Monday, January 28, 2008

Summer Bliss

There is only one more month until my little Lily is 18 months old – closer to two then to one! I simply can not believe how fast she is growing up. It’s been the best ride so far. She is truly a blessing to this family. A wonder to behold!

Lily at 17 months!

My sister, a teacher, jokingly said over the Christmas break that ‘summer weather’ would arrive during her first week back at school (you might recall that we had about 5 weeks of rain during December and the early part of January). She couldn’t have been more right. This weekend, the weekend before school starts, was the most glorious weather – so sunny and hot! It was weather I thought would never arrive.

I love summer! I have been a summer girl my whole life. I love the clothes, the lifestyle, the feeling that summer brings. It’s synonymous with the fun part of the year (i.e. Christmas) and well it’s just bliss.

This weekend, we made the most of the beautiful weather and took the kids swimming at every opportunity. It has been a weekend of just 'hanging out' and it's been a most enjoyable one at that...the best one in a long while.

1 comment:

Melza said...

She truly is a blessing! How cute!

btw is that Elvis in the pool again? I thought he "left the building" a while ago LOL

Mel x