Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Seven Things.

I have been tagged by Karen (stupid blog game he he he) to detail seven things about myself that might not be so well known, so here goes:

1. I hate seafood. I absolutely despise it. I can’t stand the smell of dead fish, prawns or lobster – whatever comes from the sea. Yuuuuuuuuuuck!!! I would rather eat a Big Mac then a lobster any day of the week.

2. I’m missing both ‘eye teeth’. Apparently I was born without my adult eye teeth, which makes me deformed if only on a minor scale. As a consequence I had quite a large gap between my two front teeth when I was growing up but that closed somewhat over the years.

3. I’m a terrible house wife but I guess I might have mentioned that already. I’m just pretending, for this stupid game, that know body knows (denial is the best medicine)!

4. I’m a procrastinator. I’m always doing things I shouldn’t be doing (like writing my blog) instead of things I should be (working, cleaning etc). Story of my life really.

5. I hate spiders, snakes, cockroaches (any creepy being). They scare the bejesus out of me. Thankfully, I don’t see too many of them around the place. If I happen to come across them in my travels, I freak out (not a pretty sight).

6. I love freckles and M&Ms. Mmmmmmmmmmm. I can eat a whole bag of freckles in one sitting. If I tried hard enough I reckon I could eat a 500g bag of M&Ms in one sitting too. Not too good for the hips though. I guess that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to take!

7. When I was a teenager I loved Oprah! She was my absolute idol. I even read a few biographies back in the day. There were times I dreamed she let me come and live with her in her big mansions. Strange but true!

So there you have it, seven things you possibly didn’t know about me.

I tag Kylie to do the same.

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