Saturday, August 30, 2008

More Photos

We met with a group of photographers this afternoon in the hope of getting some family shots taken down the Coast at the beach.

It was bloody windy to say the least and Lily didn’t really want a bar of it because (1) there were no M&Ms and (2) she hardly slept because we were rushing around today. She looked so darn cute too. Sigh. I was hoping to get some other photographers to take some shots of her but alas it didn’t happen.

I personally hate having my photo taken but I am hopeful that we got something out of the session which I’d be happy to put on the walls. I’ll share in due course – when I get to see the outcome. In the meantime, here are a few I took of the kids…

And one that I'm happy with as I never seem to be able to caputre the kids together, despite my efforts....

Party Time...

We had a little party – just a little one – for Lily this year. Nothing fancy, I mean we don’t even have any grass yet! We have a fence of course, but no grass – its coming!

Anyway I digress; she had a few little friends over for morning tea. There was Ella, Sarah, Cody, Alex, Grace, Noah and Suliman. Not to mention Byron and Lily, some parents and few other ‘siblings’ to boot.

I made cupcakes, fairy wand biscuits, and fairy bread. There was fruit, lollies and chips as well as ‘healthy’ pop top juice things for the kids.

My Lily is such a piggy. She sat at her table, with her little friend Ella, and literally ate for half the party. If she wasn’t eating or roaming the food table she was jumping on the jumping castle. I thought for sure I would be seeing a whole lot more of ‘that’ food if she kept on with the jumping. Thankfully I was lucky in that department. Phew! We all know how much I HATE vomit.

After all was said and done, the children went home and Lily had a long sleep – that was of course after I wrangled a packet of lollies out of her fingers that she somehow nabbed from a party bag. That girl and food...sometimes I wonder.

I was a little disappointed with the photos I took...there weren't many. Sigh. Maybe next year. There was however one corker which will make it out for the 21st. Can you spot which one that might be?

This years cake...

It doesn't matter how busy I get, there is absolutely no way I couldn't NOT make my kids a birthday cake. I started the trend 'last' year (wherein I made a total of 4 cakes - 2 for each child) and I would be a complete failure if I didn't successfully keep it going for at least two years in a row, now wouldn't I?!.

I love the sense of accomplishment with seeing the final product. I'll admit this year I opted for a more simple design because I left the run too late. Hey, Lily's two - she won't remember. I'll pull out all the stops next year.

So this years cake for Lily is a ladybeetle. I love ladybeetles....

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A letter to my daughter...

My Dearest Lily,

Another year passes and now you are two. It’s been two whole years since you were born and life with you in it has been a blur – a good blur, but a blur none the less. It’s been one year, in fact, since I wrote you last. Where did we leave off last year?

You were just one – still a baby and not quite a toddler. You were my little baby. Over the course of the last 12 months and much to my dismay (I will explain that further) my baby disappeared and my toddler emerged. It took me some time to get a grip on the fact you were growing up. After Byron grew so fast, I tried to savour all that babyhood had to offer. Still though, it went much faster than I anticipated and before I knew it you were running around, talking like there was no tomorrow – well and truly on your child hood journey.

Just after your first birthday, two months in fact, you learned to walk; a little slower off the mark then your brother, but you got there in the end. It wasn’t long before you were running. Around that same time you also started to talk. Again, you were much slower off the mark with the talking then your brother. I honestly thought it wouldn’t be possible for a child to talk as much as Byron did but you surprised me in that department, really taking off with your talking in the past few months. So much so, that I can carry on a conversation with you now.

Speaking of Byron, you and your brother have such a precious relationship. Now that you’re getting bigger I’m really watching a new side to the way you play together and communicate. He loves you dearly you know, more than I ever thought a brother could. When he walks past he often pats your head without even realizing he’s doing it – like a reflex. It is so very sweet although sometimes it annoys me because it messes up your hair or makes you aware that you have something in your hair, which then leads you to wreck it yourself. It’s taken me nearly 2 years to get your hair to a stage where I can actually do something with it. You can wear ‘antennas’ and clips now. Headbands look really cute but you won’t leave them in for more than 10 seconds! I’m hoping that changes this coming year.

I was worried about your love of, or lack thereof, for stories. For a while there you hated having me or your dad read you a story. You just wouldn’t sit still long enough to turn the first page. It was frustrating to say the least. This went on for quite a few months until one day, I can’t be sure when, you just started to love books. You had your favourites and by favourites I mean you wouldn’t let us read any other stories but a certain few books.

Now, these days you are more diverse with your book selections, although you still have your favourites…Wiggles books are your most preferred. In fact, you just plain love anything Wiggles! You ‘made’ me pay an extra $1 for wipes the other day just because you saw they had the Wiggles on them and once you saw that there was simply no way I could get away with the plain boring green ones. That’s a lie – perhaps if I just let you scream the place down I could have left the shop. Sometimes though, you just have this way with getting what you want. Sigh. I’m working on that. As soon as I can get you to stop giving me the eye whilst simultaneously saying in the sweetest little voice “peeease mummy, peeease”, I think I might have a better chance at success.

While we are on the topic of reading, one of the sweetest sounds I love to hear is the sound of you reading when you think no one is watching. I love it when you wander off to read some stories in your room and I walk past to see you sitting on the floor, a mountain of books beside you, flicking the pages of an upside-down, back-to-front, book and talking as you go always saying “tee end” when you’re at the last page. You’re such a book worm.

I never ceased to be amazed at the rate you have learned things this year. I feel silly now worrying that you weren’t walking or that you weren’t talking like I was used to. To think that 12 months ago you were a baby and now you are a toddler, really does make me proud. I’m proud of your generosity; your sense of humour and your sense of style (no kidding –you have your own style objecting loudly when I try to put certain clothes and shoes on preferring your favourites. I’ll be honest, I can’t stand your favourite shoes of the moment - they are light up plastic sneakers from China that Nanna got you on her last visit. Yucko! They do nothing for your clothes. I can’t wait until you grow out of them or they accidently get lost in the rubbish bin!!!).

I, as I know your daddy does, get the greatest pleasure out of your sweet kisses and your scrumptious cuddles. The way you tenderly touch each side of my face with your little hands makes my heart sing. The way you pucker your lips and ‘mmmmwwaaa’ before your kiss actually graces my cheeks is enough to turn my bad day into a brilliant one.

I look at you and still, after two years, can’t believe I have a little girl. You are most certainly sugar and spice and all things nice. You are mine and I’ll be eternally grateful you are here with me.

On this your second birthday I wish you a happy, delightfully fun filled, journey of love and discovery to your third birthday and beyond.

Love and kisses forever...

Your mummy

In the evening...

While we were waiting for Nanna to come over this afternoon for birthday wishes, we had a little tea party with Lily's new tea set. We all sat on the floor, including Trevor and we had our very first ever tea party. Byron and Lily thought it was great fun!

Not long after we finished our 'tea' Nanna arrived bearing gifts!

Nanna bathed the kids (my least favourite activity after work) which was fantastic. We had dinner, sausages and vegeables (the kids favourite), Gran (my step mum) came around to visit too and then we had cake...

After we had cake, there was a knock at the door. Guess what...there was more cake. How sweet of our new neighbours to remember Lily's birthday. They came around with a little pink cupcake (and a blue one for Byron) with candles and all.

She felt so special.

After more cake, the kids went to bed and I couldn't help but take a picture of the little angels figures mum had placed on Lily's cake...(for fun of course).


Happy Birthday my sweet Lily!

We didn't get a chance to play much this morning because being a Thursday it was a work day. Sigh. There was enough time however for Liy to open her presents - that said, there wasn't much time for her to play with them. Speaking of presents, I must admit I was pretty good this year. I normally spoil my kids rotten but I'm trying to tone that down some and think I did pretty well with Lily this year. I only gave her four things this year.

Lily got a Dorothy the Dinasour, Fisher Price Tea Set, plate set with drink bottle and Fisher Price My First Doll House.

She had fun opening all her presents, Byron in tow. Funnily enough, her favourite thing was the Disney Princess drink bottle with a Dorothy coming in a close second.

Tonight we will have all the fun...there will be cake!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

As I watched her sleep…

As I watched her sleep in her favourite ‘dolly’ pyjamas, I couldn’t help but ponder where time had gone. It literally feels like yesterday I was lying in the deliver room, gel inserted, mild contractions annoying the bejesus out of me. It feels like yesterday where the anticipation to meet my little Lily was so intense I thought I was going to burst.

Two years have passed in a blur and now, I wait with anticipation for my princess, my real life princess, to wake two years old.

As I watched her sleep for the last time as a one year old I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness. It won’t be long before the dummy is gone; the cot has made way for a big girl bed, and that baby face will be but a mere shadow of its former self. Sigh. Why do they grow so fast?

As I watched her sleep I thought about how she’ll grow up. I thought about her tenacity and strong will. I thought about her cheeky persona. I thought about her first haircut; first day of school and her first sleepover. As I watched her sleep I thought about a lot of things.

So my baby girl is growing older. Honestly, I really can’t wait to see what she becomes. Watching Byron grow has been such a pleasure and I can’t help thinking that the journey of Lily will be just as pleasurable.

As I watched her sleep I pictured those chubby little hands devouring not one but two of the baby cakes I made for her to take to kindy – to celebrate her birthday!


I’ve made time (in my lunch break at work no less) to pop in and say,

OH. MY. GOSH. Lily turns 2 tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!


When asked what tomorrow is, Lily says, “It’s my birthday” all the while proudly patting herself on her chest. When asked how old she will turn, she says, “two” all the while trying to hold up two fingers, without them all following along for the ride. Awwhh. My baby girl is growing up so fast. Sigh. I could just eat her all up.

Only 27.5 hours to go!!!

(I have a running tally of no less then nine past blog entries that I must write so you will see them popping up every now and then – that is when I find some more of my most precious commodity – time. Sigh.)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Trevor

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Trevor,
Happy Birthday to you!!!!

So, it was Trevor’s birthday today. He’s 31. I can scarcely believe he’s that old. I mean where in the heck does time go? He doesn’t look a day over 28.

We didn’t do a lot today. It’s a work day, so there isn’t much option to do more then go to work. The kids however did enjoy giving him his gifts this morning. I was rather proud of my gift – I got him a ‘man bag’. Since he has started his new job he needs to carry ‘stuff’ (what ever that may be) with him on the bus and to date he has been using an old backpack. I thought it was time for a change and got him a JAG bag. I’m the best gift buyer if I do say so myself!

I remember one year Trevor balking at a terry towelling dressing gown (a nice one from David Jones) that I bought him for Christmas. He was so not impressed. That was about 5 years ago now and he practically wears the thing everyday…and he has since conceded it was a great gift (which I knew it was).

Enough about gifts and more about his birthday...we decided to take the kids out for dinner and head out as a family – just us and the kids. We have hardly ever done this. We stay well clear of restaurants these days. Lily is getting a little older now and she does love her food so we thought we would give it a go.

We ended up just going to an Irish pub – nothing fancy. It was the first time Lily had to sit and wait for her dinner to come. It went ok and for that I probably have to thank the KENO forms and the little pencils that were on the table. They were a great amuser for both Byron and Lily. Heck, we might even try going out to dinner again some time – dinner that doesn’t include IKEA or Sizzlers.

Anyway, happy birthday Trev. Looking forward to celebrating many more although the thought of that is scary…it means we are getting older. Eeeek!

Just some pics of the kids giving Daddy a birthday cuddle (and kiss)...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I promise...

I'll be back soon. I've just been so busy at the moment and my internet at home is less then I desire plus with the olypmics I've been preoccupied. Time - I need more time!

There is so, so, so much I need to say.

Hmmm, does anyone care really?!

Monday, August 11, 2008


cher·u·bic - having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub...

Simply Lily!

More Lollypop Madness

There was a break in the weather today in Adelaide. Woohooo! No rain today albeit the weather is still freezing. So cold for a Queenslander.

Karen and I took this opportunity to get some photos of the kids in some really fun places. Right near Karen's place there is an old train station platform that is burnt out. It's a photographer's dream. There is texture everywhere. In fact, Adelaide - or where Karen lives - is a photographer's dream. Everywhere I look there are green fields, old buildings, dirt roads. Sigh. I'd love all that around me.

I know I've done it a few times before but honestly lollypops are sooooo much fun. What's not to love about them? They are colourful and yummy. Plus, the reason they are a photographer's prop of choice is that they make (or entice) kids to sit still. The colours of the lollypops, coupled with the texture of the old platform made for some great photos! Of course, gorgeous children made them perfect!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

It's so cold...

...can't I just go out and play for a minute?

Maybe I'll just stay inside for presents...(courtesy of Karen).

And just because...

Lilyisms are born...

For those that have read my blog for a fair while would know about Byron and his incredible knack with communication. Ever since I can remember he has always been so eloquent with his words. Honestly, the kid was a freak and I seriously don’t mean that as an off the cuff statement - at barely two the child could carry out a conversation with adults and children alike.

I thought there would be no way my second child could communicate on the same level as Byron because honestly, he was not ‘normal’. Plus I had heard that second children tend to take longer to speak so I wasn’t expecting much from Lily.

She started off slowly. Sure she said words after 12 months but she didn’t really say much more – that was until now, or possibly early but the extent to which I never really noticed until today. It’s kinda sad really that I never noticed the level with which she spoke…I suppose I’ve just taken it for granted.

It’s honestly mind blowing! Lily’s communication skills truly rival those of Byron at the same age. 95% of the time she can express, quite coherently (for anyone not just mummy), exactly what she wants. She can carry on a little discussion with you. She can talk about what she sees; the things she likes, and the things she doesn’t. She can communicate on so many levels that it’s rather scary, especially considering she isn’t even two yet.

Byron, as big brother, has certainly rubbed some of his charm off onto Lily. For the most part I think it has a lot to do with the fact that he too doesn’t have an off switch and that often the only person who will listen when he speaks is Lily.

There are so many examples that I want to write about but honestly there is too much to write. I can’t keep up with her. She never shuts up. She’s constantly talking to herself and to anyone who will listen. She repeats almost everything you say to her in true ‘parrot like’ fashion. I do however have one example, which brings me to my very first Lilyism (how exciting!).


Lily in her current form was repeating anything and everything I was saying. I said “Lily you are such a parrot”. She responded, “I’m not a parrot, I’m a girl!”
I seriously haven’t laughed that hard in a long while.

Take off!

Have you ever been the last one to board a flight and consequently have them call out your name over the loud speaker? Gosh it’s embarrassing to say the least. I suppose the whole plane journey started off badly, so it was to be expected I guess.

Bloody Jetstar and their baggage allowance. How the heck do they suppose one mummy can pack for both herself and her toddler, in the middle of winter, in under 20 kgs? It’s honestly not possible. Especially when it’s bloody 8C? So when it came time to check my baggage I guess it was no surprise when it was 9 kgs over the limit or $90 in money terms. To cut a long story short, so long as I could carry one of the bags (which was just above hand luggage size and about 5 kgs) on the flight (along with my camera bag, Lily’s bag and Lily) she would waive the excess 4Kg. Oh how kind of her.

So we checked in fine and then decided we would get something to eat. Apparently we cut a fine line hence the page. It was not a pretty sight seeing me running for the plane with Byron in tow, Trevor tagging along with Lily. We made it – everyone else had boarded – and I had to manage with Lily and my 3 bags all on my lonesome. The damn hostesses could only watch as I struggled to get to my seat and then try and maneuver the bags into the overhead cabin, while all the other passengers were watching. But wait, the embarrassment doesn’t end there…Lily and I were positioned between two big guys so it was honestly too much of a struggle to try and get to that seat so I ended up sitting in the spare isle seat in the next row which I just so happened to find out, in the middle of the emergency exit training no less, that I couldn’t sit there and that I would have to move a few rows back. Talk about embarrassing. It was a relief when the plane finally took off.

The experience with Lily wasn’t too bad. She was generally pretty good. In typical toddler style though, she started to muck up in the last 10 minutes of the two hour flight.

Travelling with children is never straight forward.

Friday, August 08, 2008


Aside from the Beijing Olympics commencing this evening which unto itself is a pretty big event, I don’t really have a lot to say. If truth be told, I just wanted to blog something on such a cool date.

So, that’s it. Although Lily and I are off to Adelaide first thing tomorrow morning to spend a few days with the lovely Karen. Tell me again, why I booked a 7:00am flight? Honeslty, sometimes I reckon I must have had rocks in my head.

Off to finish packing.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Clever Sausage

I mentioned yesterday that Lily did a wee on the potty. How clever is she?! Too clever. Well, it just so happens that her cleverness doesn’t end there.

Drum roll please...*unsuccessfully trying to elicit words to describe a beating drum*

Lily did a poo in the potty before her bath this evening.

I told you she was a clever sausage. Mind you, in doing so, she completely freaked herself out. She really doesn’t like the feeling that excreting without a nappy produces but I’m sure with time that will pass (or at least, that's what I'm telling myself).

Bath time is still a rather painful exercise although we have managed to get the job done the last few nights. She likes to sit on the potty before the bath and read a story or two – she gets that from her father. If it helps, I say go for it.

We are not actively toilet training Lily at the moment although they do pop her on the potty at kindy a few times a day. She doesn’t really do anything but its all part of the learning process. Come summer we should well and truly be there with the big girl undies.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A Good Day…

1. The house contract is finally unconditional. The buyer’s finance was approved. What a relief! I honestly can’t express how good it feels to finally get the other place off our hands. I won’t pop the Moet though until I get that money in my bank account!!! Come on the 18th (which just so happens to be my mum’s birthday – a good day!).

2. Lily did a wee on the potty before she hopped in the bath tonight – for Grandma of course. Waiting and reading on the potty before the bath helped her some with whole experience. Apparently it was better. Although better – it was still very shaky. a good day.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Mental Note...

Seek help for Lily’s bath phobia!

I tried to bath her tonight – in the bath – and it was disastrous. I’m surprised our new neighbours didn’t come over to see what the fuss was all about.

Lily was screaming, Byron was screaming, I was screaming. Trevor was yelling at Byron to stop screaming. Oh my. What a disaster. Sigh.

I honestly don’t know what to do. I put her on the potty for ages before I put her in the bath. She was fine until it came time to hop in.

I tried to reassure her that it’s all ok. Byron tried. Trevor tried but it didn’t do any good. The poor child is terrified and all over a stupid poo.

I’m afraid that the more I push it the worse it will get. Arrgghhh! I don’t know what to do.

I might ring the health nurse tomorrow. I don’t want her phobia to last a life time.

I guess it's back to the laundry tub tomorrow night.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Hi Ho, Hi Ho... to the laundry tub we go!

We are still battling with bath time. It’s positively horrible. So, the last few nights we have tried the laundry tub and all seems to be going well. By well, I mean she’s not screaming blue murder.

I wonder if I can try the bath again soon?!

Daddy Day.

Trevor plays football (*cough cough* soccer) every Sunday at 9.30am. For the last few months he has been taking Byron along to watch. It’s kinda become a tradition if you will. Byron loves going along and would be devastated if he wasn’t allowed to go. We’ve gauged this by the ‘threatened’ ban when he’s misbehaving.

Today was an extra special day for football. Not only did Byron get to watch daddy play he also went along with Trevor to an A-League game to watch the Roar play.

Now we better clear something up…by watch we mean he watches for 5 minutes and plays for the reaming 85 minutes. He’s not quite up to the whole ‘you sit, watch, and cheer’ scenario yet. He does however bring his enthusiasm, little fold up chair and treats for the match but they, meaning the chair, don’t get much action after the first 5 minutes or when the treats are no more – which ever comes first. He ritually makes sure that Trevor has his ‘energy drink’ before the match though which has to count for something.

I guess this little tradition with Daddy is the start of many. I like this new phase in Byron’s little life. It’s new and refreshing.

I’m looking forward to bringing my chair and treats and watching him play someday soon – I can’t watch Trevor play because the only time I’ve been, his team lost and it was his fault! I’ve been banished!


Trevor advised me of a funny conversation that Byron had with a lady at football. It basically went something like this…

N - “Byron would you like me to put some sunscreen on?”
Byron - “No, I’m fine”

After five minutes elapsed…

N - “Byron would you like me to put some sunscreen on? Would your mum put sunscreen on you?”
Byron - “Yes”
N - “Would your dad get in trouble if you went home sunburnt?”
Byron - “Dad’s always in trouble!”

Saturday, August 02, 2008

I’m in business!

Woohoo! I had my first ‘real’ client today. My first proper paying client! I went live with my site about 2 months ago now and have been happy to plot along not really ready to leap out there just quite yet. I was still portfolio building to an extent and with working fulltime, running a house (albeit failing miserably at that) and looking after two littlies I didn’t have much time for proper marketing.

These past few weeks however I’ve really been working hard with all my marketing materials - organising business cards, brochures and other bits and pieces. The bits and pieces have started to float in this week and it all looks great. It makes me feel like I’m actually professional. I love it!

On the other hand, it’s all a bit scary really. It’s hard to put yourself out there for the whole world to see – I guess it means that if you fail everyone will know. If you get no clients everyone will know! That’s terrifying actually. At least when your not marketing and you haven’t reached out to tell everyone about you, you’re protected to an extent…there are excuses for not being busy – “Oh I’m not advertising yet” or “I’m just starting out”. Now though, I’ve started putting my brochures out there and well, there are no excuses anymore. It’s really real.

At the end of the day, I do have confidence that this will work; that in time I will be successful. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen (he he he sound familiar!?). I need this to work. I want this to work. I know I can do it. I’ve worked so incredibly hard this past 8 months. It’s just a matter of time. I have time right?!.

Anyway, my client (he he – love the sound of that) today was a word of mouth referral from a friend. I was a little nervous at first but settled in to a good shoot. I’ve only looked at the shots quickly but I think they’ll be happy with the end result.

I guess this means I’m really in business now. Like really!

I have another proper session in two weeks time which is exciting again.

Bring it on I say...

Before I go, because it's been a while, I just had to share some pics of the kids taken before we headed out to Miss Ella's 2nd birthday party this morning. You gotta love Lily's antennas...I'm so excited she is actually starting to get some hair - hair that I can play with!