Monday, May 01, 2006

My poor Byron...

What a day it has been. I mentioned yesterday that Byron’s eye was swollen and progressively getting worse. Well, when he woke up today it was completely swollen, red and fused shut! However, given I had a sleep in I wasn’t aware of his eye until Trevor came up to me to tell me that the doctor (whom he called out this morning) said that we had to take Byron to the hospital . He suspected that he had an apsis under the eyelid. Well as soon as I saw his little smiling face with one big blue eye and the other fused shut, I burst into tears. He proceeded to tell me “its all right mummy the doctor came and looked at it...don’t cry”.

Off we headed to the hospital. Byron thought his was taking mummy to the hospital (for her exercise in pregnancy class) and was getting excited about going to South bank – that is where Trevor takes him when I go to my classes.

Byron was cheerful and chatting the whole time. He didn’t really seem to be in any pain at all. In fact, he didn’t even mention his eye – not even the fact he obviously could not see out of it! The doctor checked him out and advised that he didn’t think it was a serious infection. It was likely an allergy to something, resulting in fluid build up in the eye. That was a weight lifted of my shoulder. He prescribed antibiotics on the preface that he was only 80% sure that it wasn’t a serious infection, however it could become infected. If he gets a temperature, vomits or becomes lethargic we are to take him straight to hospital.

Today made me realise how resilient kids are. I mean, if it was Trevor or I, we would most probably be complaining, lying around and just feeling sorry for ourselves. Kids are different, they don’t care; they just get on with life and make the most of everything!

He is now sound asleep. My only concern is that it will get worse. I guess we will have to wait and see in the morning…

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