Monday, May 29, 2006

25 weeks today!

29 May, 2006

Dear Lily (t.b.c),

Today marks the 25th week of my pregnancy with you. Compared to my pregnancy with your brother, this one seems to be moving along at a quicker pace; maybe that has something to do with your brother keeping me on my toes!

My pregnancy with you, like with Byron, hasn’t quite been uneventful. I still feel sick nearly ever morning, but it does seem to be subsiding somewhat. I think I have a lot more control over it this time (or at least it feels that way) then I did before – not working definitely helps a lot. I saw a picture of myself pregnant with Byron (at 24 weeks) and nearly died. I look so much sicker and withdrawn (and not to mention skinnier) with him then I do with you. The Zofran seems to be doing the trick – I am able to eat a lot more then I could with him and generally feel better for it.

I am sleeping quite well at night (thanks to the Phenergan) with very few, if any toilet breaks. I am savouring this because I know within the next few weeks these visits to the toilet will increase, largely due to you lounging around on my bladder.

You’re a good little girl, not causing too much of a fuss in there; although, whilst I write this I am suffering with a nice bout of heartburn. I do love your kicks and movement, which seems to be getting stronger everyday and more regular too. I feel content knowing you seem to be comfortable in there. Soon, there won’t be much room for you to move. You will be sticking out your little elbow, knee and bottom and I will be promptly poking it back in.

The thing with pregnancy a second time over is that I should feel much more content with what is a head. Most of the time I am but I’ll tell you a secret...I am a little bit more nervous about labour this time around. I am not to sure why that is. I think it might have something to do with knowing what is ahead. I guess I have 15 weeks (take note Lily, I am hoping it is more like 12-13 weeks) to stem my anxiety.

I really hope the moments til your birth fly by. I nearly have everything in order – you have lots of beautiful outfits, shoes and things ready for when you arrive. Most of all though, you have a mummy that will love you more then life itself, a daddy who will do the same, and a brother who will dote and protect you with all his might.

We are waiting...just counting down the weeks.

Belly rubs and hugs,
Mummy xxx

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