Sunday, May 28, 2006

Caught out in a lie...

Today was the first real time that I have caught Byron out in a lie. Now, I figured when the new baby came along I would eventually catch him out in many lies; for example, "I didn’t do it mummy, Lily did it!" (well that’s a bit hard when she can’t even move!).

It all started when I told him that Nana had bought him over a surprise. His face lit up and he said in this whispered voice, "a Freddo?". Without fail, when he goes out with my mother, she buys him a little chocolate of sum kind. Today it happened to be a milky way (another favourite).

I told him, when he finished his fruit and ate a piece of bread he could have his ‘surprise’. He just couldn’t stop talking about what it could be. He scoffed that peach down faster then you could say "eat up". I then cut him a big piece of fresh wholemeal bread and spread some butter over it (he was adamant that he only wanted "just butter"). I cut it in half, it being quite a large piece of bread, and handed it to him. I told him that as soon as he had eaten ALL his bread he could have his surprise.

I went and sat down on the lounge whilst Byron sat at his Wiggles table (just out of sight) eating his bread. A few minutes passed...I asked how he was going...he said he was eating all his bread. A few more minutes passed when I heard little footsteps walking and then a sound synonymous with rubbish being placed into the bin. I asked if he had finished his entire sandwich. He responded by rushing around the corner, opening his mouth to reveal a half eaten piece of bread...aawwwhh gross...whilst mumbling something to the effect that he had eaten it all.

Just as I asked the question, I prompted Trevor to go and check out the bin. I was fairly certain I heard something being thrown into it. What do you know...just as Byron was telling me he had finished all his bread, Trevor discovered one half of the bread (without any bites) in the bin. We had just caught Byron out in his first lie!!!! Even when the other half was in the bin, he still believed he had eaten the entire sandwich (not sure if you could call it a sandwich).

So despite the fact that half the sandwich was in the bin (and that he had put it there) he continued to say that he had eaten all his bread. Hello...lie!

Unfortunately for Byron, he didn’t live up to his end of the deal. That is, eat ALL your bread and you can have the surprise. The next hour was filled with tantrums, explanations on the importance of telling the truth, more tantrums, and pleas for the surprise (which he belived to be a chocolate). I would say Byron asked at least 50 times, in various ways, for his surprise ranging from:

"Can I may have the surprise?"
"Please can I may have the surprise?"
"Give me the surprise?"

(For reference, Byron doesn’t quite understand that ‘may’ needs to be used in conjunction with please when asking for things. For some reason, unbeknown to me, he considers ‘may’ to be, in itself, a manner).

The pain on his face was evident; he was desperate to land his little hands on that chocolate. OK, I won’t lie; we did end up giving him the Milky Way (an hour later) after he helped me with something that I asked him to do. There is no other way to describe it but pure delight, when his little eyes, hands and mouth landed on that chocolate bar!

For the most part, I would love to say that he learned his lesson today, and will never lie again. Really though, I am not ignorant to the mind of a child – we will catch him out in many more lies to come. I am certain of this!


28 May, 2006

Dear Lily (t.b.c),

Byron laid his little head on my tummy today and guess what? He felt you land that big kick straight to his cheek. He jumped off my tummy, wide eyed and laughing. It was the first time he really felt you move.

In all his excitement he plopped his head back on my tummy waiting in anticipation for another kick. 10 seconds later he again jumped off my tummy, wide eyed and laughing – but this time there was no kick – and so the games began.

I just wanted to let you know though, in all his fun and games, he really did feel you move. He loves you a lot; talks to you, listens for your heart beat (even though he can’t here it), kisses you and gives you big hugs. He really is excited to meet you when you arrive (which according to him, isn’t for a long long long time).

Love always
Mummy xxx

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