Thursday, January 31, 2008

Blowing Bubbles!

Lily has loved bubbles for most of her little life which is nothing special because who knows a child that isn't fond of the old bubble?!

I always knew she loved them but I didn’t realise until today that she actually knew how they worked. She knew that she needed to dip the bubble blower in the liquid (which she tried so vehemently to hold her self but naughty mummy wouldn’t let her - I'm not dumb - It would've be everywhere in 5 seconds flat) and to blow (that's if you can call spit flying everywhere blowing). Sometimes she got it all wrong and put the blower in her mouth (tasted yummo!), but sometimes she got it right and when she did she thought she was wonderful. Trevor and I haven’t really been big bubble blowers but I know they do it a lot at kindy - it seems she’s had some practice!

When it was all over, there were tears! She wanted more bubbles. Needless to say, the evening went down hill from there.


Melza said...

Oh she is just adorable!

I am the same with bubbles... mean mummy that I am! Ever time Layla gets them the bottle gets spilt in about 10 seconds flat!

Mel x

Andrea said...

Too cute ~ especially the last pic!