Friday, August 31, 2007

The Cake Reveal

Five hours later and the sorest feet and hand and not to mention a horrible icing after taste in my mouth (disclaimer: that is no indication of icing taste...just me licking too many fingers), the cake is done. Call it my labour of love. I am so proud of myself. I am shocked that it turned out as good as it did (yes I can say it...I’m proud to say it). The only thing I am probably not happy with is the mouth but hey, it provides the general effect.

So, here it is, Lily’s very first cake for her very first birthday - Dolly. Best of all, it was made by me!

Now I just have to ‘touch wood’ nothing happens to it between now and tomorrow’s party!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

More House News

Well, Council has approved the plumbing and drainage application which means we can move to the next step – FINALLY!!!

The next step involves apparently (because I can only go on what I am told) waiting for the builder to sign off on the new plans, after which we should receive the ‘formal’ contract in the mail, for which we need to obtain finance approval, upon receipt of which the plans will be submitted to the surveyor (instead of Council) for approval *gasp for breathe* - that was rather a long sentence fitting of course for a longish process. Following all that, within 21 days building should commence.

So, fingers crossed, by mid October, I can show my dear diary a picture of our slab (I am trying not to hold my breathe over it though).

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

12 Month Statistics

Lily had her 12 month immunisations today and sadly I couldn’t take her – I had to work. I had yesterday off so it wouldn't be right for me to have another day off - not to mention the three days I had off last week. Grandma took her. I guess there were benefits such that I didn’t have to see her in pain. The negatives were that I didn’t get to comfort her. Plus I didn’t get to go through her health check. There wasn’t anything I needed to raise in any event but still I wish I could have gone. *sigh*

Anyway, from all accounts she took the needles as best as one can. According to Byron “she was sad and she cried”.

She has hit the 10kgs mark. She now weighs 10210 grams which puts her smack bang on the 75th percentile which was where she sat at 6 months.

She is 77cms long (or tall) which puts her smack bang between the 75th and 90th percentile – super model material.

As for her head circumference it measures 47cms which puts her on the 90th percentile (she was on the 75th at 6 months).

It seems my munchkin is really growing up – she’s a big girl now.

Lily is meeting all her developmental milestones and there isn’t anything they are concerned with which is fantastic. At her 6 month check up they were concerned that one of her legs was slightly shorter then the other but that doesn’t appear to be a problem anymore.

From all accounts she is perfect.

Photos of Lily's Special Day

I thought I would share some photos of Lily on her special day.

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Byron was keen to open all the presents but had to settle for just ‘helping’.

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She liked the little tiny trike…but she was more fascinated with Byron ‘roaring’ lion noises at her so she would smile.

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Mum gave Lily the most beautiful gift - a limited edition egg music box which says "A Grandaughter is a special treasure"

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I gave Lily her bottle on the floor with a pillow and the little munchkin feel asleep…and we hadn’t even gone out to celebrate…she really does need that morning sleep.

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She wanted that cake and nothing was going to get in her way. Trevor kept having to swipe her hands away just so we could get it close enough for her (or Byron) to blow out the candle. There was no putting that cake in front of her.

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There wasn’t much left of the half a cup cake she did consume. The real cake will have to wait until Saturday.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Letter to My Daughter

To my dearest daughter,

Today is your birthday, your very first birthday. Happy Birthday my darling...

I remember the moment I found out I was pregnant with you. It was around the 4th pregnancy test in as many days, but that doesn’t include the five or so that I did, in addition, just to confirm it was really true. The first person I rang to tell was my mother (your Nanna) other than your daddy or course. I was thrilled to pieces to be pregnant again after my previous miscarriage. As you grew inside me, all the while causing an array of illnesses and ailments (which I would happily take again for you) I knew you were destined to be here on this earth with me. From the moment I found out I was having a girl, I couldn’t have been happier. The thought of pretty dresses, dolls and tea sets was something I was looking forward to as a mother. But most of all, the thing I was looking forward to (or are, given your still a little young for most) is shopping trips, coffee breaks and telephone gas bags with my daughter – all of which I share with your Nanna.

You arrived 2 weeks early after an inducement courtesy of those ailments I mentioned earlier. My labour was drug free and tough (and that is putting it mildly – I’d prefer not to scare you with that one). You arrived covered in vernix and as pretty and dainty as ever. Your little hands and feet were tiny but your head – well that wasn’t so tiny. As a newborn you had the finest down of hair, the sweetest lips and the softest skin I have ever felt in my life. Life at that stage was a little up and down for you and for me. There was an array of hospital visits and medical appointments and then there were the breastfeeding dramas. Things were tough in the beginning but we got through it…we came out the other end and here we are today celebrating your first birthday.

I am amazed at how quickly this first year went. I knew it would having experienced it with Byron, but sadly that wasn’t enough preparation. I shudder at the thought of you growing up so fast. From the tiny baby I ventured home all love struck from the hospital with to the now mischievous not so tiny baby girl or soon to be toddler.

You’re a gentle, happy soul full of life. Your eyes, like your brothers, are evidence of your state of being. You are yet too young to talk, although you seem to think you can, so your big blue eyes are your windows to your soul. Your ‘real tear’ cry always gets me – your just lucky that tears come standard in your model – I’m still shocked at how easily you can generate a tear (it must be a girl thing).

I don’t know if it comes standard in a second child but you are generally self sufficient in the ‘keeping oneself entertained department’. If your favourite person (that would be Byron) is not around then you will happily roam the house searching for the next adventure. The other day I caught you hoeing into Byron’s left over vegemite and cheese sandwich he happily left on his table which brings me to your favourite pastime – eating! You love to eat, you will eat just about anything in sight and I hate to say it but you eat more then your soon to be four year old brother. Hey, I’m not complaining it makes life so much easier when one of my children doesn’t argue with the fact food is a staple of life.

You recently discovered the tantrum and I know I won’t be saying this in a years time – but it is so adorably cute the way you wave your arms around, or hit the ground or kick your legs…it cracks me up in side every time.

This year you have discovered life and all there is on offer for someone so young. You have taken your first breath, eaten your first bite of food, smiled, laughed and clapped for the first time. This year has seen you crawl and stand up assisted. You are yet to walk but I can wait for that one!

I love the way you giggle when your feet are tickled after your shoes and socks have been removed. I love the way you bury your head to the side of your shoulder when you know you are being cheeky. I love the way you clap your hands the minute you hear the song ‘if you’re happy and you know it’. I love the way you rub the bunny ears of your little blanket along your face. I love the greeting you give me in the morning when I come and pick you up out of your cot. I love the way you insist on feeding me bits of your food unsatisfied until I take at least one ‘proper’ bite. I just love you to bits and best of all, I know you love me and for that I am grateful. I didn’t realise the power of a mother’s love until I had children. It is one of those emotions incapable of definition and expression; it is something I hope you get the opportunity to one day experience. Thanks to you and your brother, it is something I have the pleasure of knowing.

I have learned many things from you this past year and am sure that with the passing years I will learn much more. My delight of having you as my daughter is immeasurable. I have gained endless pleasure by your sheer presence in my life.

So, my dearest daughter on this your first birthday, I take this opportunity to thank you for the gifts you have provided me…the gift of happiness, love and serenity. You have a fan, a number one supporter for life and that is my promise to you on your birthday. I will be by your side for your first step, your first stumble, your first haircut and as many cuddles as you need. May you enter into your second year with as much zest and wonderment for life as you have in your first. The world is your oyster as they say – open for you to discover.

With much love (and kisses)

Happy 1st Birthday Lily!

Here is just a quick message for my poppit. I have so much I want to say but that will have to wait until this evening. I am off to have a fun day with my little lady.

So, until this evening...

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My Princess Pie
I can't believe your 1 already!!!
Love Mummy, Daddy and Byron

Monday, August 27, 2007

This time last year..

27th August 2006

I was on my way to taking Byron to a birthday party when I got a phone call from the hospital advising me, that if I agreed (and the labour ward remained quiet) I could come in that night for my induction as opposed to coming in the following morning. It goes without saying that of course I agreed (alternative; no thank you?I loved being big, puffed-up and uncomfortable).

During the course of Byron's friends birthday party, it started to dawn on me that I was going to be giving birth within the following 24 hours and I started to get a smidgen nervous. I will be honest, the thought of labour was scarier second time around then it was first time around. I have heard that this has something to do with 'knowing what you're in for'. To be truthful though, I think it had more to do with what could go wrong, meeting the baby and all the other stuff. Labour with Byron wasn't really all that bad, thanks to the epidural.

Upon returning from the party I advised Trevor that I was going to be induced (see he never came to the party cause he wasn't 'feeling well' something to do with alcohol!). We also arranged alternative accommodation for Byron. He would be staying at Grandmas and Poppys. Whilst Trevor dropped him off at his parents, I telephoned the hospital to make sure that it was still ok (ie. quiet). I was advised that it was and that I should come in after 8pm, closer to 10pm if I could.

After a few final additions to my bag, Trevor and I left the house. It was the last time I would leave the house as a mother of one. When I would return I would have two kids! Oh My God!!! I would have *gasp* kids!!!

In the hast of everything happening so quickly I never had time to eat dinner so Trevor and I made one quick stop through the McDonalds drive thru for a few cheese burgers and some chips.

We arrived at the hospital at around 9.00pm where I filled out the necessary paper work following which we were taken to the observation room. Whilst at the observation room the baby was monitored for approximately half an hour all looked good in that department. Following the examination I had another internal. It turns out I wasn't as ripe as I may have thought (not to worry now though. I guess it just meant natural labour might have taken a little longer then I would have wished making me somewhat more thankful for the induction).

Within half an hour of the internal I was having the vaginal prostaglandins (gel) again not the most pleasant thing! After the gel was inserted they monitored the baby for another half an hour. During that time I swore I was in labour my back was killing me. It was quiet intense. However, my illusions were shattered when the midwife advised they were just tightenings and would probably disappear within a few hours. Patients very rarely go into natural spontaneous labour after having the gel inserted. It merely ?ripens? and dilates the cervix enough for ones waters to be broken.

After an hour or so I was moved to the ward for the night. I was pleased to see that I had a room to myself. I was told that if all went well I would get my waters broken at approximately 6am the next morning (that didn't leave much time for sleep given it was after 11.30pm when I went to the ward). After Trevor left, I was given some Panadene for the pain (I would like to think of them as contractions), got in my PJs and went to bed (but sleep...well sleep I'm not so sure of).

And the next day...

Well, that will have to wait until tomorrow (or until I have written the next instalment which could be when she turns 2).

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Breastfeeding no more!

It's over...I am no longer a breastfeeding mum. I feel sad because it's like a little bit of babyhood is gone, gone for good (or at least until I have number 3).

My goal was to get to 12 months and I guess you could say I did. I'm only 2 days shy of 12 months. So I think it is in order to say...

"Breastfeeding for an entire year!"

Lily stayed at my mother in laws on Friday night so no breastfeed in the morning. I tried her this morning but she wasn't at all interested, which I took as a sign it was over. I didn't really think she was getting much anyway. It was more a comfort thing...a good morning ritual if you will.

After the struggles we had in the beginning I am proud to say I did it! I breast fed her exclusively for 7 months and started a slow wean from then until we were just having a morning feed. It would have been easy to give up in the really was tuff and to be honest I was close; close to giving up. Thankfully though, I stuck with it and am so grateful I did.

I often wonder if things would have been different if I hadn't worked full time. Would I have exclusively breastfed her (save for solids of course) or would I have weaned in any event? I guess I will never know. I do get a little bitter and twisted over essentially losing the choice. But hey, that's life these days. Sometimes we don't really have a choice. I'm happy though - I made the choice to stick with it as long as I could. A good choice!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What a present!

We went out for dinner for Trevor's birthday. Trevor proceeded to head up to the bar to ask for a drink. He ordered a beer and received the following response?

"No worries mate...can I just see some ID??"

ID! Oh my god, was that guy serious? It appears so seeing as Trevor had to whip out his license for a visual.

What a 30th birthday present. I knew he looked younger but I had no idea it was 12 years or nearly half his age younger.

I would love to get a present like that for my 30th!

30 and 300

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Trevor is now 30, which means I?m not far behind. I can't believe how quickly life is passing us by. a happy, exciting and prosperous birthday dear husband with many more to

Oh my! Over 300 diary entries already? Hmmm...I didn't think my life was that exciting...maybe I was wrong.

Plans Redrawn

We are now a tiny step closer to moving into our new home. We received the redrafted plans yesterday for the house. It seems they decided it was easier for them (the builder) to just redraft the plans then go through all the rigmarole of opening new files, starting new contracts etc. I am so happy that things have panned out that way. It saved us $1,500 which in furniture terms is an outdoor setting ? trust me, there will need to be new furniture!

Basically the house was moved 1 meter forward and over to the left (the 'plan' left but right if your in the plan) 1 metre. Initially I wasn?t happy moving the house over at all but I suppose 1 meter is definitely better then 2. There is still a decent amount of yard for the kids to run a muck in.

Hopefully we will have the contracts shortly so that we can move on to the next stage...Finance! Ohhhh I'm looking forward to that (although we do have pre-approval so I shouldn?t be too worried).

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The countdown begins...

Less then 7 days to go until my baby girl turns 1! So the countdown begins until the day my little poppet moves out of the baby stage and into toddler hood *shakes head in disbelief*.

I?m still trying to work out if I?m meant to be happy about it...

Melbourne Dream

Well I'm back; back from Melbourne.

It was the most amazing experience meeting the wonderful people I have come to call my friends over the last 2 years. A dream come true in many respects.

This trip has been in the planning for a while. We (Kyles and I), together with the lovely Ness, decided it would be the perfect opportunity to meet as many people from the Baby Dreamers as we could, especially since she was heading over that way as well. We worked out a suitable weekend for us and went from there. We (or Kylie because she is more organised then I) booked flights, accommodation and the car and that was it...we were set.

We were nervous to say the least. We didn't quite know how it would all go down. Kyles and I knew that our turning up out of the blue to Andee's surprise baby shower at Kristy's house would shock all in attendance but in reality we weren?t quite expecting the reaction that took place.

As we pulled up outside Kristy's house we both started to get nervous. My heart was racing, my hands were shaking...I couldn't wait for the surprise to take place. There was some anxious tension as Kylie knocked on the door but that washed away with the sheer shock etched on Kristy's face when she opened that door. The look and emotion on her face was was truly magical; one of the most exquisite sights ever. If you could have bottled the emotion it would be a very precious commodity indeed.

The emotions of the others were just as rewarding but probably not as intense as Kristy's because of the forewarning they had that something was amiss after she opened the door. There were hugs; there were tears; there was was truly amazing. However, the surprise wasn't quite over...there was one last surprise had when Mel came (she arrived after us so we got to do the surprise one last time).

We hid in the laundry and left the babies playing in the lounge room with the others. It took a while but she figured out that something wasn't quite right with the babies...she knew she had seen them before...then it clicked, we came out of the laundry and the sheer delight on Mel's face was amazing. She screamed (and woke up the tiny sleeping babies), we screamed, everyone screamed. It was amazing.

I know I keep saying that it was amazing but it was. Kristy's response was emotive and heartfelt but Mel's was joyous and delightful. All the responses were truly wonderful.

We all chatted for hours. We ate too many yummy pink and blue cupcakes (made by the talented Kristy) and pram biscuits (made by Mal). We drank wine. We played with babies. We exchanged gifts. Then it was time to leave. The day was over .

To my friends who are reading...

To Kristy, thank you for your hospitality in letting us invade your house. Thank you for your lovely food and company. It was such a pleasure meeting you. You are a beautiful person inside and out. Jelly bean is a lucky little baby having such a wonderful mummy waiting when s/he arrives. By the way, I have to say your design skills are fantastic. That chandelier is simply beautiful!

To Rach and Karen, thank you, thank you, thank you for your lovely company and cuddles with your wonderful babies. It was fantastic catching up with you and I hope there are many more catch ups to come.

To Mel, you're a riot! Totally lovable. I loved chatting and laughing with you. It's a shame we didn't get the opportunity to have a few ?alcoholic? drinks together because I have know doubt it would be a blast. Pips is gorgeous...huggable and precious.

To Jody, the lovely Jody. What can I say? I really enjoyed catching up with you. It was something I was hoping I had the opportunity to do. Thank you for providing the chance. You are a beautiful person and talented (I can't wait to see Pips invitations) and I am lucky to have crossed paths with you.

To Ness and Andee, we have chatted for years now and I still can't believe that I have had the opportunity to meet you both in real life. You are amazing, beautiful people which memories of meeting I will treasure forever. Your friendship is invaluable, remarkable and something I hold dear to my heart. Thank you.

To Kyles, the lovely girl I spent the whole weekend with. Between your driving and my navigational skills it was all too easy mate. Who would have thought driving around Melbourne would be so trouble-free! We get to see each other whenever we want to but probably not anywhere near enough. I enjoyed every minute I spent together with you and Stelly. I treasure our friendship and have no doubt it will be life long one at that.

To my other Baby Dreamers, the only downside to the weekend was that you all couldn't be there. Whilst I haven't had the opportunity to meet you all yet in real life I truly value your support and friendship. You all form an integral part of the group and it wouldn't have been what it was without you. Thank you for your endless support.

I still shake my head that the world wide web can provide the support it does. I am truly astonished by the amazing people I have come across and am thankful for it. With out that support, who knows where I would be right now.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The secret revealed...

I am in Melbourne as we speak.

...let's just say the surprise was worth a million bucks!

I'll be back on Monday night to provide a more detailed update.

Friday, August 17, 2007

A New Niece

My brother just advised me that he will be having another little girl (who may be called Bronte). So that's another little niece for me . How exciting. I only wish I got to see more of them. I hardly get to see little Ashlie at all which is said. My brother will be here on the weekend of Byron's party which is great. It means he can make it to a family function. It's just a pity his whole family can't make it. Oh well, at least he can.


There was an exciting development regarding the house. The builder rang today and said that they have decided to just get some new plans drawn up with the house forward a bit and over to the side . I am so relieved! I was dreading how it would all go down.

Fingers crossed all will go smoothly from now on. I really hope that building commences in the not to distant future. I can not wait to say good bye to the paper trail and hello to my slab!


I have a secret...but I can't tell Shhh!!!

Stay tuned for the next very exciting instalment.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Toothy pegs and more house woes.

This evening while singing one of Lily's new favourite songs?

"Motor boat motor boat goes so slow.
Motor boat motor boat goes so fast,
Motor boat motor boat step on the gas!"

I discovered she has two new toothy pegs popping up at the bottom on either side of the two teeth already there - that makes 8 teeth . She has been pretty good with the whole teething caper although she did wake up a few times this morning (or night which ever you prefer) which required attention.

Byronism of the day...

I ease dropped on Byron's conversation with Grandma this evening (yes I know...terrible mother am I). Anyway, according to Byron we are having a "publical holiday today" .

In other news...

The woes continue with the whole house. I couldn?t have been more excited this morning when I got a phone call from the Council telling me that we never had to lodge a relaxation in the first place because we are building on a private road and we can basically build where we want (you would think someone could have informed us about that to begin with and saved us $440 - some of which, but not all, should be refunded) and they have therefore cancelled our application .

Here I was thinking this solved all our problems. We could just move the house forward another meter and over to the left half a meter and the problem would be solved in relation to the sewer connector issue and we could save $1,500 to boot!


According to the builder it is not so simple because we have signed the contracts already. It is not as simple as drawing up some new amended plans (which takes all of an hour).

Moving aside for just a tick...I would never ever have signed the contracts if I knew there was a potential problem relating to locations of sewerage and drainage. For crying out loud, I didn't even know that the builder was lodging anything to Council in relation to this because if I did, I would have waited for the outcome (the lawyer in me). To say I am p*ssed off is an understatement . I am ropable to say the least. I am angry we were lead to believe the position of the house, relative to the sewer connector was fine. I am angry we weren?t advised there could be a potential problem in that department. FFS this is a multi-conglomerate builder who should have some idea of council regulations seeing as how they do this day in day out.

Now, back to the issue...I was advised today that it wasn't as easy as drawing up new plans. It would be the case of closing the current file, opening a new one and basically starting from scratch with the new, current market costings, more delay etc etc. I literally burst into laughter asking if he was serious. Apparently he was (or at least he thought he was) but being a public holiday he couldn?t double check for me. The conversation was getting a bit fiery towards the end?frustration on both our parts I think.

So, in the space of an hour I went from excited to depressed. It looks like at best, it will cost us at least $1,500 to sort this out and that is going down the route of moving the sewer connector. At this stage, if we choose to go down that track, I am just worried that we are going to get slugged further fees to re-draw up plans to change the location of the sewer connector, which is literally a dot on the sphere. Unfortunately I have to sit on that and wait for more concrete answers which I will hopefully receive tomorrow.

The sagas continue. I won?t build again but I can see how much easier it would be second time around - that is, you would learn from your mistakes.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


After ringing the Council all gung hoe this morning, this is what I know so far...

1. It will cost $1,504.00 to relocate the sewer connector point. Not as much as I thought but still money that we just don't have lying around to hand over to the Council. Apparently, it will take another 10 working days from receipt of the application (and money) to get confirmation that the point will be moved. Then of course there will be further delays in having to wait for that information to be provided back to the original department paperwork shuffle!!!

2. The lady handling the application relating to the relaxation is away on one weeks leave this week so still our application sits idol on the desk, waiting, waiting, and waiting. This is bloody ridiculous. I did speak to a nice lady (who wasn't in that area) about our issues and she was going to try her dandiest to do what she could to help (although it wasn't her area; she didn't want to step on anyone's toes; and she suspected no one would want any more work, but at least she offered).

I guess we will just wait and see. In the meantime, I might just head out into my backyard and pick $1,500.00 off the money tree. I'll be right back...

Monday, August 13, 2007

His Poor Willy

This morning Byron was having some dramas doing up his pyjamas. They happened to be a warm all in one jumpsuit with a zip up the front (difficult for the little man to get in and out of on his own). Nonetheless, this morning he managed to get out of them and go to the toilet without too much difficulty. However, he had many difficulties putting them back on. I woke to his winging and frustration as he tried to get them on. So, I staggered out of bed as it was obvious he needed some assistance.

I waltzed (as you do before 6am) in to the bathroom at which point Byron started proclaiming how dry his pull up pants were whilst waving them in my face (its one step forward three steps back with the whole night time wetting but that's a whole other story) at the same time winging that he couldn't get his pyjamas back on.

In my haste to zip him up quickly so that I could roll back into bed for 10 more minutes, I did just that...zipped 'him up' to a scream of pain. He was screaming "my willy, my willy!!!". As it turns out, I had zipped him up all right...willy and all .

It took me about 5-10 minutes to calm him down (meanwhile Lily had woken from the screaming). I felt absolutely terrible and even worse when he reminded me that I had "zipped Lily up in her car seat" (that would be the pinching episode I mentioned a while back). Byron took some comfort in the fact that "daddy had done the same thing" too (I told him that suspecting that at least once in his life he must have had an unfortunate mishap).

When all was said and done, examination by Byron revealed "no blood". He was happy but I?m not sure I was.

I told you I was tired!!!!


I am still reeling over the further delays we are faced in building our house . I'm twiddling my thumbs over the fact I *can't* call them to sort it out because it's a public holiday for that area and you can bet your bottom dollar that no council worker will be taking calls today. I just want to know details, like how much more of a delay it will be; how much more it will cost. I just want someone to answer my questions (which seems to be proving as difficult as getting the house built).

I am really tired. I am physically tired, mentally tired and everyone thing in between at the moment.

My house is a disaster zone. There are baskets of clothes everywhere. I just can not find the time to put them away. When I do find the time, more mount up everywhere. I didn't realise how much I relied on my one day off a week; a day to get things done. I miss it! I have been doing the full time gig for 5 months now and I am starting to feel it. I am not the most domesticated, organised person going around town, especially when it comes to house hold chores. So that, accompanied with the lack of time, is causing much disarray around our place. Even Trevor, who used to be pretty domesticated, is falling off the wayside too (even though he has time when he gets home from work 'child free' time that is).

I get no time to myself. If I am not at work, I am with the kids, playing with them, organising them, dropping them at kindy (which is fine and I'm not complaining...I wish I had more time with them). After they go to bed and all is done and dusted I honestly have no energy to do anything else except sit on the lounge or go to bed (I am even finding my EB and internet time at home reduced because I just don't have the energy).

The weekends are a blur, filled with a flurry of activity which includes barely any housework. There is swimming lessons, shopping, parties and other things that have to be crammed into 2 lousy days. What I would give for a weekend of plans, no children - just me!

I feel like life is passing me by at the moment. Lily is one in 2 weeks. What happened to my baby... where has she gone? Byron will be four in 6 weeks; my little boy is growing older.

I am tired that life is mundane; the same old ever day. I am tired of not getting the balance between my 'domestic duties' and work in check. My eyes are tired; covered in dark circles. I am not eating the best (unhealthy) because there is no time to sit for breakfast, no time to prepare lunch and dinner, well that is a farce. What is wrong with me?

I could go on all day but I won't because I am just too tired...

Friday, August 10, 2007

F**k the Council!!!

I am over over this!

We just received a letter in the mail from the Council in response to the sewer/drainage application the builder made, telling us that we have two options as our house is apparently 1 meter to close to the sewer connection. We can either:

1. Move the house 1.5 meters to the left, which would leave us with even less back yard and give us some superfluous space on the right side which is absolutely useless; or

2. Move the sewer connector point, at a cost of which is a great unknown. The builder reckons it could be anywhere between $1,500 - $4,000.

I don't think it is as simple as moving the house over nearly 2 meters. That is making no use of the land at all. FFS it is only a 610sqm block so there isn't much yard to begin with. We have positioned the house just so - trying to make as best use of the land as we can. In the years to come, I think I would regret any decision immensely to just move the house over. Our builder has suggested we contact the Council and see if we can get our relaxation moved a meter closer (which isn?t likely but worth a shot). That way, we don't have to sacrifice too much of the 'usefulness' of our backyard. Otherwise, it is either back to the drawing board or paying to move the sewer line ? gawd only knows what that will cost. Pity Monday is a public holiday here because I would let it rip at the Council - now I have to wait for Tuesday.

I could just cry over all this. We were so close I could feel it but now it feels like we are back to the drawing board again, no closer to our dream then if we walked into see the builder for the first time today. The thing is we first started on the track to building our house back in March this year - 6 fricken months ago!

We (because I know Trevor is the same) feel trapped where we are now; claustrophobic in this unit. We want out so bad but yet feel like there is no hope...we are destined to live here for ever. At least that is what the universe keeps telling us.

I just want it over with. YES, you end up with more for your money building but is it worth it...I'm beginning to think not!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Bumps and bruises

I was going to write about marriage and how difficult it is but decided against it. It hurt my brain to continue so I hit delete and here I am talking about bumps and bruises.

Lily has a bump, 2 bruises and 1 scratch on her head as of tonight (it really is a good look). The little muchkin has been in the wars trying to tackle obstacles that are a little to advanced for her. All the offending incidents occurred at kindy this week. She has travelled along for 5 months without a hitch - no bruises, bites, scapes, scratches to make mention. This week however, something changed.

I don't pick the kids up from kindy anymore; that is Trevor's domain. Since I'm not really talking to him at the moment (hence the marriage is hard topic) I haven't really got the full details of what's been happening except for "Lily bumped her head at kindy" and then something about "losing her balance".Come to think of it, I probably wouldn't have got much more out of him if we were 'talking' anyway...I'm, getting side tracked here...where was I...?

At home, she has whacked herself in the head with toys and banged her head onto tops of tables but on the whole, at home she hasn't had too many incidents. She has been ok which makes me feel a little more guilty about kindy i.e. if she was home with me she wouldn't have bumped her head etc. Does that make me a bad mother? Who knows?I guess it is really naive to think that if she is at home she won't injury herself. I mean, I can't always protect her and be there to save the day because in all honesty sometimes I'm not. She is at that inquisitive age where nothing will stand in her way.

I have noticed at home she is getting more enterprising in her endeavours. We have finally succumbed to the gate on the stairs. Because of how the landing is situated and where the gate has to be placed, there remains free for her exploration 3 steps. That's 3 steps she is free to climb. She climbs up and down them all the time. She has figured out that she has to go down the stairs backwards, but then there are times when she forgets. On occasions, she has fallen landing splat on her back on the carpet shaken from fright, but not injured. It's easy to see how that could be she could fall and hurt herself (not necessarily on the stairs but just standing up at the table). I guess it's just the age.

Oh, I just remembered, I am a bad mother! I pinched her little belly buckling her seat belt the other week and the mark is still there . I felt so terrible after I did that especially when I had done the exact same thing to Byron (whose mark remained for weeks). She cried and I could have cried too.

Alas, I have no idea where I am going with this entry. I guess I just wanted to report her clumsiness. Hopefully, there won't be to many more bruises; at least ones that are so visible.

Note...I do plan on asking them myself what she has been up to at kindy and how her injuries arose when I drop her off tomorrow.

ETA...I did ask this morning (Friday) and it seems she was standing up at the little table and lost her balance and fell down hitting her head on one of the little wooden chairs on the way down. Cold pack was applied and lots of kisses and cuddles given - she was fine after that!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Damn Council

It doesn't seem to matter to the Council that we put our relaxation application through 5 weeks ago and still they have no answers. Apparently, it's on the requisite desk but that means nothing. According to the lady on the phone the surveyor responsible for our request "is absolutely snowed at the moment and I should call back in 2 weeks". It's not rocket science to figure out it will take a tad longer then the 2-4 weeks we were told it would take.

I tried my very hardest to bite my tongue on the phone - I had images of this lady picking my file out and placing it at the back of the pile if I over stepped the mark. So, I played it as cool as you can when frustration is at boiling point.

It obviously doesn't matter that I paid $440 for a service which as yet they appear know where near providing. GRRRRR I'm over it already and the actual house hasn't even started yet.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


A few weeks ago Lily had terrible nappy rash which the doctor said was thrush. The doctor prescribed some sort of fungal cream and told me to apply it 2-3 times (or more because she is a baby and wets it off etc) to her bottom and to continue for 2 weeks after the rash has gone. Well I did that and it went away only to reappear again the last few days.

She is currently on two lots of antibiotics which probably explains the thrush, but still, her poor little bottom has had no reprieve lately. One minute it seems like traditional nappy rash, so I apply the caster oil and zinc cream and the next it appears to be thrush. I hate this! I could count on one hand the amount of nappy rash Byron had and I could probably do so on 3 fingers. Maybe it is a girl thing, who knows. All I know is I hate wiping her bottom and watching her flinch her legs up in pain. It's horrible!

So to the nappy rash - PEE OFF!!! (excuse the pun)

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Harry Potter!

I was trying to read it nice and slow so that it would never end (or at least not in the immediate future) but something went wrong. As much as I tried so hard to read a bit at a time, last night I succumbed to the plot and read the final instalment of Harry Potter. I had done so well for the first two thirds but then it all went wrong?

It's over! All finished! The end!

I can't believe it. I am sad .

I have loved Harry Potter from the moment I picked up the first book. J K Rowling's imagination is stupendous - far reaching beyond my imagination. I don't know what it is about them that drew me in. I honestly, can't express it in words except to say 'escape'. For me the books provided an escape from everyday life; a sense of adventure and wonderment. They provided some much needed fuel for my imagination which had lain dormant since I was a kid.

I look forward to reading them to my children - the hundred's of chapters and thousands of pages. I truly look forward to it .

In the meantime, I will have to read the final instalment again...there was so much to take in.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Bye Bye!

Awwhhh bye bye trusty, ever faithful, unique 'sig'...

You'll be back. I just have to make room for the birthday girl (or soon to be)...

Note - current 'sig' is subject to change without further notice should subject mother get bored and require something different.

Not so delicate!

My little Lily has a personality all of her own, especially when we are in the bath. She has taken to standing up in the bath. She has been doing it for a while now but was happy to plop herself back down when told to do so (because standing up in the bath is a 'no' 'no'). Now she won't have a bar of it .

Last night when I tried so delicately to pop her back in the water she wouldn't let go of the sides. I had to forcibly remove her hands from the side of the bath. When I finally was able to sit her down she chucked a wobbly and a big one at that. Her legs were kicking the water. She threw her head back and screamed for dear life all the while trying to stand back up again. When she was up she was as happy as could be; the tears stopped, she grabbed herself a toy and sucked away. As I said to her in a stern voice "Lily, sit down, sit down Lily!" she gazed up at me with a defiant mischievous grin as if to say "make me!" . So again I tried to make her sit down and again it ended the same way. Eventually, I had enough and took her out.

Lily is much more active then I remember Byron being. She is zooming around all over the place, pulling herself up on just about anything in site. From there, she cruises around happily destroying everything in her wait. The little munchkin has even figured out how to climb the stairs, much to my dismay . The other day I went up stairs to get something. Minutes later I hear Byron yelling out "L I L Y!". I poked my head around to see what was up and there she was, half way up the stairs and ascending rapidly (I think it is gate time) and again all the while with the cheekiest little grin on her face.

Byron was my Angel child. I never had to 'child proof' anything except for a gate on the stairs. He wasn't overly active BUT Lily is a whole other seems she isn't as delicate as her name would suggest.