OK, after I picked up that size 18 bridesmaid dress I nearly died. Sorry – that was after I tried it on. The bust was absolutely massive, something only fillable by an 18DD cup. I am not sure if I mentioned this already, but I am by know means an 18DD. I can barely fill a B cup.
Now I thought I was in trouble, but just wasn't sure how much until my mother saw the dress on me and said, "Nicole that looks ridiculous...completely out of proportion. Why in the world did you get an 18?". Uummmmm because they told me to! She did consolidate by telling me that, whilst it would be a lot of work, she thinks the dress could be fixed.
So off we went to the dressmakers last Friday. She was a nice little old Chinese lady – very hard to understand. However, I did understand when she said to me, "Lot of work. Need to take dress apart. Cost $300"!!!! OMG $300 is more then the dress cost to buy in the first place.
Since I was persuaded by the shop lady to get an 18 I thought it was time to go back to them. So that’s what I did today. I was a little bit nervous considering the dresses were ordered in and not really bought of the rack. I thought they would be difficult and refuse to swap it.
Thankfully, I was wrong. The lady at the shop was lovely. I explained my situation, tried on the dress and low and behold she agreed with my mother. She suggested I try on the 14. I did and it fitted me perfectly (at 25 weeks), although there was still a little bit of room in the bust – but nothing a little milk won’t fix . She said it wouldn’t be a problem to swap the dress for a 14, however I wouldn’t get it until July. Woohoo what a relief!
I guess that just leaves the baby...hopefully she will arrive before the wedding. If she does, then I will be fine. I don’t think my baby belly will be any bigger then what it is now. Plus it will be nice and squishy and can squish about in my dress lol. If she decides she doesn't want to come out then I will have to deal with that later...think of some kind of back up plan.
I better go and tell the bride (my besty) that everything is sorted with the dress. I kinda didn't tell her about the potential problems after I saw the dressmaker cause she freaked out when I mentioned the dress was a little too big. But all is good now. Wouldn't won't to send the bride into heart failure!!!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The dress is sorted!
Posted by
10:12:00 PM
Monday, May 29, 2006
25 weeks today!
Dear Lily (t.b.c),
Today marks the 25th week of my pregnancy with you. Compared to my pregnancy with your brother, this one seems to be moving along at a quicker pace; maybe that has something to do with your brother keeping me on my toes!
My pregnancy with you, like with Byron, hasn’t quite been uneventful. I still feel sick nearly ever morning, but it does seem to be subsiding somewhat. I think I have a lot more control over it this time (or at least it feels that way) then I did before – not working definitely helps a lot. I saw a picture of myself pregnant with Byron (at 24 weeks) and nearly died. I look so much sicker and withdrawn (and not to mention skinnier) with him then I do with you. The Zofran seems to be doing the trick – I am able to eat a lot more then I could with him and generally feel better for it.
I am sleeping quite well at night (thanks to the Phenergan) with very few, if any toilet breaks. I am savouring this because I know within the next few weeks these visits to the toilet will increase, largely due to you lounging around on my bladder.
You’re a good little girl, not causing too much of a fuss in there; although, whilst I write this I am suffering with a nice bout of heartburn. I do love your kicks and movement, which seems to be getting stronger everyday and more regular too. I feel content knowing you seem to be comfortable in there. Soon, there won’t be much room for you to move. You will be sticking out your little elbow, knee and bottom and I will be promptly poking it back in.
The thing with pregnancy a second time over is that I should feel much more content with what is a head. Most of the time I am but I’ll tell you a secret...I am a little bit more nervous about labour this time around. I am not to sure why that is. I think it might have something to do with knowing what is ahead. I guess I have 15 weeks (take note Lily, I am hoping it is more like 12-13 weeks) to stem my anxiety.
I really hope the moments til your birth fly by. I nearly have everything in order – you have lots of beautiful outfits, shoes and things ready for when you arrive. Most of all though, you have a mummy that will love you more then life itself, a daddy who will do the same, and a brother who will dote and protect you with all his might.
We are waiting...just counting down the weeks.
Belly rubs and hugs,
Mummy xxx
Posted by
10:30:00 PM
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Caught out in a lie...
Today was the first real time that I have caught Byron out in a lie. Now, I figured when the new baby came along I would eventually catch him out in many lies; for example, "I didn’t do it mummy, Lily did it!" (well that’s a bit hard when she can’t even move!).
It all started when I told him that Nana had bought him over a surprise. His face lit up and he said in this whispered voice, "a Freddo?". Without fail, when he goes out with my mother, she buys him a little chocolate of sum kind. Today it happened to be a milky way (another favourite).
I told him, when he finished his fruit and ate a piece of bread he could have his ‘surprise’. He just couldn’t stop talking about what it could be. He scoffed that peach down faster then you could say "eat up". I then cut him a big piece of fresh wholemeal bread and spread some butter over it (he was adamant that he only wanted "just butter"). I cut it in half, it being quite a large piece of bread, and handed it to him. I told him that as soon as he had eaten ALL his bread he could have his surprise.
I went and sat down on the lounge whilst Byron sat at his Wiggles table (just out of sight) eating his bread. A few minutes passed...I asked how he was going...he said he was eating all his bread. A few more minutes passed when I heard little footsteps walking and then a sound synonymous with rubbish being placed into the bin. I asked if he had finished his entire sandwich. He responded by rushing around the corner, opening his mouth to reveal a half eaten piece of bread...aawwwhh gross...whilst mumbling something to the effect that he had eaten it all.
Just as I asked the question, I prompted Trevor to go and check out the bin. I was fairly certain I heard something being thrown into it. What do you know...just as Byron was telling me he had finished all his bread, Trevor discovered one half of the bread (without any bites) in the bin. We had just caught Byron out in his first lie!!!! Even when the other half was in the bin, he still believed he had eaten the entire sandwich (not sure if you could call it a sandwich).
So despite the fact that half the sandwich was in the bin (and that he had put it there) he continued to say that he had eaten all his bread. Hello...lie!
Unfortunately for Byron, he didn’t live up to his end of the deal. That is, eat ALL your bread and you can have the surprise. The next hour was filled with tantrums, explanations on the importance of telling the truth, more tantrums, and pleas for the surprise (which he belived to be a chocolate). I would say Byron asked at least 50 times, in various ways, for his surprise ranging from:
"Can I may have the surprise?"
"Please can I may have the surprise?"
"Give me the surprise?"
(For reference, Byron doesn’t quite understand that ‘may’ needs to be used in conjunction with please when asking for things. For some reason, unbeknown to me, he considers ‘may’ to be, in itself, a manner).
The pain on his face was evident; he was desperate to land his little hands on that chocolate. OK, I won’t lie; we did end up giving him the Milky Way (an hour later) after he helped me with something that I asked him to do. There is no other way to describe it but pure delight, when his little eyes, hands and mouth landed on that chocolate bar!
For the most part, I would love to say that he learned his lesson today, and will never lie again. Really though, I am not ignorant to the mind of a child – we will catch him out in many more lies to come. I am certain of this!
Dear Lily (t.b.c),
Byron laid his little head on my tummy today and guess what? He felt you land that big kick straight to his cheek. He jumped off my tummy, wide eyed and laughing. It was the first time he really felt you move.
In all his excitement he plopped his head back on my tummy waiting in anticipation for another kick. 10 seconds later he again jumped off my tummy, wide eyed and laughing – but this time there was no kick – and so the games began.
I just wanted to let you know though, in all his fun and games, he really did feel you move. He loves you a lot; talks to you, listens for your heart beat (even though he can’t here it), kisses you and gives you big hugs. He really is excited to meet you when you arrive (which according to him, isn’t for a long long long time).
Love always
Mummy xxx
Posted by
10:59:00 PM
Friday, May 26, 2006
Favourite Things...
I was thinking today about Byron’s favourite things. Seeing as he is a conversationalist, I decided to ask him what they are...These were his responses when I queried him:
Favourite book – "We’re Going on a Bear Hunt" (by Michael Rosen & Helen Oxenbury). He noted that he has that book at kindy too. For the record, Byron loves all books. He will sit and read with you for hours if he could. He particularly likes his LeapFrog LittleTouch and can play with it all by himself!
Favourite song – Ba Ba Blacksheep. He has been singing this nursery rhyme for a good year now. From memory it was the first song he could sing all the way through. There is this bit he adds at the end, which we have never heard... "thank you said the master, thank you said the dame and thank you said the little boy who lives down the lane"...huh????. I think it must be a kindy thing????
Favourite TV Show – Bananas in Pyjamas. This was the first real show that he liked to watch on TV; that is, the first show he would sit and watch for more then 5 mintues. It is still up there at the top – most annoyingly so to us.
Favourite Movie – "Buzz" (Toy Story). The new favourite! Before Buzz, Nemo was the favourite.
Favourite Colour – Purple...changes all the time...I asked him this question three times and got three different answers – purple, brown and blue.
Favourite Food - "cherry pies" WTF??? (I would have to say chocolate)
Best Friend – I asked him who he liked the most and he said me!!!
As for other favourite things; I have observed that his favourite:
Thing – would be his “mankie” - blue blankie with a bunny on top.
Fruit – green grapes
Drink – ‘cold’ water
Toy – we can’t answer this definitively. You see, Byron is not really a ‘toy’ kid. As strange as that sounds, it’s true. He has many toys but doesn’t seem to be too interested in them. When he was younger he was the same. He does play with toys, particularly blocks, puzzles, Duplo lego, Thomas trains; but his attention is not directed to them for long periods and he usually only plays with them when prompted. In an attempt to answer this question, I guess I would say puzzles (if books don’t count).
Posted by
9:43:00 PM
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Little Boys are Treasures!
Byron was a good little boy at kindy today, so I was told . I’m happy with that. As I may have previously mentioned, no one (including me) likes people to think badly of their children. You want them to be good, well behaved little souls.
On the way home from kindy I told him that I just love good little boys. He repeated back, "you love good boys...I’m a good boy". He is the kinda of boy that doesn’t like it when you are mad at him. His famous lines are "don’t get frustrated at me" or "don’t get mad at me". He will push you to the limit (often by turning off his listening ears) but when he knows he has pushed the boundaries he will retreat; often though it is much too late. He has been naughty!!!
To his credit though, he will apologise straight after followed by a request for cuddles. He really doesn’t like people close to him to be angry at him. He wants reassurance of your love. Of course he has my love, and he always gets a cuddle so long as he realises what he has done is wrong. I am grateful that most times he does.
Over the last few weeks I have just been watching him, looking at him, thinking how lucky I am to have such a cute lovely little man...he is such a treasure...worth much more then his weight in gold.
Little boys are treasures
Who are worth their weight in gold.
And charm everyone around them
From the time they're minutes old.
They're Mummy's little darling,
They're a special pal to Dad,
And they bring the very happiest days
A family's ever had.
...My sentiments exactly!
Posted by
11:21:00 PM
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Winter is here...
Did I feel guilty or what...I only packed these light PJs for him because it really hadn’t been that cold of late. After he had gone to mums I realised how cold it was going to be and made sure that she put lots of blankets on him so he would be nice and warm.
When I woke up this morning, it was freezing...Oh no; the clothes I packed for Byron to wear to kindy were not exactly the warmest. It wasn’t even a track suit, albeit they were long pants and a shirt. When I spoke to mum this morning she said that she was a little worried about how cold he might be. Hopefully he would do plenty of running around and warm up really quick.
When I picked him up today, he had these gorgeous rosy red checks . Unfortunately, my little man suffers from wind burn quite easily and tends to lick his lips as well. We pack a tub of Vaseline in his bag to prevent such a thing but of course it wasn’t in there today. Byron was prompt to add (in a serious tone) "daddy forgot to pack my Vaseline in my bag" (LOL it was I that took it out of the bag on the weekend).
I am not a big fan of winter; especially with kids. The runny noses seem to never end and nor does the washing! It’s so cold when you have to bath them and when they get up in the morning. Of course, they don’t notice. Although, Bryon did comment that he was ‘chilly’ when I was giving him his bath tonight.
I rugged him up nice and warm for bed tonight in his only all-in-one!! He is a big boy now and has to wear proper PJs but they just aren’t as cozy as those all-in-ones, especially for little boys that still kick their sheets and blankets off. Oh well, guess that is part and parcel of them growing up – freezing in winter.
Posted by
10:41:00 PM
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Happy Birthday hmmm let me think?!?
For what its worth it is my birthday today.
Not sure if it was a very 'happy' day though...in fact it wasn't. Let me see; where to start hmmm. The day started off well. I was woken up to Byron singing me his version of happy birthday...
For the record there were other versions throughout the day, but this was the most consistent.
Trevor gave me a present...some dusk candles and ceramic lamps to put them in. I wanted dusk candles so I was happy with those. When I asked where the card was he replied "somewhere - I just have to find it"...Oh really! Where’s the planning in that? Come to think of it I just don't think he even bought me a card.
I said goodbye to Byron and Trevor took him to Kindy. While they were at kindy I stated stewing (that being the right word I guess) about a conversation Trevor and I had a few weeks earlier. At the moment we don’t have a lot of money, given I am not working. So when Trevor withdrew $100 from the bank I queried it. He said he needed $20 and that the other $80 was for part of my birthday present. Now that did seem a little odd to me, given Trevor never thinks about my birthday more then 2 days before, but I let it go thinking that maybe he was actually going to give my birthday some thought this year . In ending the conversation I did also remind him that Mothers day was before my birthday. He said he realised this but he needed the money for my birthday present.
The longer he was gone the more I stewed about where the money had gone (considering what he had given me was no where near $80 worth) – that he used my birthday as an excuse to spend money on something else. I guess, though, what hurt the most was no card . On par with that was the fact that he didn’t take Byron out to get me anything – I don’t care about the cost. It could have cost $2 for all I care. There was just no thought at all...that hurts (and it hurt deep) .
I did confront him when he got home, but he insisted he spent the money on mother’s day (bull sh*t) – more lies!!! He made it about himself...I don’t think he cared at all.
Reading what I have written so far, it does seem somewhat petty, but I do want to clear a few things up before I go on, in case it wasn’t clear to start with. It is not about what was spent on my birthday – I really am not that shallow.
1. It is the lie...the fact he lied and used my birthday as an excuse to spend money on himself - or whatever!
2. The card...hello where is it???
3. Byron...or the lack of thought for him. When I picked him up from Kindy he told S (his carer) it was my birthday and that I had got candles. I said yes, you gave me candles to which he replied, "no daddy did" . He is old enough now to pick something for my birthday – or even better make it!
I will get past this now (even though I am really not) as there were many others who made my day that extra bit special...
The mother in law came around in the morning with a McDonalds chocolate brownie and ice cream. There is a story behind it, but I won’t go into it now...just to say it was a lovely thought - and that’s what made it so special. She also gave me a lovely facial voucher which I plan to use wisely. Thank you Maree xx
Next, my mother came around. She always manages to make my day special. She gave me flowers (I love flowers – but never get them), maternity PJs, super doper soft dressing gown and a lovely gold bracelet. And the card...a card with a meaning so carefully sought. I love you mum xxx
It just so happens that my brother is up at the moment. He is leaving today so he begged I get Bryon out of kindy and bring him to lunch so he could play with Ashlie. I did and it was the best thing I could have done; especially with those happy birthday songs when ever I wanted - at my request. We (my brother and his family, dad, Byron and I) all went out for lunch. Thank you Nathan xxx
I also had many phone calls, SMS’s, lovely messages from my EB buddies and a visit from a friend. All in all, I really couldn’t have asked for better family and friends.
Trevor and I did end up going to the movies to see the Davinci Code as planned – to be honest I wouldn’t have gone if the tickets weren't prepaid. I wasn’t much in the mood for Trevor’s company. We hardly spoke the whole time. On the plus side, I thought the movie was quite good. Highly recommend it - but read the book first; it makes it easier to understand.
Its funny how the actions of one can bring you down so much, and it doesn't matter what others do to help bring you up. Why is that so??? I have pondered this all day and still I can't come up with an answer; especially when there were so many positives. I guess, its hard to focus on the positives when the negative is 'so negative'. I better start trying though, because life is all about positives and negatives and what you take away from them...I would much rather take something from the positive then the negative.
Posted by
9:46:00 PM
Monday, May 22, 2006
What a few days…
Saturday, 20 May 2006
My dad recently moved to a new place and as yet I had not visited him. Slack I know, but it is 30 minutes and that’s when there is no traffic. Seeing as my brother was up, it was the perfect time to go; no excuses! So off we went to visit my dad’s new place – my sister, brother, his DF, Ashlie, Trev, Byron and I.
Dad’s place is a little 3 bedroom unit done out nicely. He had bought a lovely new lounge (I won’t lie I was a little jealous ) and lots a new furniture. My only disappointment in the place was the bath...well what some might call a bath, but not me. It was this little square box within the shower – you might have seen them before. I am a sucker for the bath. I can’t wait to get a massive bath tub.
Anyway, moving away from baths! Dad had all the trappings for lunch – chicken, salad, bread rolls and even dessert. It was so cute. The highlight of the visit though, was not inside but out. Do you remember when you were a kid (cast your mind back...it may be harder for some ) and they had those old fashioned cast iron/steel super doper slides? Well dad’s place had one of those.
It’s not often that kids these days get to play on 8 foot slides with no protective barrier down the sides. Actually I don’t think there are any left at public parks – to much of a liability (speaking from a solicitor’s perspective) . Byron had a ball - I have never seen him have so much fun on a slide. We did lay a few ground rules before he got to play: (1) don’t hold on – did you ever cut your hands from the uneven steel under the slide? I didn’t want him to have to get a tetanus shot (2) sitting only (3) no jumping. He took note of the rules most of the time...except when my brother was chasing him and in his haste to get away he did this massive jump half way down the slide ...Oh my god I nearly sh*t myself. Thankfully there were no broken bones, blood or anything else – he made it down safely.
Looking at how much fun he was having made me realise just what the kids of today are missing out on; the sheer thrill of fun. The fun today is so guarded (in many respects for the best). But still, I look back on my childhood and think I came out alright. In fact I never broke a bone in my body, had stiches or the like and we played on fun stuff like the super doper 8 foot unguarded slide! At least he got to experience it once...hopefully he will be able for a few good years to come (at least at my day's place anyway).
Sunday, 21 May 2006
Another family gathering , but this time at my ex-step mother’s place (dad’s ex wife). My brother invited all his old mates over for a BBQ. It was a great day. More food and a few drinks; well one wine for me.
Monday, 22 May 2006
I didn’t really do a whole lot today. Let me see...it is a Monday, my day home with Byron. My brother did come over today for a little while. He bought Byron this little plaster dinosaur; one that you paint. He was so chuffed and wanted to paint straight away. Mean mummy said that he couldn’t paint it until after he had a sleep – great form of bribery . When he woke up from his sleep, he was in the worst mood ever...he just cried and cried for no reason. I had to just leave him on the kitchen floor and come upstairs . Eventually though he snapped out of it. I was seriously thinking about putting him back to bed and making sure he got out on the other side lol.
Anyway, we got his dinosaur out ready to paint. I told him it was made of glass (a little easier to comprehend then plaster). He was so careful! As you can see from the finished product (below) it is very colourful...an original I would say...his first abstract creation.
Moving on with the day...we went out to Lonestar for dinner with the family (man I have eaten so much the last 4 days ) – a birthday treat. It is probably the last time we will all get together until my brother’s wedding at the end of October. Here is my family...
Wow what a few days...a good few days!
Posted by
10:51:00 PM
Friday, May 19, 2006
Long lost niece...
Today I saw my little niece for the first time in 9 months (since August 2005). That is a long time in the life of a 15 month old. I was just so shocked when I saw her, because my brother isn’t the kind to email me pictures of her often. Here she is...
I will be honest and say that it does upset me that she lives so far away. She is the only niece (or nephew) that I have and I wish I could shower her with love and affection like my sister does for Byron. My sister and I have discussed this many times before; she being in a better position given she has the nephew who lives closer. She readily admits that she has a special unique relationship with Byron that she just doesn’t have with Ashlie (solely as a result of distance).
I also get down about the fact that she lives so far away for Byron’s sake. She is his only cousin and likely to be so for a long time coming. They were so cute together tonight. He calls her baby Ashlie (to him she is just a baby). Just look at these pictures…
I am grateful that he will have a little sister soon – someone to develop a unique relationship with. Don’t get me wrong he is surrounded by little friends all over the place, but not family...not someone to share the important events of life with. He knows who Ashlie is and was quite content in her company but the frequent contact is a miss. Who knows - maybe it won’t really matter at all that she lives so far away and that he will only see her a few times a year. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Posted by
11:11:00 PM
Thursday, May 18, 2006
We have water!
Can you believe that it took more then 12 hours for our water to come back on? Well it did. Water finally returned to our house at 10.45am – some 17 hours after it left. Lucky we sleep for much of that time. But still, how do you wash the dishes, flush the toilet or just function without water? We managed, but I can tell you the first thing I did when the water returned was to flush the toilet!!!
After dropping Byron at kindy, Trevor decided to drop into his parent’s house for a shower – only because he couldn’t have one at home. Then when he got home he decided he wasn’t feeling well (a cold apparently), called in sick for work, hopped back into bed and went to sleep; what the heck I slept too! What else could be done...its not like I could do the washing, wash up etc – there was no water!
Thank God the water came back on when it did because I realised that I hadn’t shaved my legs. See ordinarily it wouldn’t matter to much but I was having a spa pedicure today at 12.30pm (a birthday gift courtesy of my best friend). They give you a nice calf massage and moisturise so I thought it only fair I have nice smooth legs for the occasion. I am not one of these people that spend money on stuff like massages, nails (cause mine are perfect the way they are) and facials, so when I have the chance to get one I savour the moment. It was nice.
For the record. It seems the reason for our lack of water was due to a burst water pipe in our unit complex.
Before heading off I thought I would share two lovely things Byron said today:
I was putting him in the car after I picked him up from kindy and was telling him that daddy was home because he didn’t go to work as he was feeling sick. His little face just dropped. I quickly rebutted with "it’s just a cold". He replied, "Its ok I will look after him". How adorable...
So...we are driving home from kindy and as we pass a construction site (refurbishment of the local Woolworths and BigW) Byron yells out "that’s my daddy’s pub"... huh! Then I thought about it a moment. It seems Byron was referring to the construction of the new local pub just up from the woollies constructions site. I then said to Byron, "that’s the pub there", to which he responded with, "Windows...it has windows...my daddy likes windows” Huh again!
I was a little confused by our conversation in the car on the way home so I asked Trevor. Trevor explained that a few weeks back Byron was asking him what they were building to which he replied “they are building daddy’s pub”! Apparently, windows had just been added to the ‘pub’.
Posted by
10:33:00 PM
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Not much to report...
I will be honest and say that not a lot has happened today except for...well come to think of it nothing at all really - although, we don’t have any water tonight . Apparently, it has nothing to do with the Council and everything to do with my unit complex’s plumbing. Apparently it is the care takers responsibility to call out a plumber. I just hope he does it tonight or it want be happy families in the morning.
Ok since there was nothing important to report I went on a search of the www and found a beautiful poem I thought I would share...
Posted by
10:25:00 PM
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Hard of Hearing!
16/05/2006, 10:01 PM
Yesterday whilst I was at the computer Byron was pestering me to go downstairs. After I didn’t respond he said to me "are you hard of hearing" . Huh!!! Then he said it again. Since when does a two and half year old talk like that? What a cheeky mite.
Today, you could say that Byron himself was "hard of hearing". It all started this morning when it took Trevor over half an hour to get him dressed . Despite Trevor’s repeated requests and pleas Byron just refused. There were tears and tantrums all over the place (and they weren’t just from Byron). I did not interfere – well to tell you the truth, I was pretending to be asleep in bed, with a pillow over my head!
According to Trevor Byron was cranky and in a mood – that’s how he woke up. Well it appears that mood didn’t end there...When I picked him up from Kindy this afternoon, what a "shock" to hear that Byron had left his listening ears at home today and was quite a naughty boy. Accordingly to S (his teacher), he wouldn’t listen, was talking constantly, disrupting all the other children and was being smart. Now this doesn’t surprise me, given his antics of this morning.
After I had a long talk to him and explained that what he was doing was wrong (he’s not stupid – he knows he was being ‘naughty’); he said sorry to S and L and indicated that he would bring his listening ears to kindy tomorrow . Guess we will have to wait and see.
It is always embarrassing as a parent to pick your child up from Kindy (or anywhere else for that matter) to hear that they have been 'naughty'. Now don’t get me wrong, Byron is not a 'naughty boy' by nature, but he has his days. I just hope these days are just days and don’t turn into weeks and then months. After many months on a waiting list, I received a call yesterday advising that a spot had opened up for a PPP parenting program. I start in July. Hopefully I will pick up some insightful information to help me along this sometimes frustrating journey of parenthood...
During the course of the last week or so I have had quite a sore throat. According to the Doctor, I am suffering from Pharyngitis (throat infection) and she prescribed some antibiotics. It is always good to know these things aren't a figment of your imagination.
Posted by
10:01:00 PM
Monday, May 15, 2006
23 Weeks Today...
According to the literature my little girl’s:
• finger nails are almost fully formed.
• skin is quite red and heavily wrinkled and her lanugo has darkened.
• totally unaffected by the Braxton Hicks, or practice, contractions (not that I am having too many of these).
• Meconium (her first stool) is developing (Yippee!).
• bones of her inner ear are beginning to harden.
• Weight is approx 510 grams (1 pound 2 ounces).
• Hearing loud noises and may start to move around lots more.
According to the literature I may find myself having (or starting) mood swings (Trevor reckons I must have been pregnant the last 8 years!) Don’t worry; these are normal and will subside either late in my third trimester or shortly after the birth of my baby. These mood swings are from the rising hormone levels as my body readies itself for delivery (Oh really!). The other symptoms I may be experiencing include:
• Breast Changes, tenderness, fullness, darkening of the areola (OK so my boobs are bigger and fuller; great - negetive on the other symptoms)
• Frequent Urination (Check)
• Constipation (Nope)
• Indigestion or heartburn (A little)
• Occasional headaches (Not really)
• Stretch Marks (Only those pre-existing – and there are many – from Byron)
• Itching (huh?)
• Round ligament pains (Does that include pelvic ligament pain???)
• Hemorrhoids (no thank you)
I guess you could say things are moving along nicely. My doctors appointment tomorrow will hopefully confirm that.
Posted by
9:58:00 PM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day...
Today is mother’s day...my 3rd; my mother’s 28th. How exciting!
I love mother’s day, but no more then I did before I was a mother. That may sound strange to some. However, even now, that I am a mother, I still think the day is more important to my mother then it is to me. Not that she thinks it is more important for her, but I feel it is more important for her. In that I mean, it is more important for me to spoil her, then for me to be spoilt. More important for me to do something exciting for her, then it is for something exciting to be done for me. You see, my mother was an orphan (her mother an alcoholic who, for better words 'abandoned' her and her half brother when she was 9).
She was robbed of the joy that I have. The joy in seeing her face [my mother] when she reads that homemade card when we were kids, or that store bought one I searched high and low to find – with the perfect words. The joy on her face when she got that breakfast in bed, or that perfect (or not so perfect gift). The joy in her company on Mother’s Day...
Than have a happy day.
Within those words lie lots of things
We never get to say.
It means I love you first of all,
Then thanks for all you do.
It means you mean a lot to me,
And that I honour you.
But most of all, I guess it means
That I am thinking of
Your happiness on this, your day,
With pleasure and with love.
(I didn't write the poem unfortunately, but I don't think I could have put it better myself)
Now that said...I do love mother’s day and the joy that I hope to provide to my children.
Today, I got breakfast in bed (from McDonalds – my request). It was great. Byron ate with me in the bed (there weren’t too many crumbs after the event). He gave me a card, a CD and a beautiful hand made gift from Kindy. It was a cheese cutting board – painted in his design sporting the words "Happy Mother’s Day 2006". Before I was a mother, I guess I could never really understand what the fuss was about with home made gifts and cards. Now there is no need to explain. I would take a home made, treasured gift over anything.
In 2004 (my first mother’s day) I received a white coffee mug with Byron’s little drawings all over it. In 2005 I received a little jewellery box, hand painted by him, with his little hand print on the bottom. I can’t wait for all the future gifts...I will treasure them all.
What was so special today was the thought from Trevor. The thought for the little baby in my belly...it was a card and flower from her. The card read:
I hope you are having a Happy Mother’s Day. Byron has told me how tops a mummy you are. I can’t wait to meet you in approx 120 days. Think of all the cool things we can do…
Until September,
Love Lilly (t.b.c) xxoo"
(For the record t.b.c means “to be confirmed”)
This card, along with the little flower, just bought those dreaded tears to my eyes. It was such a lovely thought. A real treasure...thank you Trevor xx.
Posted by
9:34:00 PM
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Secret Bridesmaid’s Business
In case I hadn’t mentioned it already...I am going to be a bridesmaid (matron of honour)!! How exciting you say? I would agree except for the fact the wedding is 5 days after my due date. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am very very excited and delighted to be a bridesmaid for my best friend’s wedding (as she was for me). I am just not so excited about what I will look like (I know that doesn’t really matter...it is all about the bride but still).
The dresses were ordered off the rack, when I was only 6 weeks pregnant. To my displeasure I was informed by the lady at the shop that I should purchase a size 18, given the proximity between my due date and the wedding. I tried on the 16 and it was huge (I am normally a size 12); there were no size 18s in any colour to try on. The plan is to have the dress altered ASAP after the baby is born. That is all well and good if the baby comes at least 5 days before the wedding (its due date), but what if it decides to enter the world after this date???
There are 4 bridesmaids. Each of the bridesmaids got to try on their dress back when they were ordered. Each is small – one size 8, size 10 and a size 12. Then there’s me – a size 18! I know that everyone says don’t worry – you have an excuse – you just had a baby. Still though, I can’t help feeling (just thinking of the rights words...mmm) frumpy, fat, ugly, chubby, portly, unattractive – I could go on for quite a while, but think it best to end here.
These feelings were a tad compounded last night when I picked up the dress. The size 18 was everything I thought it would be – HUGE! I tried it on over my 22.5 week pregnant belly and there was still a lot of room left (who knows this will probably be needed )...it is just the bust area that concerns me the most. When I had Byron, my chest only went up to a marginal size 12C (normally a 12B). The bust area on this dress is huge and definitely filled by a whole lot more then a 12C - more like a 12DD. There lies a big dilemma...which really can be fixed by a great dressmaker (gee I have to find one now that will work on my terms when I need the dress fixed, at a reasonable expense).
Turning to other bridesmaid business... We (that is, the bride, 4 bridesmaids and the bride’s mother) all went out last night to dinner and a play – "Secret Bridesmaid’s Business". My best friend is the kind of girl (God love her) that loves this whole bonding experience. You know, getting together over dinner, brunch, lunch, breakfast, drinks, and cocktails – you name it, she will do it! For crying out loud, she is having a ‘hens’ weekend.
In all honesty though, she truly is a wonderful friend; the kind that is there for you know matter what. She is a selfless person who always puts others first, so really it is only fitting that she be put first...even if it means countless bonding experiences, including a hens weekend and me as a frumpy bridesmaid. For the record, I guess my main concern is the fact that I will let her down. That is, I won’t make the wedding (due to labour), that I won’t have had the baby and therefore won’t fit the dress or that I will ruin the photos by looking puffy and sleep deprived. I know deep down that the latter doesn’t bother her, but really it is the former that I fear the most (and I guess she would too).
Only time will tell...
Posted by
10:34:00 PM
Friday, May 12, 2006
For the record....
On Monday (8th May), Byron decided to take it upon himself to enlist in his artistic talents - on the bathroom wall (with his bath crayons of course). What was so interesting to me about his creation was the fact that they were no longer scribbles. For the first time I noticed that he had actually drawn something other then a scribble; he had drawn circles and lots of them.
Moving on - Trevor told me that Byron finally discovered goose bumps! Funny huh? On Wednesday (10th May), while Trevor was getting him dressed in the early autumn morning he was rubbing his hands on his little legs when he noticed the goose bumps. He asked Trevor what they were to which Trevor replied “Goose bumps; you get them when you are cold”. Byron responded by saying “I’m chilly daddy”. You can bet now that he will being saying this all winter.
Posted by
3:16:00 PM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
22 weeks pregnant
This week marks the 22nd week of pregnancy for me.
I just hopped on the scales...I weigh 73kgs!!! That is nearly what I weighed when Byron was born. It is a little disheartening but I guess that’s what you get when your starting weight is nearly 5kgs more then it was in your previous pregnancy.
A consolation is that I still fit into most of my clothes – that mainly being jeans (ohh and Pyjamas and trackies). They are starting to feel a little uncomfortable when I sit, but on the whole they are ok. I did recently purchase some Guess maternity jeans which I wore for the first time the other night. They are more comfy and don’t look like maternity jeans which is good. Maternity tops look a bit ridiculous when I put them on...they are just to big.
I can’t imagine my fashion disasters though if I was working. This pregnancy, much like my previous, has meant that I can’t work. The up side of not working is not having to worry about buying new ‘work clothes’. Being a ‘professional’, that could get quite expensive.
At this stage of pregnancy I still wake up thinking "how do I feel today?". Most often it is the same; I feel like crap, have a vomit (sorry TMI) and then decide how I feel after that. Some days I eat breakfast straight away and then manage my way through the day – but sometimes not. Other times I know I need to take that ‘little pill’ that will make the day a whole lot better. Thankfully I don’t need the Zofran everyday. It is an expensive exercise at $11 per tablet. I can’t really complain seeing as things are 100% on what they were at the beginning...I only wish I had the Zofran during the first 10 weeks (and also in my pregnancy with Byron).
I am trying to do a whole lot more around the house now. Today I managed 4 loads of washing, and a bit of cleaning. I find myself in a rut often just lying around on the lounge watching TV. I have to force myself to do things. Trevor wants me to do more on my ‘good days’ which is completely understandable. He does a lot around the house. For example he:
1. Gets up with Byron, which is usually around 5.30 – 6.00am (everyday).
2. Packs Byron up ready for kindy (on the days he goes to kindy), which includes making his lunch, getting his breakfast, getting him dressed and all that goes with it.
3. Goes to work.
4. Washes up the dishes and cleans the kitchen (everyday).
5. Does the ironing.
6. General tidying up.
As you can see he does quite a lot compared to my mundane effort of:
1. Sleeping in almost everyday...OK lets not lie...sleeping in everyday.
2. Performing odd jobs around the house (not near what should be done – the house could be 100% cleaner).
3. Picking Byron up from kindy.
4. Going to the shops and making dinner (most days).
5. Getting Byron ready for bed, including bath, teeth etc (although Trev does help sometimes).
OK I think that’s enough about that!!!
What else is worth mentioning in my 22nd week? The baby is moving a lot more now which is nice. I have a little bit of heartburn but nothing worth complaining about. The nursery is coming along nicely, although not quite finished yet – just waiting for Trevor to put up the border. Byron says my "tummy is getting big and big and big" and "the baby is all the way in there (pushing/poking really hard on my tummy)", which is so cute.
Mmmm...I guess that is about it for now.
Til next time...
Posted by
8:21:00 PM
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Snippets of my day.
Yesterday I was so fatigued I had trouble thinking . It was an effort just to watch television. Being a Monday, Byron was home with me. It was tuff!! He wanted to go for walks around the block on his bike. Mean, naughty mummy said no . Trying to explain my lack of energy to a 2 and half year old was a time consuming, REPETATIVE process. I think he might have got it in the end . By the time it came to bath him I was seriously exhausted and headed off to bed. I fell asleep before him.
Today, I woke up with an extremely sore throat. I guess that explains the fatigue some what. I felt extremely unwell as a result of the sore throat accompanied with morning sickness. Thankfully Trevor had taken Byron to kindy, so I could lie back in bed and go to sleep. I did and woke up at 10.00am to the phone ringing (what do you know - it was a telemarketer!) .
I headed downstairs and turned on the TV. It was great to see the miners ‘escape’ . The first pictures I saw were accompanied by some very beautiful music. With the hormones, and just the happy spirit of the event, I had tears streaming down my face. Not only did I have a sore throat, but now a stuffed nose and puffy eyes. Great start to the day!
It was a good friend’s birthday today. She was stuck at home with her baby daughter, whilst babysitting another the same age. I took it upon myself to provide some adult company. I had a shower, got dressed, purchased some McDonalds Big Macs and fries (her favourite), a chocolate mud cake and a card, and off I trodded around to her place - off course I got a Big Mac and fries for myself . It was nice afternoon; it wasn’t anything special but it was fun and she enjoyed herself.
That brings me to this afternoon, when I picked up Byron. I said to him that I wasn’t feeling well. The sweet cheeks gave me a cuddle. Then he said "did you go the doctors to make you better", to which I replied "I don’t need the doctors when your big cuddles make me all better". He responded with a big tight cuddle...a lovely end (or semi end) to the day!
Posted by
8:32:00 PM
Sunday, May 07, 2006
A Day of Firsts!
Today (well the weekend in general) was one of firsts...
Last night Trevor and I went out to dinner with some friends, which you could say was the first time in months. It was a great night. One of the couples we went out with just found out they are pregnant (only 6 weeks). The baby is due New Years Eve!!! This particular couple loves to party, so a new years baby will keep them on their toes LOL.
Trevor and I are a little excited about the prospect of some ‘friends’ having a baby. You see, we were the first to get married and the first to have a baby. In other words, our social life ended first – well before our other friends. It was really quite ironic that what they wanted to talk about was children and babies. It was never really an interest in the past, although they did ask about Byron...we just never discussed things like childcare, car seats, names – you get the gist. I was blown away – literally I think!!! It’s funny how pregnancy changes people’s outlook on things.
Today, we took Byron to his first McDonalds birthday party which was exciting. It was for his 3 year old kindy friend (a girl). The party started at 10am so Trevor and I thought it would be an opportune time to eat some breakfast, read the paper and just kick back. Boy were we wrong! Byron all of a sudden when shy...SHY! Who would have thought? He just wanted to stay with us and eat our breakfast. We tried explaining that his food would be coming out later,but nope he wanted to eat my hotcakes and my hash brown.
Trevor and I ended up playing tag; one in the party room while the other had a few bites of food, then we switched. I guess you could say that it wasn’t the planned morning out we wanted (even if to McDonalds). It was fun though. The silence that entered the room when the food arrived was wonderful. All in all, Byron (and most of the kids who ranged in age from 2 ½ to 3 ½ years) ate 3 bites of his cheeseburger, a ¼ of his small fries and a few spoonfuls of ice cream cake. There were no party games; not through any fault of the party hostess. Lets face it, the kids just didn’t have the attention span. They were just happy to chat and play on the playground. If the conversation in the car on the way home was anything to go by, he had a great time and I guess you could say we did too!
Posted by
11:20:00 PM
Friday, May 05, 2006
The seed of doubt!
05/05/2006, 11:48 PM
Over the last few days a seed of doubt has been planted in my mind; that the baby in my belly is not a girl at all. It all started with a post I saw about ultrasounds getting the sex wrong. Naively, I really thought it was a myth, that sonographers (those people who are supposed to be experienced, talented and adept at their field) could get it wrong so often. But I guess it happens. I just don’t want it to happen to me (or anyone else).
I was given a 99% prediction that the baby in my belly is a girl. A girl!!! Yippee!!! Now I just can’t stop thinking that she was wrong. What would I know you say? Nothing at all – I couldn’t even see what she was looking at, let alone provide a diagnosis on sex. I guess I am being paranoid, but with good reason. Isn’t it just that though, a prediction. A subjective analysis of what the sonographer sees on the screen? I’d like to hope that it is an objective ‘prognosis’ based on sound medical judgement.
I have been reassured by my DH and mother and trusty EB friends that there is a 99% chance (that’s a 99% chance) it is a girl. I know this; I just can’t stop wondering about that 1%. I guess I will just have to wait and see. Really though, with all that planning and waiting to meet my little baby girl, I don’t think I could handle the 1% outcome. As I say to Trevor, who so calmly says it’s a girl... "will you pay my psychiatric bills if they have got it wrong?". He laughs it off...but really I think I would be devastated, and I am not ashamed to admit it. I just hope I don't have to face that reality.
On a positive note, we decided on Lily for the name. Orignally I had decided on spelling the name Lilli, but after much debate and comments from my mother (to the effect that she had to spell her name all her life because it wasn’t spelt conventionally) we will take the traditional approach to the name. I am happy with that.
I can’t wait to meet Lily in 18 weeks time.
Posted by
11:48:00 PM
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
The conversations continue!
More funny conversations in the Huggies car...
Trevor..."We went to the beach and saw the water, now we have to go home. On the way home we can get a pie"
Byron... "I’m not having a pie – I’m having a sausage roll and the freakin bird tried to bite me on the arm at the river hospital"
WTF you say ????? Bit of background to understand the conversation...
Trevor took Byron to Southbank a few Saturday’s ago whilst I was at the hospital partaking in an exercise in pregnancy class. Trevor and Byron walked along the river (for some reason this equates to the river hospital ). After they went for their walk they shared a sausage roll. Whilst Byron was eating his roll an Ibis came up to him and pecked him on the arm and tried to steal his sausage roll. Trevor said it was a funny experience as Byron was a stunned mullet. Since then he refers to the ‘freakin bird’ (we don’t endorse this language and have no idea where he picked it up ) trying to eat his arm and steal his roll LOL.
Oh and I must remember not to swear in the car. Byron..."get out of the way dude. Dude move!" (accompanied by angry gestures and facial expressions). Opps; I think he is referring to me yelling at someone the other day, who was parked in front of the gate to get into my complex ...lucky there was no swearing involved on this occasion.
Posted by
11:04:00 PM
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
The mailman...busy as a bee
Update re Byron’s eye...he woke up today and it was not as bad as it was yesterday . He could open it up halfway and the swelling was definitely less. By the time I picked him up from kindy it was 100% on what it was yesterday (albeit still not normal). It still amazes me how his eye problem has completely gone unnoticed to him. However, he did ask me when I picked him up if his eye was still sore – how cute! I suspect that is because he got a little bit of attention from it.
The mailman was a busy little bee today. I received my Guess maternity jeans today from the US. I must say, I couldn’t have picked a better fit if I tried them on myself . I think I need to get a little bit bigger though before that will be just right.
I also received a lovely set of pink and white face washers from my BG buddy (thanks Lissy). Plus, Byron received his fold out toy car from Huggies. He loved it...conversation went like this...
"Mummy come for a drive"
(I hop in the back door – well pulled up the flap and climbed in - and take the back seat) "Buckle Up"
(Byron proceeds to make some funny noises and hand movements – I can only presume he was buckling up)
"Where are we going?"
"We are going to Woollies to get some milk and bread and chocolate milk"
"Is that right?"
"Are we going anywhere else?"
"We are going to Kmart to have a look at something"
All I can say is what a gem!!!
Posted by
9:27:00 PM
Monday, May 01, 2006
My poor Byron...
What a day it has been. I mentioned yesterday that Byron’s eye was swollen and progressively getting worse. Well, when he woke up today it was completely swollen, red and fused shut! However, given I had a sleep in I wasn’t aware of his eye until Trevor came up to me to tell me that the doctor (whom he called out this morning) said that we had to take Byron to the hospital . He suspected that he had an apsis under the eyelid. Well as soon as I saw his little smiling face with one big blue eye and the other fused shut, I burst into tears. He proceeded to tell me “its all right mummy the doctor came and looked at it...don’t cry”.
Byron was cheerful and chatting the whole time. He didn’t really seem to be in any pain at all. In fact, he didn’t even mention his eye – not even the fact he obviously could not see out of it! The doctor checked him out and advised that he didn’t think it was a serious infection. It was likely an allergy to something, resulting in fluid build up in the eye. That was a weight lifted of my shoulder. He prescribed antibiotics on the preface that he was only 80% sure that it wasn’t a serious infection, however it could become infected. If he gets a temperature, vomits or becomes lethargic we are to take him straight to hospital.
Today made me realise how resilient kids are. I mean, if it was Trevor or I, we would most probably be complaining, lying around and just feeling sorry for ourselves. Kids are different, they don’t care; they just get on with life and make the most of everything!
He is now sound asleep. My only concern is that it will get worse. I guess we will have to wait and see in the morning…
Posted by
9:11:00 PM