Monday, July 31, 2006

34 Weeks Today!

OK, I started a diary entry tonight but for some reason felt extremely ill half way through writing it, so I will be back tomorrow with the finished version - or so I hope!

Stay tuned...


This week marks my 34th week of pregnancy – Only 6 weeks to go!!! I can’t believe how far I have come since I found out I was pregnant. It seems like a lifetime ago I was in hospital on IV fluids due to my hyperemesis (11 weeks). Whilst the hyperemesis has all but gone, there are some days it lingers and I require Zofran to curb the nausea; thankfully this is only a few times a week. I have calculated that, to date, I would have spent approximately $800.00 on Zofran (and that doesn’t include my freebies to the value of $350.00) – the price of feeling ‘well’ I suppose.

I have read that with labour looming, it would only be natural that I would be feeling just a bit nervous (oh really).

Apparently some of my concerns could be...

• Will I have a safe birth? Naturally I would think about this.
• Will the baby be OK? Again, I would imagine this was on every mother to be’s radar and I am no different.
• Will the pain be more than I can handle? That’s what the epidural is for!
• Will my labour drag on for hours, or will I even make it to the hospital in time? I can’t say I am overly concerned about this given I made it to hospital fine and within plenty of time during my pregnancy with Byron. Plus, my labour only lasted 9 hours from start to finish (with a nice halt of contractions in between) so the dragging of labour isn't too concerning.

Apparently my major concern doesn’t make the list of those ‘most likely’ so I have another fear I would like to add...

• Will the baby arrive on or before her due date? As I may have mentioned previously, I have my besty's wedding 5 days after my due date at which I am to play the role of ‘matron of honour’. Leaving health and wellbeing of bub aside, my gravest fear is that I will let my besty down (and myself for that matter) by not having the baby ‘on time’.

Today I had my 34 week appointment at the hospital + anti D injection. The midwife was a little un reassuring. During this appointment the midwife asked if there was any concerns I had about the delivery, given this would be my last appointment at the hospital before the birth of my baby. Naturally, I expressed my concern at going PAST my due date. I explained my situation (ie. wedding) to her. Well, the midwife noted (and noted again – she seemed to take some perverse pleasure in doing so) they will not induce for ANY social reason at all even if I go past my due date - not even if the event creates a very stressful situation (which I can assure you this would).

In my wisdom of trying to be positive I said to the midwife... "Byron came 3 days early so it’s probably more then likely that this bub might come early too, or at least by her due date". She responded with "not doesn't always go like that" WTF , you could at least humour me with "it will work out" or "don’t worry darling" ( Now I remember why I came home a day after Byron was born - I can't stand some of the midwifes!!!). Instead she opted on giving me a list of ‘natural alternatives’ to induce labour, like exercise, sex and nipple stimulation. Silly me mentioned castor oil and of course she was adamantly opposed to this, stating "Castor oil does not work!". If only she knew how well it worked with Byron! At least I have that up my sleeve.

So of course now I am stressing that things are just not going to go to plan.

Moving on to the important vital statistics for the day:

Blood Pressure: 110/64
Fundal Measurement: right on target at 34 weeks (she doesn’t think the baby feels that big – just average which is great news).
• Baby is head down (cephalic presentation) but not engaged - she is kind of just resting in the pelvic area.
Fetal Heartrate: 136 beats per minute
• There was a little bit of swelling (oedema) in my feet, ankle and fingers but nothing to be to concerned about.

I guess you could say that everything is travelling along nicely. OK, there are some concerns, but at this stage I can’t worry my pretty little head about them...I think I will wait until around 38 weeks. My next appointment is at 36 weeks, when I have an ultrasound of bub followed by an OB appointment.

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