Lily’s ailment so I don’t have to have yet another day off work. My mother in law had her this morning until she had to go to work. Then it was off to visit Nanna at work for an hour or two until Daddy finished work at lunch time. The same process tomorrow...I have no doubt Lily loves all the attention.

Poor little Lily seems to pick up more bugs then what Byron ever did. She seems more susceptible. I wonder if she will grow out of it sooner rather then later. Byron is a trooper now. He has had barely a day off kindy through illness this year, which for a working mother is fantastic...makes things much easier to manage.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


We have progress. More progress. Not a huge amount, but progress all the same. I’m delighted.

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(See the wood???? Progress!!!)

I spoke to the builder today and he said they have earmarked tomorrow and Friday to do the foundations/footings so long as it doesn’t rain. According to him they will not dig trenches if there is a chance they will fill up with water. So, I’m praying we don’t get much rain and/or storms for the next few weeks.

If all goes to plan (read: no rain) on Tuesday they hope to do the plumbing and electrical work and *drum roll* they have booked the concreters to lay the slab on Thursday the 29th.

Things seem to be moving along step closer. Wooohooo!!!

In other good news, we got our car back today. Three weeks after the dear bus driver took her bus on a bit of a detour into...ummm...a few parked cars! There were some dilemmas with the excess. The repairer rang and informed me they had not received authority to waive the excess so there would be a fee when we pick it up. Needless to say I wasn’t impressed at all. Five phone calls later (and a claims officer telling me, an insurance lawyer, that people – meaning me – some times don’t understand the insurance process! *cough* *cough* I soon put him in his place) things were sorted.

I’m impressed with the car. It looks great – nice and shiny. I must say, if there is anything good to come out of this, it’s the lovely cut, polish and detail - inside and out - my car received. It smells delicious except for the paint.

In other not so good news, it seems Lily has a mild case of hand, foot and mouth but I'll save that interesting news for tomorrow. I don't want to spoil the wooohooo factor of today!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Day of Breakthrough

Today has been a glorious day so far. Byron played brilliantly at soccer this morning. By that I mean he participated. He participated for the whole hour only popping off to get some water. He looked liked he had a great time out there. We thought last week would end much the same as it had the previous weeks. He refused to go on for the first half of soccer until this lovely chap played some ball activities with him on the sideline, eventually coaxing him out to participate with the other kids wherein he scored a goal – a mini breakthrough.

It seems that same chap was coaching the littlies this week due to the normal coach being away. I’m not sure if Byron just felt more comfortable with the coach of the week but whatever it was, I'm just so happy he gave it a go. Fingers crossed he has adopted more of a 'can do' attitude to soccer.

In other splendid news...THE LOT HAS BEEN ‘CUT’!!!!!!!!!!

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It was the most magical thing to see (especially in pouring rain). As I drove there today I thought for sure nothing would be different. I was so over the moon to see something had been done. I am so relieved things are finally starting albeit at a snail's pace. Can you believe it is raining again here today? I just can’t get over this weather. I wonder if we will have some plumbing next Saturday...hmmmm.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Story Time

I thought I would share a little bit of useless information...Lily, being the clever girl she is, can blow her nose. I could scarcely believe it when I put a tissue to her nose the other day and said “blow”. She did exactly that! She blew her nose like a very big girl. I still struggle with Byron when it comes to blowing his nose. He just doesn’t seem to have the knack. Lily on the other hand is an old hat; it’s like she has been doing it forever!

There is one thing Lily isn’t too good at and that is reading books. Not reading in the literal sense of course because she is far too young for that. I’m talking about listening and relaxing whilst mummy reads a story. I have tried on many occasions to read books to her, so much so that I have lost count. But alas, she won’t have a bar of it. One page through the book (any kind of book) and she is off. She just doesn’t seem to be interested at all.

Her kindy carer advised me a few weeks ago that Lily doesn’t have the greatest attention span (she was speaking in consideration of her age). She doesn’t like to focus on things for very long periods, and this includes story time. I know she is young and I am not expecting her to sit back whilst I read countless chapters of Harry Potter. I’m thinking more along the lines of say ‘Spot’. Byron was a lover of books and still is. I could read 10 stories to him when he was around Lily’s age and he would be content to listen to 20 more.

I have wondered if Lily’s lack of interest in books is the result of my time poor lifestyle and the fact I didn’t read many books to her when she was a young baby like I did with Byron. I guess that’s the thing with the first born – it seems you have all the time in the world to do all that fun stuff. For me, it was a case of trying to continue with the routine of reading books with Byron that Lily kinda feel out of the mix. Being a little baby, she wasn’t ‘interested’ in the kind of stories I would be reading with Byron. We generally do (behaviour permitting) stories with Byron before bed but sadly, and I’m embarrassed to say, Lily doesn’t fair in that experience. Every time we have tired, she has mucked around, crawled off and shown no interest at all that it has become distractive for Byron, so we gave up.

Maybe that’s why she just doesn’t seem to like books – there wasn’t enough exposure!?? *bows head in disgrace*

I’m going to make more of a concerted effort with books and Lily. I know there is nothing more frustrating then trying to read a story to a child that is hardly interested in a word you have to say but nevertheless I will persevere and see how it goes. I thought I might try reading her a story while she has her bottle at night – when things are calm.

Tomorrow night, I think I’ll try 'Spot' with the hope that one day she might enjoy the reading experience of 'Where is the Green Sheep', Byron’s most treasured toddler story (and secretly one of mine).

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sickness and stuff

I've had another bout of the good ol' viral bug these last few days. I felt dreadful yesterday. I hobbled off to work for half the day because I had an urgent piece of work to get out, before coming home to bed, which is pretty much where I stayed until this morning. Thankfully it was ‘Grandma’ day yesterday so my not so well children didn’t have to go to kindy.

I can’t believe my run of bad lack this year. Whilst not as bad as the first winter after Byron was born (which was dreadful) I think I'm still entitled to put up my hand and say I've had my fair share of colds. Similarly, Lily would have to do the same. Byron has not done too badly except for this week’s bug. Trevor, a.k.a ‘superman’ as he would call himself, hasn’t had any remanence of a cold for quite a while. He likes to brag about that fact..."when I get sick...oh wait that never happens...". Hmmm, me thinks he better touch some wood before he gets bitten on the bum.

Moving on from anything viral, the car is still getting fixed. It has been 2 weeks and they have said another week and we should have it. Meanwhile, I’m getting too used to driving around in my brand new hire car. So used to it in fact, that I might have to keep it (he he he).

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bubbles, Balls & Birds

One of my most favourite things to do is soak it up in a nice warm bubble bath (even in the middle of summer). I just love them; I’ve always had a soft spot for the ol’ bath. It’s the one thing I’m looking forward to most in the new house – my big bath!

Anyway, I think Lily has taken after me. She just loves her bath but even more she loves the bubbles. At first she wasn’t too fond of them; didn’t like the texture and hated the feeling on her face. Now it’s a thing of the past - she loves them. When she sees the bath full of bubbles she comes charging all the while chanting “baaools, baaooles”. The cheeky bugger tries with all her might to get them out of the bath, which includes trying to climb in with clothes on and all.

She loves to put them all over her hands and face. Byron meanwhile thinks the bubbles are all his and positively cracks it when they are taken from his side of the bath –(we’re working on it).

Lily seems to be attracted to all things ’B’. Not only does she love her “baaools” she loves balls (‘borss’), blocks (still undecipherable) and birds (‘bers’). And then there is Byron. She hasn’t quite mastered his name yet; it’s rather undecipherable and different every time. I can’t wait to see what spin she puts on it. I’m sure it will be adorable.

Lily is coming along nicely with her communication skills. For the most part I thoroughly understand my cheeky little miss. She isn’t as communicative as Byron was in terms of her verbal skills but never the less, she has her own style which is delightful in everyway – right down to the way she screws up her nose in disgust. Awwwhhhh she is beautiful.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Damn Rain!

Rain - it’s officially the excuse for why my house hasn’t yet started.

I drove down on Saturday with Byron (It’s a little thing we do together) and could have burst into tears at the sight of my now overgrown lot. I really did expect to go there and see some excavation work, even though knowing the rain we have had of late would have impeded on any progress.

Speaking of rain...I can’t believe we have been in a drought all this time; on water restrictions and it rains on and off right when they want to get started on my house. What are the odds? It's still raining and drizzling.

Anyway, after the sight of my lot I came home and despite trying to restrain myself, I rang the builder. I just vented my frustrations at 6 weeks of nothing and then come Christmas it would be another 4 weeks of nothing. He seemed accommodating just saying, “love…it’s the rain. I only got 2 slabs done last week. I’m behind with all my jobs”. Look I know it’s the rain. I’m not an idiot. I’m just frustrated with 8 months of nothing. When I asked him about what would be done by Christmas he said “you’ll have the slab by Christmas”.


I am feeling so irritated with life at the moment (don’t ask me why) and well, this is just another frustrating step.

The frustration continues...

Lily dropped my mobile phone on Saturday - yes I know she shouldn't have had it and that’s what Trevor told me a million times. She smashed the LCD part of the screen in the phone. All that appears is a black screen with a couple of lightening bolt cracks. No way of seeing any numbers or anything on the phone. It was pretty much unusable unless someone rang me.

I took the phone back to get repaired. It is covered under warranty if they determine it was a manufacturer’s fault (somehow I don't think that will be the case) and I have got a loan phone for now. Mind you, I have no numbers or anything in my new loan phone - I feel naked! I wonder how much I will be up for to fix my phone. More money no doubt - I guess it is just a question of how much.

*sigh* - There seems to have been a lot of these of late.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Rain Rain

I wouldn’t ordinarily think this way given we need the rain BUT...

Go away and come again another day!

How are they ever going to start my new house with all this rain?

It’s been a good 3 weeks since my little meeting with the builder and still (as of Sunday) there was nothing to show but a grassy patch of dirt and some roof trusses that I can’t be sure are even mine.

C’mon already! Can we get this thing started? I’m slowly losing patience.

While we're at it – where is spring, glorious spring? Come back I miss you.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The All Clear

I don’t think I mentioned as I was waiting for the results, but Lily had a further follow up ultrasound for her hydronephrosis a week ago. I was a little worried about my prospects of keeping a ‘want to be active’ baby lying still on the bed for 15 minutes while they performed the ultrasound.

Me and my wisdom decided a nice big bottle of milk would do the trick and that it did. She was a little champ until the bottle ran out. Thankfully, she sucked it dry at the closing stages of the ultrasound.

The sonographer had told me that he thought the right side appeared normal; however, he advised the left side still appear dilated but nothing significant.

I finally got the results from the paediatrician today. It’s all good news. The paediatrician confirmed the right side as normal and advised the left side was better then it was previously in that it wasn't as dilated. It is still dilated but nothing to cause to much concern. So, it means, we can definitely stay off the antibiotics, which is fantastic.

All we need to do now in relation to the hydronephrosis is take her back in 6 months for another review!


Monday, November 05, 2007

Miss Independent

I left it for as long as I could. I didn’t want to have to succumb to the mess that is a baby feeding themselves.

Honestly though, I don’t know why I left it that long. She has the knack. She is a natural. No mess. No throwing of food (which is something I should have suspected Lily wouldn’t take part in – she loves her food to much to waste it). She can feed herself no dramas. She has great control over her spoon and never misses that mouth of hers. Apart from the odd ‘drip’ off the spoon she is clean.

I love that little bit of freedom I get now that she can feed herself. I especially notice it at breakfast – I can now eat my breakfast at the same time. It’s like I have gained another 15 minutes in the morning.

There are the occasional down sides to her feeding herself. Firstly, she is slow – very slow which isn’t the best when you are in a hurry. Secondly, she has delighted in this new found independence, so much so that she will only let me feed her when she has a spoon in her hand. There is no turning back now…

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Little Miss Independent has just discovered walking – she is walking everywhere. On Sunday, she discovered how to stand up on her own which is a step in the road out of babyville into toddlerville. It was the last reaming hurdle to her walking – standing up unaided. Over the last 2 days since she has discovered her new found talent, she is walking more and crawling less.

I am trying not to be sad about her new found independence – it’s a good thing right!?

My baby girl is growing before my eyes.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Solemn Mood

At the outset, don’t get me wrong. I have 2 beautiful children and for that I am blessed. I have my health, my family and my friends and for that I am indebted.

I just need to whinge, vent, moan, complain – whatever...

You know those periods in your life when everything just seems to go wrong and your life just doesn’t seem blissful? Well, I am going through one of those times at the moment.

I feel like life is a grind; a chore – what ever you call it. What ever it is, I'm living it.

I was just sitting in my lounge room with 4 baskets of washing strewn across the place, clutter everywhere, trying to find something decent to watch on a Saturday night (and we have pay tv) – all whilst Trevor had fallen asleep upstairs (he worked this morning). As I sat there flicking between stations I couldn’t help but feel this overwhelming sense of sorrow. I simply do not feel happy.

Let me paint a little picture...

There are issues with Trevor that I don’t particularly want to pen right at this moment. Lets just say there are trust issues (and no he wasn’t unfaithful – just wanted to clear that up! he he he) which makes life hard. There are some resentment issues on my part too which stem from financial concerns. We don’t’ go out by ourselves – heck we haven’t even gone out for our anniversary yet, which was 6 weeks ago (you might remember Lily had gastro as did I). He gets caught up in his thing and me mine (EB and MSN).


I took Byron to soccer this morning. It was a disaster for the second week in a row. He was participating fine for about 10 minutes. Then they started a game where you had to go under the rope but not touch it. Byron touched it first. He got ‘out’. As soon as he was told he was ‘out’; that he touched the rope, he burst into tears and came running off the field. Despite plenty of coaxing he refused to go back on. So, for the remaining 50 minutes he pretty much hid behind a wall. Last week, the same thing happened. He couldn’t get the ball in the goal and cracked it. Cried and ran off and that was it. I was so embarrassed. I just don’t understand this behaviour. I don’t know what to do about it and I feel helpless. What if it gets worse? What if he can’t participate in sporting activities ever! I feel like it’s my fault; that I’m not around enough. I thought he was such a confident boy – guess I was wrong. Gawd! I don’t even know my own child.

I have decided to persevere with the soccer because I hope that when he gets used to the people he might enjoy it more. I don’t really think soccer is the issue in any event – he is developing a trait in general where he just gives up if he doesn’t get what he wants. He needs to know that not all can be won and that you don’t get your own way all the time. Trevor will take him next week and I hope he has more luck.


Everything is breaking. The cars are breaking left right and centre. There are endless bills (far out and unexpected things – the air-conditioning is making gurgling sounds and will need a service; there were unexpected mortgage fees that needed to be paid).


I’m the worst house-wife and you would think the same if you saw my place – although my besty kindly pointed out to me last night that I WASN’T a house wife so therefore I couldn’t be crap – According to her, I am a full time working mother with 2 kids...when the heck am I meant to do house work? Bless her for trying to make me feel better. It worked for about 10 minutes until I went into the bathroom and saw the state of it!


I am really tired – not physically but mentally. I need a holiday or a getaway from the rut I feel I’m in. Trouble is, work is incredibly busy at the moment; too busy for a holiday. There is no money for a holiday and do I really want a holiday with the kids????


So there you have it! Some of the reasons behind my solemn mood. Who knows...maybe I will feel better tomorrow?

I doubt it...

Friday, November 02, 2007

Hands in the air…

Lily has just decided she would like to walk more; take a few more steps.

She is letting go of things now and walking from one place to another, whereas, before she had to be coaxed to walk.

I love how she walks – hands in the air, as a steady support. It looks like she is praying to the almighty or something. It is adorable. I love her unsteadiness and the way she concentrates just so, making sure she doesn’t fall over. The way she gets all excited when we (including Byron) applaud her efforts, is simply gorgeous *sigh*.

It won’t be long before she is walking more then she is crawling. I envisage this might happen by the time she is 15 months – I wonder if I’ll be right!?