Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Jiffies and Clips

Today was the biggest of girly milestones for my munchkin, that being the day she wore her first pair of jiffies and her first ever hair clip.

What an exciting day!

My little pumpkin pie now has enough hair to hold in a hair clip. Here I was thinking the day would never come. I’ve been waiting since April 2006, when I found out I was having a girl, for the special day when I could add some hair accessories. The clip really isn’t doing anything perse (meaning…it’s not serving a function like holding the hair away from the eyes). It is merely decorative - just for mummy’s sake.

Doesn’t it look a treat!?

It was a double day for milestones with Lily wearing a beautiful tini tiny pair of silver jiffies. I had been dying to get some for ages. They are the cutest. They had the littlest sizes. My only problem was deciding on which colour (pink, gold, silver or black). I just couldn’t go past the silver. Now Lily has heaps (and I mean heaps) of shoes, including those tiny little havaianas (in two colours I might add), but these are my favourite. They are synonymous with the girly girl and well suited to my little princess.

Shhh! I even have a bright pink and silver sequenced tutu to match.


MrsPfeiff said...

Please, please, please...get her into the tutu and provide me with a pic, I need to see her in it!! I just KNOW she must look divine in her girly-girl-gear.

I can't wait til you get that camera of yours!!

Karen xxx

Kylie Jansen said...

Oh so precious. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous :D


Tam said...

Oh Nic, she is just a doll. Those shoes are gorgeous!