Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

You might recall that Christmas 2006 wasn’t exactly a fun experience. Byron woke up with gastro. The poor little mite was as sick as a dog that day. It was just plain horrible. Today, the poor little guy woke up complaining that his tummy hurt and it wasn’t long before it was evident that the dreaded tummy bug had arrived. It had arrived AGAIN on an important day in a child’s life. Sigh. It makes me think what is next on the horizon – birthday?!

We had made plans to go out for Breakfast with my family. Instead of all of us staying it was agreed that Trevor would stay home and Lily and I would still go out – this suited me as I am absolutely hopeless with the dreaded ‘V’ . I can not do it. I can not be around it without gagging. Give me anything else, just not vomit! Anyway, mum swung by and picked us up. We arrived at my sister’s house to see the family. Guess what?! My sister in law also had the dreaded gastro bug. It would seem both her and Byron had picked it up along the way - perhaps at Dreamworld? Where they picked it up is really neither here nor there at this point in time – let’s just hope no one else gets it!

The day was not all lost; although not as special without my Byron. We went out for Breakfast which was nice and just plotted along as you do on a long weekend (although I did spend a good part of an hour cleaning up Byron’s maxi rider car seat because Trevor had proceeded to take him around to his dad’s to pick up the paper. Apparently, Byron said he was ‘alright – I’m alright!’. Clearly though, as they rounded the corner to home, he was not. Men.)

All in all, I just tried to make the most of the time with my nieces and what was salvageable for a happy Easter.

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