Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Damn Rain!!!

I thought I would provide an update on the house since it has been a while.

You see, I had all intentions of providing an update but I thought I would wait until there was more to update if you get my drift. The thing is we still don’t have a roof. The roof is delivered ready to go and the beams and stuff (because I have no idea what they are called – it’s the stuff the colour bond is connected to) are on the roof, but that’s it. We do have guttering though, so I guess that’s a start.

The roof was started last Wednesday and a week later there is still little progress to see. Why you say?! Well it’s this damn rain. I never thought I would use damn and rain in the same sentence but I just can’t help it. It is completely and utterly interfering in the progression of my house. This damn (and I will say it as much as I like – damn, damn, damn) rain just won’t let up. Since we started building there has been more rainy building days then sunny building days.

There are some sunny days though – like Saturday and Sunday when the builders don’t work. Plus, there was yesterday when it rained for the first hour or so of the builder’s working day (so 7-9am) and then was bright and sunny for the rest of the day. Do you think they stuck around to see how it would turn out? Nope! They called it quits early on which is so frustrating. If they had stuck around for a little bit longer they could have started and got the job finished.

That is the most frustrating part for Trevor and I…it’s the not making the most out of the sunny days we do have or not working on a Saturday to make up for the time lost. I'll be having a quiet word to my builder about my disdain of this – I’ll let you know how it goes.

As things would go, it is supposed to rain for the next week and if Fox weather channel is to be believed it is supposed to rain for the next month.

D-A-M-N R-A-I-N!!!!!!!!!


Andrea said...

Damn the rain ~ I look at the Brisbane weather forecast each time I see the weather... and every time I curse for you... but.. your house is looking damn spiffy!

So exciting ~ good luck with getting the builder to work Saturday (don't like your odds but my fingers are crossed!!) - especially when your paying interest as well as for your current place etc etc... the longer it goes on the more $$'s it costs you - fingers crossed you have a few sunny days soon - or the builder at least makes use of them when they are there!

Tam said...

oh Nic- you poor thing :( I hope it stops raining for you, or at least restricts itself to nights and weekends. But what is done so far looks great! Just think, this time next year this will all be a distant memory as you sit in your brand new house!!!